标题: 郁闷, 辛辛苦苦选的学校竟然全似野鸡大学 [打印本页]
作者: darkegg 时间: 2003-11-5 10:10
标题: 郁闷, 辛辛苦苦选的学校竟然全似野鸡大学
今天忽然想到一点, 如果千辛万苦读的MBA与满街都是的野鸡学校划不清界线,将来如果要回国找工岂不是很麻烦,还得费劲地解释 "此鸡非彼鸡,乃正宗美国鸡也". 闹不好还要惨遭2000元月薪offer羞辱.
于是赶快上网搜索了一下"MBA 野鸡大学", 一查吓一跳, 我选的学校除top 10外竟然无一幸免: 普度, Austin(美国Austin),南加州大学,Wisconsin(wisconsin国际大学),Ohio state(Ohio大学), 全都像是正宗野鸡大学, 惨.....
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-5 11:20:45编辑过]
作者: joyoni 时间: 2003-11-5 10:14
what is your definition of 野鸡大学
作者: siebel 时间: 2003-11-5 10:29
heihei, Columbia, even though top 10, is also 野鸡大学....
作者: atongmu 时间: 2003-11-5 10:37
what's wrong?
I don't understand!
作者: josh_han 时间: 2003-11-5 10:41
作者: darkegg 时间: 2003-11-5 10:41
what is your definition of 野鸡大学?
check this:
Either it iis faked or cooperated, the existence of such schools, with thousands of graduates each year, may devaluate the oringinal schools's branding in China.
作者: atongmu 时间: 2003-11-5 10:53
以下是引用darkegg在2003-11-5 10:41:00的发言:what is your definition of 野鸡大学?
check this: Either it iis faked or cooperated, the existence of such schools, with thousands of graduates each year, may devaluate the oringinal schools's branding in China.
作者: 半寸阳光 时间: 2003-11-5 10:54
迷惑ing...楼主所选的大学和sina这篇文章说的野鸡大学有什么关系吗? 大家当然知道此austin非彼austin,此BERKELY非彼BERKELY啊!!楼主想要表达什么意思呢?
作者: jeffa 时间: 2003-11-5 10:59
I am also confused of what you want to say
作者: darkegg 时间: 2003-11-5 11:19
Of course most of us know the difference, because we splend a lot of time searching for appropriate schools.
The problems is it might be difficult for the future employer in china to tell the difference.
作者: atongmu 时间: 2003-11-5 11:24
以下是引用darkegg在2003-11-5 11:19:00的发言:
Of course most of us know the difference, because we splend a lot of time searching for appropriate schools.
The problems is it might be difficult for the future employer in china to tell the difference.
连这点区别都分不清的雇主不配做top mba的雇主!
作者: darkegg 时间: 2003-11-5 11:52
以下是引用atongmu在2003-11-5 11:24:00的发言:
连这点区别都分不清的雇主不配做top mba的雇主!
作者: hoechst 时间: 2003-11-6 10:12
彻底晕倒, 你管它做甚? 就是不知道wharton的也有很多啊, 难到也是野鸡? wide wilde west
作者: wangp_cn 时间: 2003-11-7 09:57
就是因为这些大学有名,所以才有李鬼。叫哈佛学院的好像也有好几个,你连哈佛也不去了? 真是,也不知道你去读书是什么目的。光为了混个文凭那就自己打印一张好了,现在激光彩色打印机打出来的跟原版没区别,水印也可以自己做了。
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