如此操作,签了自然最好,被锯了也不至于无路可走,各位意下如何?作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-11-8 13:08
Would it leave any record on your passport when you apply for U.S visa?作者: Shuzhen 时间: 2003-11-8 13:14
Yes. when u submit your passport to the visa officer. they immediately chopped a stamp on your passport (RECEIVED). if they give you a visa. the visa will cover the stamp so nobody sees it.
but actually because they know that you are going to have a visa, so sometimes they just don't give you a stamp at all to save some work.
however, if you are denied a visa. the stamp will be chopped on your passport. that make it easy for the visa officer to notice when you apply for visa next time (although the computer has all the information).