标题: NYU Stern在校学生答疑 - 新增国际学生节活动照片!! [打印本页]
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-25 08:45
标题: NYU Stern在校学生答疑 - 新增国际学生节活动照片!!
新增国际学生节的演出照片。 此次活动中国学生的演出获得了巨大成功!!! 希望更多的同学能加入我们的行列,在Stern, 在纽约,宣扬中国丰富多彩的文化,展现中国人的风采!!!
NYU Stern在校学生答疑
- 新增国际学生节活动照片!!
大家好! 我们希望大家都申请Stern。 这是所顶尖的学校,而且has
a lot of fun!!
我们几位在校学生愿意解答各位关于申请,入学,或准备明年申请, 等等问题。
作者: 霹雳贝贝 时间: 2007-2-25 08:59
作者: trafalgar 时间: 2007-2-25 09:12
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-25 09:20
Ha ha, I still remember you from last year. 9yang 9 yang....
作者: shangsr 时间: 2007-2-25 10:11
作者: davidli8888 时间: 2007-2-25 10:15
am considering to apply to NYU Stern. How is the application situation to it? A lot of top MBA programs have received 30% more applciaitons this year, is that true of Stern as well?
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-25 10:44
去年我是12月初递申请,最早的那批,但苦苦等了3个月在最后决定放弃的时候拿到了面试通知。 据我所知我等的时间不是最长也是次最长的。 国内的情形我不是很轻楚,我是在美国申请的。 面试完后很多人很快就拿到通知,而我又是等到最后一天才收到录取 (2周)。 所以要有=耐心。 愿神仙抱有你!
我听朋友说今年申请人数激增,不过我还没问过学校的官方数字,所以不敢瞎说。 申请轮次应该还没结束, 最后一轮不一定就没有第一轮的希望大, admission一向都是暗箱操作,而且也有运气在里面,所以不要过早放弃。 如果你喜欢这个学校,或抱着试试的态度(没什么不可以),而且你觉得准备基本充分了,再或者几百刀申请费是小菜一碟,都可以申请。 哈,哈,欢迎给Stern投资。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 10:07:33编辑过]
作者: suivin 时间: 2007-2-25 11:47
标题: marketing background
It seems the young around 25 with high Gmat and with finance background are more likely to get in, what about admissions of guys with marketing background? thx in advance
作者: excel 时间: 2007-2-25 12:01
以下是引用coffemug在2007-2-25 8:45:00的发言:
I am a first year full-time MBA student studying at NYU Stern. This is a great school, so don't miss it!
If you have any questions, please ask. I may not be able to respond quickly, but I will try to answer as soon as I can.
How's the internship application for the Chinese students? Thanks.
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-25 16:36
To answer suivin's questions, not all chinese students are from Finance
or accounting. I have no finance background, and I know at least
another one are in the same boat.
NYU has a great marketing program, and has strong relationship with big
corporations such as Loreal. I am taking a marketing course this
semester, and no matter how late I slept the night before, I never feel
drowsy in her morning marketing class because she raises great
questions, cites interesting articles from the current newspapers, and
ven shows a lot of TV commercials in class to help our understanding.
My classmates who to my knowledge are pursuing career in Marketing have
variety and impressive background, and they are full of fun.
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-25 16:43
I like your question!
This is only Febuary, and majority already got summer internships. Most of the
internships are with the best companies on the street, such as Morgan
Stanley, Goldman, Merrill, Citi, Credit Suisse, Bear Stearn, Deutsche, Barclays, etc. And
many have 2-4 offers. Most got internship at New York from
balge brackets, literally. Some gave up one of the best offers in New York and chose to go back to Hong Kong for
I got to tell you, this is a great school, and placement records of school are great! Even better than many that ranked higher in general.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 10:10:06编辑过]
作者: davidli8888 时间: 2007-2-25 16:54
coffemug, thank you for the sharing. How many Chinese students were admitted into Stern last year? In what round did you apply to Stern last year?
As per its website, Stern almost does not offer scholarship for international students in other rounds than December round. It that true?
In emails exhanged with AdCom, I was told that Stern is rolling based rather than round base. But the website shows the application is processed on round base. My question is the email is not accurate in the expression?
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-26 03:07
David, I think there are 10 in total, 7 from China direct, and 3 of us have stayed in US for a few years before being
There are also 3 HongKong, 3 Taiwan, 7 Korea, 7 Japan, 1 Tailland, etc. The number may be off a little.
applied December round last year, and did not receive interview invite
until 3 months after, almost the longest time span I knew of among applicants. And it
took me another 2 weeks to get offer after the interview, the
longest time the school promised. So be patient in application. Last year it was round based, this
year they might change it. I am not quite sure.
Regarding the scholarship, if the admission website says so, then it must be true.
But don't lose your hope too early. There are tons of other
scholarships out there, from school or from corporate, non-profit
organizations. There are also scholarships from school you can apply
after being admitted. In the 2nd year, you can work as Teaching fellow to earn some income, or work on part-time jobs. If you do well academically, you can win scholarship too.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-26 3:13:53编辑过]
作者: davidli8888 时间: 2007-2-26 12:07
Coffemug, thank you for the detailed reply. Some other concerns are about sufficiency of the time available for the processing of visa if I submit my application by the 15th March round. The practical issue puts the March round application unworkable for international students, in some way.
Another issue is about age. Do you have classmates who are around 40? That age will put an applicant at disadvantage?
Stern is a good school, and I will have a shot at it in the March round anyway.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-26 12:22:03编辑过]
作者: janext2006 时间: 2007-2-26 16:47
Coffemug,thank you very much! I like NYU Stern very much and I do plan to apply for it of 2008.
Here is my background, would you please give me some advice?
I work in a securities company in china (not very famous), two years as a analyst in Research Department, after that I work in Investment Bank Department till now. The work is so hard that I have no time for preparing GMAT and TOEFL. But if I quit the job, there is another question: how to explain to the school why I didn't work for a year? By the way, I just got married, my husband hope me to be a F2.
On your opinion, If my GMAT and TOEFL score is OK, according to my working experience, is there some hope to be admited?
And if I quit the job to prepare the test, do you have some advice on how to explain to school of that?
I haven't make detail research on Stern. After I do that, I maybe have more question about Stern, Thank you very much first now.
作者: icecream_mba 时间: 2007-2-26 23:13
coffemug, did u know NYU offer off-site campus interview location other than SH, such as HK?
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-27 09:48
你的IB和Research 背景对你找实习工非常有帮助,尤其是这方面相关的工作所以你的工作经验我觉得还是很强的。 GMAT是一定要有的,具体要多高就很难说了,学校一定不会给最低线,越高越好吧,总的来说。 要拿个不错的GMAT分数有时并不需要太长的时间,尤其你能全职复习,这点供你考虑。
GAP 不要紧,但一定要有合理的解释。这里的人都知道IB工作的强度。 即使是为了家庭原因而中断工作很多美国人都非常理解。申请同时也是同其他申请人的竞争。 你有问题再问好了。 祝一切顺利!
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-27 09:50
icecream (yammy!!!)
这个我不是很清,楚在 胡乱解答会浪费你狂多机票钱。
。最好的办法是问 admissions , 他们的解答一般都很及时,而且是最权威的!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 9:51:23编辑过]
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-2-27 10:19
虽然我很久没有和大使馆过招了(thank god!) ,申请VISA应该不会要那么多时间吧。 参考一下VISA版好了。 Stern 一般8月底开学,所以应该不成问题。
年龄的问题我没有答案,请原谅我没有在同学中做系统的人口普查。 而且从相貌永远是具有很强的欺骗性的。 同学里有看起来满老的也有年纪轻轻就很有作为的。 不管怎么样,去年前年没招40岁的也不一定今年就不会拉 话有说回来,去年有招也不一定今年就一定照搬。 不式怎么能知道呢 。不鼓励你申请HARVARD , 据说是很变态的年龄歧视。
作者: davidli8888 时间: 2007-2-27 10:28
coffemug, thank you for the prompt and detailed reply, which is really helpful.
作者: pchomemj 时间: 2007-2-27 11:18
Hi, 请教在Stern的大陆学生毕业后都去什么地方啊?有没有统计之类的?
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-2-27 12:09
以下是引用pchomemj在2007-2-27 11:18:00的发言:Hi, 请教在Stern的大陆学生毕业后都去什么地方啊?有没有统计之类的?
Hi Pchomemj,
Coffemug前面回答过,今年大多数大陆过来的学生在一月底二月初的时候都找到了wall street的投行,有做IBD,sales&trading, research, credit risk等等,大多数选择留在纽约,也有小部分同学在考虑回香港或北京。我本人也是大陆背景的,有multiple Wall Street offers, 选择了Credit Suisse 做IBD Summer Associate.
作者: kidno2 时间: 2007-2-27 12:25
请问如果读STERN的PART-TIME MBA是不是就比全职少了很多机会。我现在在商业银行做,想读PARTTIME然后转行到IB,又放不下现在的全职工作,谢谢任何的建议。。。
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-2-27 12:41
以下是引用kidno2在2007-2-27 12:25:00的发言:
请问如果读STERN的PART-TIME MBA是不是就比全职少了很多机会。我现在在商业银行做,想读PARTTIME然后转行到IB,又放不下现在的全职工作,谢谢任何的建议。。。
如果是想转行的话,full time确实机会要多一些,但是part time并非没有机会,据我了解Stern去年和今年都有part time学生成功进入很好的wall street firm. 不过,找工作需要投入大量的时间和精力, 可能你得考虑一下full time工作+ part time学习+ part time 找工作是否能够handle,我感觉还是很有挑战性的,另外你可能要衡量一下opportunity cost.
作者: kidno2 时间: 2007-2-27 12:53
谢谢CBSF的回复和中肯的建议。还想问几个问题:1。是不是一般PARTTIME的就没有INTERN的机会了?2。PARTTIME的学生因为时间的关系就会失去所有的CAMPUS RECRUIT的机会吧?还是招人的人都会轻看PARTTIME的MBA?谢谢。
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-2-27 12:59
以下是引用kidno2在2007-2-27 12:53:00的发言:
谢谢CBSF的回复和中肯的建议。还想问几个问题:1。是不是一般PARTTIME的就没有INTERN的机会了?2。PARTTIME的学生因为时间的关系就会失去所有的CAMPUS RECRUIT的机会吧?还是招人的人都会轻看PARTTIME的MBA?谢谢。
这两个问题可能都因人而异吧,如果你能够安排出时间的话应该不是问题。我前面提到的去年和今年转行做investment banking的part time学生都做了summer intern, 也都参加了campus recruiting。
作者: janext2006 时间: 2007-2-27 14:41
作者: suivin 时间: 2007-2-27 18:32
以下是引用coffemug在2007-2-25 16:36:00的发言:
To answer suivin's questions, not all chinese students are from Finance
or accounting. I have no finance background, and I know at least
another one are in the same boat.
NYU has a great marketing program, and has strong relationship with big
corporations such as Loreal. I am taking a marketing course this
semester, and no matter how late I slept the night before, I never feel
drowsy in her morning marketing class because she raises great
questions, cites interesting articles from the current newspapers, and
ven shows a lot of TV commercials in class to help our understanding.
My classmates who to my knowledge are pursuing career in Marketing have
variety and impressive background, and they are full of fun.
thanks for your patient and nice reply, hopefully i can get a chance to stern.
作者: phxmu 时间: 2007-2-28 13:22
您这个帖子开的有点晚了,让同学们心急如焚啊。支持, 支持。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-28 13:22:17编辑过]
作者: joewoo198256 时间: 2007-2-28 19:48
To coffemug
本人目前在中国电信工作,是大客户部的客户经理,截至今年8月就有两年的工作经验,准备申请08年入学。Gmat780(AWA5.5),Toefl650,主要的实践经历是新东方学校的讲师,曾担任考研阅读,雅思阅读和BEC Higher的阅读主讲。
我主要担心自己的背景不是Stern的typical type,not strong enough compared to NN。想请教我这样的背景申请Stern是否合适,机会又有多大。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-28 19:49:01编辑过]
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-3-1 04:06
以下是引用joewoo198256在2007-2-28 19:48:00的发言:To coffemug
本人目前在中国电信工作,是大客户部的客户经理,截至今年8月就有两年的工作经验,准备申请08年入学。Gmat780(AWA5.5),Toefl650,主要的实践经历是新东方学校的讲师,曾担任考研阅读,雅思阅读和BEC Higher的阅读主讲。
我主要担心自己的背景不是Stern的typical type,not strong enough compared to NN。想请教我这样的背景申请Stern是否合适,机会又有多大。
Hi Joewoo,
我觉得是不是typical type并不重要,重要的是在essay里面把why mba, why stern, why now结合你自己独特的背景有机的连贯起来。正因为大多数人是typical type, 你的non typical profile也许才更容易stand out。把你过去的背景好好写写,考虑清楚以后的职业发展目标是什么,以及stern如何能成为中间的桥梁!
作者: yanh55 时间: 2007-3-1 12:08
Do you happen to know anybody in Stern part time program? If so, do you mind to introduce him/her to me? I have some questions about the part time MBA application. My email address is yanh55(A)
Thanks a lot,
作者: joewoo198256 时间: 2007-3-1 19:06
作者: AdamHHH 时间: 2007-3-2 03:08
小弟是新手...對於一切都還沒有頭緒!不過NYU STERN 是我最想要念的學校之一.先謝謝大家這麼熱心..^^
作者: tennis_lover 时间: 2007-3-2 14:36
标题: 回复:(yanh55)Coffemug,Do you happen to know any...
Hello everyone,
It's my shift for Q/A today.
yanh55, please email me separately. eric_zchu[在] A little privacy for the part time student.
Good luck to you all with applications!
作者: smilingsea 时间: 2007-3-3 10:23
All of the Chinese students at NYU Stern are very happy to take more questions.XDJM, please feel free to ask more.
作者: hedge 时间: 2007-3-3 18:26
今年录取的大陆学生中,GMAT成绩如何? 工作背景如何?
作者: icy2000 时间: 2007-3-4 00:37
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-4 05:42
Hedge, 大家GMAT应该都不错吧, 我不太清楚其他人的,进了学校好像 这个没什么人问,倒是都很关心以前是做什么的。 我个人是740。
但千万不要因为这个同学们就打消申请STERN的热情如果你得Career Interest or Background 不一样。
的录取者,相信没个TOP学校都没有。 我的同学里有海军陆战队员, 国家地理杂志的编辑,OSU的FOOTBALL校队主力,演员,等等。
NYU是一个非常DIVERSIFIED, 有趣的学校。 另一方面每个学校也都会录很多传统背景的申请人。
,通过MBA的学习你能没有问题找到你自己想做的事, 这才是最重要的。 统计数据有助与你MAKE DECISION,
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-4 5:45:42编辑过]
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-4 05:52
不是很清楚了,但我认识 real estate 学院里的人。 你可以告诉我你得邮件,我把你得问题转给他们解答好了。
据我所知,NYU有个单独的房地产方面的学院,不知到是不是在教育学院里边, 这个项目是和STERN 商学院分开的。 但STERN 也提供一些相关的课程, 而且有一个房地产俱乐部,很多活动也是和房地产学院一起搞的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-4 5:52:59编辑过]
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-4 05:55
AdamHHH 小弟弟,多谢你对STERN 的热心, 哥哥姐姐们都愿意解答你得问题!
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-4 06:08
Yanh55, 我也 EMAIL 你了两个我的CONTACTS。stern"s part time program ranks the highest in US GOOD LUCK!!!
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-4 06:45
关于Kidno2 的关于part time 的问题我想多废话一点。
Stern的part time 项目是全国排名最高的,可能有很多同学都准备申请或还在犹豫到底FULL TIME OR PART TIME.
兼职挑战性更大一些,尤其是时间和渠道。 但公司都知道兼职学生工作努力。 商行转投行不算非常大的转变,应该还好吧。
一年级,从PARALEGAL转投行 Credit Suisse
已经工作,从sun systems 转投行 JPMorgan
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-4 06:46
ha ha, 是有点晚了,不过我们会迎头赶上的。 哈哈。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-4 6:59:23编辑过]
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-4 06:56
标题: 回复:(joewoo198256)To coffemug本人目前在中国电信...
我们二年级就有一个背景和你很相似的,Tech 客户支持和销售,学得很好,工作也找得很好。
作者: XUANYA2005 时间: 2007-3-4 16:02
Coffemug, I got a waiting list for Round 1 with Engineering background going to Finance direction, do you have any suggestions?
作者: renee325 时间: 2007-3-4 23:27
亲爱的 coffemug和lucapurple,终于找到了NYS 的人啊,好辛苦呵呵。美国我打算申请两所学校,一所定了就是NYS,另一所在西北和沃顿之间徘徊。我的背景是营销,将来想做服装或者服装零售行业,这和大多申请MBA的人背景都不太相同。所以我很关系NYS招收大陆学生的倾向性问题,一是听话比较喜欢已经在美国的大陆学生,而不是直接招土鳖,另外就是是不是更喜欢招金融背景的人呢。另外,方便留下你们的MSN吗?也许以后有更详细的事情要咨询?太感谢了
作者: silentgirl 时间: 2007-3-5 01:18
亲爱的stern兄妹们 江湖流言nyu同学间的课外交流不多 是因为没有campus造成的 大家比较job oriented有这回事么
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-5 09:44
XUANYA2005 ,
在尝试一下找业内的人写封推荐信,或准备拿个相关的证书,或业余上门相关的进修课,等等。 我也不知道什么是最有效的办法,也有运气在里面。
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-5 10:49
标题: 回复:(renee325)亲爱的 coffemug和lucapurple,终于...
哈哈,我也很喜欢你的问题。 STERN的MARKETING和RETAIL都很强,而且纽约提供了绝好的学习和工作环境。
Marketing Association), Luxury Retail Club 都定期举行很多活动,在纽约乃至全世界业内工作的校友也非常多。
据我所知,财经和顾问方面大公司都会来学校招人,而marketing, retail则不同,找工作和实习都需要靠自己很多Information Interview和学期内的实习,尤其是大的有名的公司,而位置偏僻或小城市的学校在这方面就会失掉了很多宝贵的机会。
ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA, 等等,同时学校也在不断加强自己的非金融专业。
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-5 12:26
谁说我们米有CAMPUS, 我们周围都是nyu的建筑,包括图书馆,法学院,等等,而且又有风景宜人的WASHINGTON
SQUARE PARK在跟前,经常还有艺人表演。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-5 12:27:46编辑过]
作者: cheeyong 时间: 2007-3-5 13:42
作者: silentgirl 时间: 2007-3-5 14:04
coffemug JJ,
非常喜欢你们如此positive的回答 的确感觉到stern的活力和热情
:)thanks a lot
作者: filoliwuyan 时间: 2007-3-5 14:04
作者: icy2000 时间: 2007-3-5 14:24
以下是引用coffemug在2007-3-4 5:52:00的发言:
不是很清楚了,但我认识 real estate 学院里的人。 你可以告诉我你得邮件,我把你得问题转给他们解答好了。
据我所知,NYU有个单独的房地产方面的学院,不知到是不是在教育学院里边, 这个项目是和STERN 商学院分开的。 但STERN 也提供一些相关的课程, 而且有一个房地产俱乐部,很多活动也是和房地产学院一起搞的。
作者: renee325 时间: 2007-3-5 20:11
作者: Sternie 时间: 2007-3-6 09:00
标题: 回复:(filoliwuyan)请问奖学金情况如何,一般有多少...
去年Stern专门为亚洲新生增设了Oshima Scholarship,得奖学生还获邀去日本旅游哦!二年级大家可以申请做Teaching
人人有份,另外纽约part-time internship的机会也非常多,学校career
office的网站上part-time internship的广告看不完!其实奖学金和job
replacement比起来太不重要了,投行的bonus是奖学金的n倍大家要看long term cash flow去年有位同学就是放弃了全奖来Stern的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-6 9:38:42编辑过]
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-3-7 04:10
Agree with Sternie mm. Stern is one of the most generous schools in terms of financial aid, and that extends to international students. Once you land a good internship here, you will not worry about scholarship any more ...
作者: icylees 时间: 2007-3-7 15:10
So excited by the positive info. from insiders!
I will follow this post and rise questions after better self-study on Stern,and thanks in advance for the help!
Plan to apply NYU in 2008 and glad to meet guys with same goal here!
作者: koalatt 时间: 2007-3-8 07:29
off-campus interview last year took place in Shanghai, Bombai and London. Not sure of this year. But they will let you know and choose by yourself.
作者: koalatt 时间: 2007-3-8 07:33
以下是引用joewoo198256在2007-2-28 19:48:00的发言:To coffemug
本人目前在中国电信工作,是大客户部的客户经理,截至今年8月就有两年的工作经验,准备申请08年入学。Gmat780(AWA5.5),Toefl650,主要的实践经历是新东方学校的讲师,曾担任考研阅读,雅思阅读和BEC Higher的阅读主讲。
我主要担心自己的背景不是Stern的typical type,not strong enough compared to NN。想请教我这样的背景申请Stern是否合适,机会又有多大。
Hi, I'm another Stern MBA1 from China this year. Your experience is actually quite interesting! You've got qualified numbers and working experience, i don't see any obstacles in your application. Most people are here to switch careers, not finance people to get a finance degree. So just have a try!
作者: suivin 时间: 2007-3-8 10:19
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-3-8 10:32
Hi Suivin, hang in there and keep up hope! Good things may happen last minute...
作者: suivin 时间: 2007-3-8 17:15
lukapurple, thanks for your encouragement, so warm and touching in this tough period, I will stick on till the notification date!
作者: findjuhl 时间: 2007-3-9 11:53
作者: chrislee 时间: 2007-3-9 12:13
作者: 妈妈咪呀 时间: 2007-3-9 13:29
To Coffemug &Sternie~
本人现在在美国一所大学读operation research master(专业排名20多吧).年底毕业。想毕业后去stern读个MBA..
作者: kikhorse 时间: 2007-3-9 13:43
NYU R2 result是3/9发出的吗?
那我更惨… 没收到WL.. 没收到rejection… 没收到interview... 什么都没有…
作者: findjuhl 时间: 2007-3-9 14:28
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-9 15:29
标题: 回复:(妈妈咪呀)To Coffemug &Sternie~弱弱的问...
I studied OR too! shake hands.... I already answered in the message I belieive.
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-9 15:34
So many questions about WL. XDJM men, DON'T LOOSE YOUR HOPE TOO EARLY!!!
As NYU only select a small percent of students to interview, so totally agree what Lukepurple said : hang on there!!! If you are move from the WL to interview, the ratio of admission is very high. My memory says ~70%.
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-9 15:36
标题: 回复:(suivin)lukapurple, thanks for your encour...
Just give you a hint: I applied first round last year, and did not hear back until end of Feb. Had interview in the mid of March. So your schedule is totally normal. Don't worry too much. If it is yours, it will come.
作者: danghui80 时间: 2007-3-9 16:04
现在考虑通过MBA往Finance方向转,你觉得在essay里说自己的career goal的时候如何结合这个背景说会比较让人信服(没有考过Finance方面的证书)。另外就是,国内本科top学校毕业,学校打分很严,GPA不高,这个会有多大的影响。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-6 0:16:36编辑过]
作者: asurazhang 时间: 2007-3-9 16:58
9仰9仰,小妹今年也要去试试看。小妹4年的audit背景,1.5年IB investment controller,T和G还没有考,想去读finance-asset management方面的mba.请各位指教。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-9 16:58:36编辑过]
作者: mentulau 时间: 2007-3-10 12:24
作者: tennis_lover 时间: 2007-3-11 02:23
XDJM, glad to see so many questions and so much interest in Stern! Hope I could help out my friend coffeemug with some of the questions.
Real estate is one of the areas with big potentials too. A study group member of mine already got summer intern offers from a couple of good shops. Also the real estate club here also has good networking/career opportunities. The only drawback is that it's not very structured, so you have to go a little out of the way to get what you want.
Background - What's most important is your interest in your future career, as best supported by your prior jobs, or part-time/personal involvement. I know this is almost cliche, but it's actualy quite true. Personally, I think your enthusiam is the most influential factor in your essay/interview/future jobs. If you had IB/Consulting/Acct background, great, you are ahead of many other people, but you still need to differentiate yourself. For others, don't panic. Many career switchers here as well. Like myself, engineering backround.
As far as the timing goes, I totally agree with my Stern buddies here. For example, I submitted my application on 3/14 (yeh, last day of third round! I was a big slacker), got interview invite at end of April, interviewed in early May, and got the offer a week later..... So just hang in there, and good things will happen!!!
Best of luck
作者: asurazhang 时间: 2007-3-11 22:49
我是3年的big four exp+1.5年 tier1 IB 的一个RE fund 里面做investment controller.G/T还没有考出来,准备申请08年入学的MBA.恳请各位指条明路,分享一些申请过程的经验。
我的msn: asurazhang(A)
作者: Sternie 时间: 2007-3-13 07:04
标题: 回复:(asurazhang)各位师兄师姐,菜鸟上路很笨的问...
hi asurazhang: Your background is impressive. Actually half of the Chinese Sternies have big 4 background, and some have IB experience. For the preparation, you can refer to Chasedream materials.
They have all the informationl you want. Just follow it, do your
homework, and join a chasedream application workshop. Be confident and
be prepared! Once you try your best, you have nothing to regret in
future. B school application is already a structured process. Nothing
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-13 7:16:11编辑过]
作者: apsaras2006 时间: 2007-3-14 13:27
请教各位师兄师姐, 刚刚考完GMAT, 不过成绩不高(没过700),背景呢也一般就是一个computer master, 然后几年的IT工作, 2年的FIANCE相关的工作,不是大公司.我知道我这样问很傻,因为明显条件很差.但很想试一下,又怕会影响明年的申请.
现在要赶第三轮今年的申请是不是没什么希望了, ESSAY基本已经写完,但因为时间很赶,质量估计也不会太好. GMAT 打算再考一次,不知道能不能给点建议,是不是就不要申请了,不过实在不甘心的说.后天就是DEADLINE了,估计要彻夜不眠了.多谢!!
作者: ZixiaXi92512 时间: 2007-3-14 14:44
我想请问一下,如果我没申请到奖学金,stern有什么样的financial aid可以让中国学生去申请?
作者: asurazhang 时间: 2007-3-14 23:08
thanks, Sternie. it really helps.
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-3-15 20:01
You may want to apply for students loan, which does not require cosigner for international students and is very easy and quick. Like some of my classmates mentioned earlier, there are various on campus working opportunities as well.
Again, financial aid is important, but do not worry too much. We had same concern as you before, but once we got here we sorted it out. You can make it too. Focus on future cash flow, and the cost is no biggie...
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-15 20:06:39编辑过]
作者: lihaoshall 时间: 2007-3-21 22:17
Thanks, coffemug and tennis_lover
I plan to appy the MBA program of 2008 and NYU will be my first priority. I'm graduate of PKU with major of finance, and now a fixed income trader at a top IB. I would like to ask how I can differentiate myself from thousands of applicants worldwide with similar backgrounds, mainly by essays, GMAT or else? And how to balance my weakness since I will only have 2.5-year work experience by then.
In addition, we would really appreciate if you could share your feelings and understandings about NYU from a perspective of insider, because usually we could only know the school from outside.
Thank you very much la !!
作者: davidli8888 时间: 2007-3-21 23:52
Submitted my application in the last round. Best wishes for me and the like who share the dream with NYU.
作者: joewoo198256 时间: 2007-3-24 22:24
To koalatt
Hi, I am the China Telecom Guy. Thank you very much for your interesting reply. Frankly speaking, I am always not confident enough in the application. The other applicants come from Top tier IBs or big 4 but i am just in a state-owned enterprise, doing sales and supports. Fortunately i saw your critique yesterday, from an insider perspective, i feels better now. I will do good preparations and hope I will ace the interview.
I love NYU, I love Stern, I love NYC.
Thank you very much.
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-3-25 04:14
以下是引用lihaoshall在2007-3-21 22:17:00的发言:Thanks, coffemug and tennis_lover
I plan to appy the MBA program of 2008 and NYU will be my first priority. I'm graduate of PKU with major of finance, and now a fixed income trader at a top IB. I would like to ask how I can differentiate myself from thousands of applicants worldwide with similar backgrounds, mainly by essays, GMAT or else? And how to balance my weakness since I will only have 2.5-year work experience by then.
In addition, we would really appreciate if you could share your feelings and understandings about NYU from a perspective of insider, because usually we could only know the school from outside.
Thank you very much la !!
We do have a classmate from China who used to be a trader as well, and he will come here to share his experiences with you shortly.
I like your question about insider vs outsider view of Stern. Stern is known as a finance school and wall street camp, so it's likely people might think Stern's culture is competitive. The truth is the opposite, and we are very proud of the collaborative culture at Stern particularly compared with other finance heavy schools! From day 1, 2nd year MBAs are keen to reach out to help you by sharing their experiences at school. Among 1st year students, we form groups in job hunting to share information and practice interviews. The collaborative culture is critical in our job hunting and it has proven extremely useful!
作者: HANTL 时间: 2007-3-25 05:02
I used to manage a US fixed income portfolio in H.K. Stern is a great place to chase wall street dream, though you should never expect the experience itself would add edge to your career search in your first semester. The working experience in China has little, if not none, advantage or credibility to the eyes of the arrogant Wall Street traders and recruiters. (I mean you can't expect your experience too much in your job searching in the future.) The reality is, no b-school can guarantee a good job, while Stern is no doubt a great gate to Wall Street. The problem is whether you can get across this gate.
作者: HANTL 时间: 2007-3-25 05:03
以下是引用lihaoshall在2007-3-21 22:17:00的发言:Thanks, coffemug and tennis_lover
I plan to appy the MBA program of 2008 and NYU will be my first priority. I'm graduate of PKU with major of finance, and now a fixed income trader at a top IB. I would like to ask how I can differentiate myself from thousands of applicants worldwide with similar backgrounds, mainly by essays, GMAT or else? And how to balance my weakness since I will only have 2.5-year work experience by then.
In addition, we would really appreciate if you could share your feelings and understandings about NYU from a perspective of insider, because usually we could only know the school from outside.
Thank you very much la !!
I used to manage a US fixed income portfolio in H.K. Stern is a great place to chase wall street dream, though you should never expect the experience itself would add edge to your career search in your first semester. The working experience in China has little, if not none, advantage or credibility to the eyes of the arrogant Wall Street traders and recruiters. (I mean you can't expect your experience too much in your job searching in the future.) The reality is, no b-school can guarantee a good job, while Stern is no doubt a great gate to Wall Street. The problem is whether you can get across this gate.
作者: HANTL 时间: 2007-3-25 05:21
以下是引用lihaoshall在2007-3-21 22:17:00的发言:Thanks, coffemug and tennis_lover
I plan to appy the MBA program of 2008 and NYU will be my first priority. I'm graduate of PKU with major of finance, and now a fixed income trader at a top IB. I would like to ask how I can differentiate myself from thousands of applicants worldwide with similar backgrounds, mainly by essays, GMAT or else? And how to balance my weakness since I will only have 2.5-year work experience by then.
In addition, we would really appreciate if you could share your feelings and understandings about NYU from a perspective of insider, because usually we could only know the school from outside.
Thank you very much la !!
to continue- The bottom line is, in my view, you wouldn't want to differentiate yourself substantially just by your experience. In contrast, I think the best way is to let the reader know your in-depth understanding of the development of China's financial market which was accrued from you working experience, and your career goal in line with this view, and any connection you can built between your application to Stern with this career goal...
作者: lukapurple 时间: 2007-3-25 09:08
顺便介绍下,Hantl同学已经顺利步入wall street trader行列了哦!
作者: kanwa 时间: 2007-3-25 11:10
以下是引用koalatt在2007-3-8 7:33:00的发言:Hi, I'm another Stern MBA1 from China this year. Your experience is actually quite interesting! You've got qualified numbers and working experience, i don't see any obstacles in your application. Most people are here to switch careers, not finance people to get a finance degree. So just have a try!
Hi Koalatt
Is 1 year Stern experience enough to prepare a non-finance guy well for a summer internship in a Wall Street firm? How to convince these firms to pass this kind of candidates?
I'm working with a consulting firm and I'm interested in a career in IB. I don't have much knowledge regarding corporate finance. So I have this question... Thanks in advance.
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-26 08:13
标题: 回复:(kanwa)以下是引用koalatt在2007-3-8 7:33:00...
I will speak from my perspective. I am a career switcher too, and I knew nothing about corporate finance when I came to school. Now I will work in IB during my summer internship.
The question should not be "whether school will prepare students ready for summer internship". School will prepare your knowledge, and provides resources for you to learn. But a lot of things you only learn on the job. Summer internship is more of an opportunity to learn, and to prove that you can learn and you are willing to learn.
It is tough to switch career. I have met way more set backs than I had expected. but if you have decided, nothing can stop you, and the name of Stern definitely helps a lot, really, A LOT! And the location advantages is unmatchable!!
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-26 08:32
标题: 回复:(danghui80)请问Coffemug,我现在是在Accentu...
danghui80 同学
你的经验很丰富呀! 我们同学里从咨询转财经的人很多,我在面试时也遇到过很多次这个问题,可能和我OPERATIONS经(INTERNAL CONSULTING)的经验有关。 典型的回答是consultants
have no control of the project once the proposal is submitted, and the
project might die even before it starts for shortage of resources.
LEARNER,这完全是可以的。 另外一个方法就是避而不谈转行,就说你要继续做你的工作(但一定要有拓展)。
GPA当然是越高越好了。 但并不是说低就不行。 象你这种情况就应在申请中说明原因,而且用其他证据来证明你的优秀,比如班级排名,获奖证书,社会活动,等等。
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-26 08:37
标题: 回复:(asurazhang)9仰9仰,小妹今年也要去试试看。...
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-26 08:47
标题: 回复:(lihaoshall)Thanks, coffemug and tennis_lo...
我也来插一句,谈起申请各项指标的重要性, 个人觉得:
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-26 08:48
标题: 回复:(davidli8888)Submitted my application in t...
Best wishes for you!!!
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-26 08:55
标题: 回复:(apsaras2006)请教各位师兄师姐, 刚刚考完GMA...
不好意思没能及时给你回贴。申不申请没有人能帮你拿主意,也没有人敢给你拿主意,至少我不敢 。 我去年申请也是心里一点普都没有,不过结果还不错。相信很多人都和你有相似的想法吧。 不过无论如何,都希望你能相信你自己。
作者: coffemug 时间: 2007-3-26 09:00
标题: 回复:(joewoo198256)To koalattHi, I am the China...
也许你独特的背景更能使你脱颖而出呢! Be yourself, and Be the confident yourself!!!
作者: davidli8888 时间: 2007-3-26 22:52
以下是引用coffemug在2007-3-26 8:48:00的发言:davidli发发发发
Best wishes for you!!!
Thank you, that is really sweet. It will be a worrying period until 1st June, when a decision for interview invitation or ...
Anyway, wish I can come into Stern ... soon ...
God bless me .... and all those applied to Stern ...
作者: davidli8888 时间: 2007-3-26 22:57
Congratulations. Best wishes for the further development along the wonderful career path...
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