一大早突击面试啊~~~~ 除了昨天上午有个电话+019xxxxxx没接,事先没有任何征兆。由于号码不一样,且在早上 7点多,虽然还是+019开头,但心里毫无防备,从被窝里爬起来,那叫一个狼狈啊。对方是 一个印度教授,口齿还可以,刚开始有些不习惯,后来就好了。 在心惊肉跳之余,赶紧写面经供大家分享,以示后人,也给自己攒攒rp,呵呵 经历25分钟 P: professor Y: yourid
P: This is Professor xxx from umich, shall i ... we want to know ... this tal k shall last around 20 mins. will you first get a cup of water or have somethi ng prepared?(莫非知道我在被窝里?叫我缓一缓?体贴啊) Y: (异地,心疼手机费啊)..., this is my mobile phone, can you dial ... 10秒之后 P: This is Professor xxx from umich, (寒暄) Y: 寒暄, too P: your recent study Y: blablabla P: your research interest Y: blablabla(还好不是今年第一个面试,虽然上次那个学校有预约,这次没有,但总归会 有一些经验,语言上不像上次那么。。。) P: more specific Y: blablabla(可是,手头毕竟没有材料啊,心慌) P: Great. why phd? Y: blablabla(这个最熟啦) P: why you choose umich? Y: blablabla(经典) P: why change your major? Y: blablabla(有感而发) P: your questions Y: two questions: blablabla(一经典问题,一非典问题) P: blablabla(显然很开心,可以发挥了) Y: hehe P: there is still some time, let's see, well, you mentioned xxxxx in your ps, could you describe it? i haven't read that paper. Y: ok. it is all about...(心想,果然仔细研究我的ps啊) P: and you also mentioned that..., tell me more about that Y: blablabla(还好是自己做的) P: do you have any questions? Y: when will the final decision be made? P: mid march Y: (不会吧,这么久?估计自己情况不妙)can you tell me the possibility of my adm ission? P: Professor xxx is committee of xxx, he will contact you later. Y: (难道过会儿还要来?)thank you. P: 客套 Y: 客套 P: have a nice day, bye Y: bye
现在看来,突击面试有逐渐盛行之势,望各位做好准备,以有限的机会给对方留下无限美 好的印象。 Bless my interview, offer rain~~
作者: judydongxueni 时间: 2007-2-16 02:00
坛子里btw有申请他家金融的么?作者: kellylau 时间: 2007-2-16 02:04
what is the major ? 作者: kellylau 时间: 2007-2-16 02:33
that guy seems to have been interviewed by UCLA too. 作者: serenade 时间: 2007-2-16 03:23
what is the major? 作者: chrisf 时间: 2007-2-17 22:31
我也同样想知道他是啥专业的,这两所学校偶都申请了~~who can share?作者: kellylau 时间: 2007-2-17 23:04
seems operation something~作者: jmxtf 时间: 2007-2-18 00:23
operations management.作者: heshaohua666 时间: 2007-2-18 15:17
good job