
标题: [求助]大全630 [打印本页]

作者: jeffyang    时间: 2003-11-5 21:46
标题: [求助]大全630
Seeming to be the only organization fighting for the rights of poor people in the South, Hosea Hudson, a laborer in Alabama, joined the Communist party in 1931.
(A) Seeming to be
(B) As
(C) In that they seemed
(D) Since it seemed
(E) Because it seemed to be

seem的 用法不也可以後面直接加上 N 或是 adj 嗎 ?
一定得用 seem to be 嗎 ?
Thanks a lot !!
作者: lixiaoyang    时间: 2003-11-5 23:41
seem that or seem + adj or seem to be, but can not say seem+n.
作者: juan    时间: 2004-4-20 13:36
标题: 求助。


S1, W1
verb [linking verb, not in progressive]

1. to appear to be a particular thing or to have a particular quality, feeling, or attitude:

sb/sth seems a: That seems a risky thing to try.

GMAT中 seem后面能直接跟名词吗?Longman里倒是有直接跟名词的狸例子呀。


作者: flyingwithdream    时间: 2005-7-17 00:42


As解释为'作为', 在这道题中意思也对呀...

作者: should    时间: 2005-7-17 04:57

two steps:

1. pronoun: a laborer <--> "it" "they"? kill CDE.

2. "as" usage: how can a laborer be a organization.

"as" in ETS dictionary: prep: "作为"; conj: 1."正如..." 2."因为..."  

作者: smileday    时间: 2006-6-23 19:19
以下是引用juan在2004-4-20 13:36:00的发言:


S1, W1
verb [linking verb, not in progressive]

1. to appear to be a particular thing or to have a particular quality, feeling, or attitude:

sb/sth seems a: That seems a risky thing to try.

GMAT中 seem后面能直接跟名词吗?Longman里倒是有直接跟名词的狸例子呀。


seem 後面可不可以直接加noun?

It seems to be an apple 和 It seems an apple, 有何不同?

作者: fiaoyaya    时间: 2006-6-23 19:58
这道题目主要还是考意思啊,人不能seem to be organizition啊,这里的it应该指后面的community party.
作者: smileday    时间: 2006-6-27 18:04
以下是引用fiaoyaya在2006-6-23 19:58:00的发言:
这道题目主要还是考意思啊,人不能seem to be organizition啊,这里的it应该指后面的community party.

Seeming to be the only organization fighting for the rights of poor people in the South, Hosea Hudson, a laborer in Alabama, joined the Communist party in 1931.
(A) Seeming to be
(B) As
(C) In that they seemed
(D) Since it seemed
(E) Because it seemed to be

D 和E的it都指communist party,

可是since不是同because嗎? 所以不知選seemed to be 還是seemed ?


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