
标题: 真题4(大全42题)讨论总结 [打印本页]

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-3 01:35
标题: 真题4(大全42题)讨论总结
4.    According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges, minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas.
(A) minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice
(B) minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than other graduates who plan on practicing
(C) minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing
(D) it is nearly four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other graduates will plan to practice
(E) it is nearly four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to plan to practice


graduates A are 4 times more likely than graduates B are in doing something.
答案A中的第二个are 多余。从885中没有找到一题将第二个be动词补出的情况,但却找到2题在逻辑上类似,但都没有在第二个人称名词前/后补出be动词。请看:

Several studies have found that the coronary patients who exercise most actively are at least fifty percent less likely than those who are sedentary to die of a heart attack.
简化:patients A are 50% less likely than patients B to die of a heart attack

Studies show that young people with higher-than-average blood pressure whose families have a history of high blood pressure are more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.
简化:people A are more likely than people B to develop a condition

In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) are nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to fall into the most anti-Semitic category.

However, they were 14 to 23 times more likely than non-threateners to report having attacked someone with a knife and 17 times more likely to report having shot at someone.

从语感的角度,A is xxx time more/less likely than B to do something比较顺畅;

2、习惯用法是be likely to do,而非“be likely in doing”。

minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates to plan to practice

People who visit a zoo in a given year are two times more likely to visit a pure aquarium that year than are people who do not visit a zoo.

minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates (in planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas)
minority graduates比other graduates更加可能什么呢?不知道!只知道在某个方面(in planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas)更可能。
换句话说,“minority graduates are nearly four times more likely”并不是一个完整的表达,它必须要带宾语,而这个宾语只能由TO来引导。
另外,如果理解为“在方面(in planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas)更可能”,逻辑也不通,至少很别扭。

Although the concentration of atmospheric methane is more than two orders of magnitude lower than that of carbon dioxide, it cannot be ignored: the radiative properties of methane make it 20 times more effective, molecule for molecule, than carbon dioxide in absorbing radiant heat.
the radiative properties of methane make it 20 times more effective

3、A is N times as adj as B的说法是地道规范的。
(谁以C中的four times as likely as排除C必会铸成大错,悔恨终身!)

Also, it was pointed out, milk-drinking English women get some kinds of cancer eighteen times as frequently as Japanese women who seldom drink milk.

In recent days, while the price of MEGA Corporation stock has been falling, the corporation’s officers and directors have bought up to nine times as much of it as they have sold.

Black Americans are, on the whole, about twice as likely as White Americans to develop high blood pressure.

An MRI is just as likely as an angiogram to identify an arterial blockage.

Legal principles are just as likely as legal rules to have terms that have both core and peripheral meanings.

4、“plan on doing/sth”和“plan to do something”的都是正确、规范、地道的英文用法:

I think we can plan on remaining here until Wednesday.

I was wondering who you were planning on rooming with next year.

When do you plan on going to Geneva?

The former president is planning a return to politics.

I plan on six kids.

He said he planned to write his essay tonight.

5、关于原来句子中的“几乎五倍”(nearly four times more likely than...)变成了“几乎四倍”(nearly four times as likely as...)是否可以接受的问题,一般认为保持原意不能作为100%的判定理由。不改变句子原意甚至不能算作原则,因为原句表达可能错误,不能说修改了原句的意思就错。如果要说的话,就应该说不改变句子最可能的意思,而不是原句的意思。


作者: anchoret    时间: 2003-11-3 01:51

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-3 02:06

作者: anchoret    时间: 2003-11-3 02:08
作者: braveMBA    时间: 2003-11-3 02:10
作者: ballpark    时间: 2003-11-3 03:10

作者: yzlinlin    时间: 2003-11-3 03:30


不过我还是心仪我的A啊 。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-3 3:41:52编辑过]

作者: cthd007    时间: 2003-11-3 04:31
NIU but NIU.
作者: sbbi    时间: 2003-11-3 04:45
作者: czw69    时间: 2003-11-3 07:41
one word: niu
作者: miejue    时间: 2003-11-3 10:28
Gemj真是我的典范 佩服。。。。
作者: pekingpuppy    时间: 2003-11-3 11:06
同意C:C的倍数为4倍,而原题中的意思也应该是4倍。这里说“应该是四倍”,是因为这个第一选项语意模糊。原题中的more既可以修饰likely,也可以修饰four times。原题这句话有两种理解方式:

minority graduates are nearly four times (more likely)than are other graduates in planning to practice...

minority graduates are nearly four times (more likely than are)other graduates in planning to practice...

出题者本意应该是用more than迷惑考生一下,让你掉入4倍还是5倍的陷阱。而实际上,more likely than are本身就是语意含混,让读者连4倍还是5倍都闹不清,难道还没错吗?


minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing

as likely as就没有那种由more likely than are引起的歧意。因此我想“不改变出题原意”这个原则实际上是一个大大的悖论,宜慎用:原题本身就有可能是错的,而且是80%的可能是错的,在这个前提下,谁能保证它的“原意”是什么?我认为就是找“原意”也要在划线部分以外找“原意”,否则这个“原意”本身就建立在沙滩之上,谈何正确。GMAT白纸黑字写着要考生去掉模棱两可的选项,一切那些新东方自己摸索出来的不成文的规则都要服从这个“指代唯一,含意确定无误”原则。


4. According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges, 【minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice 】in socioeconomically deprived areas.
(A) minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice
(B) minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than other graduates who plan on practicing
(C) minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing
(D) it is nearly four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other graduates will plan to practice
(E) it is nearly four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to plan to practice

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-3 11:51:51编辑过]

作者: remeo    时间: 2003-11-3 23:17

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-3 23:22
以下是引用remeo在2003-11-3 23:17:00的发言:


作者: john1388    时间: 2003-11-4 05:13
4.According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges, minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas.
(A) minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice
(B) minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than other graduates who plan on practicing
(C) minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing
(D) it is nearly four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other graduates will plan to practice
(E) it is nearly four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to plan to practice

I support A.

Pls substitute " four times as 100%":

(A) minority graduates are nearly 100% more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice

(C) minority graduates are nearly 100% as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing

A is perfect, but C is comfused!

2. "plan to practice" is better than "plan on practicing".".(but "more likely to do " is better)

作者: sbbi    时间: 2003-11-4 06:27
why "plan to practice" is better than "plan on practicing"?

作者: john1388    时间: 2003-11-4 07:09
why "plan to practice" is better than "plan on practicing"?

Answer: Both are right. Therefore this part is not the focus of ETS. My personal feeling is that " plan to do" is relative better than "plan on doing".
作者: joice    时间: 2003-11-4 12:11
作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-4 12:18
以下是引用joice在2003-11-4 12:11:00的发言:

作者: joice    时间: 2003-11-4 13:05
gemj gg,

作者: cthd007    时间: 2003-11-5 04:13
Personally, I think the right answer whether is A or C is besisde the point now. What made me so impressed and learnt from this is that gemj's attitude and everyone's contribution and involving.

Just for your curious, i did ask this question for my friends (one guy scored 45 in verbal, and he's a native). All those guys picked up A, but only one NN can give out the explanation, the rests judged it by feeling.

My major point is not convincing your guys with those NNs, but rather get senses and learn from what native america thought. After all, GMAT is an american exam.

Here is his explanation:

The basic problem with C is that it breaks the parallel structure. It says minority graduates are four times as likely as other graudates to plan...
Here the comparison is meant to be between what the minority graduates plan versus what other graduates plan : Hence it should have been worded as

"minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as are other graduates"

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-5 5:02:24编辑过]

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-4-3 17:37

This room is three times larger than that one. 这个房间比哪个房间大2倍。(注意,不是大3倍)

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-3 18:19:53编辑过]

作者: wangdaya    时间: 2004-4-5 18:51
作者: quiny    时间: 2005-8-2 07:50
作者: vivinzone    时间: 2005-8-2 20:20


作者: icare1    时间: 2005-8-3 00:08

作者: philipsnf    时间: 2005-8-3 15:24
以下是引用pekingpuppy在2003-11-3 11:06:00的发言:
同意C:C的倍数为4倍,而原题中的意思也应该是4倍。这里说“应该是四倍”,是因为这个第一选项语意模糊。原题中的more既可以修饰likely,也可以修饰four times。原题这句话有两种理解方式:

minority graduates are nearly four times (more likely)than are other graduates in planning to practice...

minority graduates are nearly four times (more likely than are)other graduates in planning to practice...

出题者本意应该是用more than迷惑考生一下,让你掉入4倍还是5倍的陷阱。而实际上,more likely than are本身就是语意含混,让读者连4倍还是5倍都闹不清,难道还没错吗?


minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing

as likely as就没有那种由more likely than are引起的歧意。因此我想“不改变出题原意”这个原则实际上是一个大大的悖论,宜慎用:原题本身就有可能是错的,而且是80%的可能是错的,在这个前提下,谁能保证它的“原意”是什么?我认为就是找“原意”也要在划线部分以外找“原意”,否则这个“原意”本身就建立在沙滩之上,谈何正确。GMAT白纸黑字写着要考生去掉模棱两可的选项,一切那些新东方自己摸索出来的不成文的规则都要服从这个“指代唯一,含意确定无误”原则。
作者: 香香茶    时间: 2006-5-17 15:27


作者: 毛毛青虫    时间: 2006-5-18 17:01


minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than other graduates in planning to practice

作者: 小小亚述    时间: 2006-10-10 15:17
以下是引用pekingpuppy在2003-11-3 11:06:00的发言:
同意C:C的倍数为4倍,而原题中的意思也应该是4倍。这里说“应该是四倍”,是因为这个第一选项语意模糊。原题中的more既可以修饰likely,也可以修饰four times。原题这句话有两种理解方式:

minority graduates are nearly four times (more likely)than are other graduates in planning to practice...

minority graduates are nearly four times (more likely than are)other graduates in planning to practice...

出题者本意应该是用more than迷惑考生一下,让你掉入4倍还是5倍的陷阱。而实际上,more likely than are本身就是语意含混,让读者连4倍还是5倍都闹不清,难道还没错吗?


minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing

as likely as就没有那种由more likely than are引起的歧意。因此我想“不改变出题原意”这个原则实际上是一个大大的悖论,宜慎用:原题本身就有可能是错的,而且是80%的可能是错的,在这个前提下,谁能保证它的“原意”是什么?我认为就是找“原意”也要在划线部分以外找“原意”,否则这个“原意”本身就建立在沙滩之上,谈何正确。GMAT白纸黑字写着要考生去掉模棱两可的选项,一切那些新东方自己摸索出来的不成文的规则都要服从这个“指代唯一,含意确定无误”原则。

的确把27楼的解释和gemj GG的结合起来就更好了.

good discussion ! 谢谢各位NN分析!

作者: 飞天猪piggy    时间: 2006-12-14 23:48

时隔3年 现在看看还是精华!!!


作者: CedricLi    时间: 2007-7-1 21:22
以下是引用飞天猪piggy在2006-12-14 23:48:00的发言:

时隔3年 现在看看还是精华!!!


作者: plato1983    时间: 2007-7-2 15:38
作者: plato1983    时间: 2007-7-2 15:38
作者: LuckiPanda    时间: 2007-7-20 15:35
时隔10年 再看看还会是精华
作者: kittymiaomiao    时间: 2007-7-28 17:39

thank you very much. very helpful

作者: huangyh03    时间: 2007-9-21 06:03
作者: ranning    时间: 2007-9-21 07:57

个人认为其实这道题的解题关键在于likely to这个搭配...看好这个就可以了

作者: tw0102    时间: 2007-12-13 15:50
作者: tw0102    时间: 2007-12-13 16:17
以下是引用pekingpuppy在2003-11-3 11:06:00的发言:
同意C:C的倍数为4倍,而原题中的意思也应该是4倍。这里说“应该是四倍”,是因为这个第一选项语意模糊。原题中的more既可以修饰likely,也可以修饰four times。原题这句话有两种理解方式:

minority graduates are nearly four times (more likely)than are other graduates in planning to practice...

minority graduates are nearly four times (more likely than are)other graduates in planning to practice...

出题者本意应该是用more than迷惑考生一下,让你掉入4倍还是5倍的陷阱。而实际上,more likely than are本身就是语意含混,让读者连4倍还是5倍都闹不清,难道还没错吗?


minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing

as likely as就没有那种由more likely than are引起的歧意。因此我想“不改变出题原意”这个原则实际上是一个大大的悖论,宜慎用:原题本身就有可能是错的,而且是80%的可能是错的,在这个前提下,谁能保证它的“原意”是什么?我认为就是找“原意”也要在划线部分以外找“原意”,否则这个“原意”本身就建立在沙滩之上,谈何正确。GMAT白纸黑字写着要考生去掉模棱两可的选项,一切那些新东方自己摸索出来的不成文的规则都要服从这个“指代唯一,含意确定无误”原则。

超级不同意pekingpuppy GG的见解,如果是这样的话,就那前面gemj举的例子来说,

However, they were 14 to 23 times more likely than non-threateners to report having attacked someone with a knife and 17 times more likely to report having shot at someone.


However, they were 14 to 23 times (more likely) than non-threateners to report having attacked someone with a knife and 17 times more likely to report having shot at someone.

However, they were 14 to 23 times (more likely than) non-threateners to report having attacked someone with a knife and 17 times more likely to report having shot at someone.


作者: tw0102    时间: 2007-12-13 16:24
以下是引用飞天猪piggy在2006-12-14 23:48:00的发言:

时隔3年 现在看看还是精华!!!




作者: ricee    时间: 2008-5-21 19:26
惊叹! 感觉和看黄金圣斗士打穿叹息墙一样. (不过这个比喻似乎欠妥......)
作者: alohabrian    时间: 2008-12-31 18:27
作者: wmcarrie666    时间: 2009-4-12 22:54

C is correct

A are 多余。MingLiU","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family: Tahoma; mso-hansi-font-family: Tahoma; mso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma;">习惯用法是be likely to doMingLiU","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family: Tahoma; mso-hansi-font-family: Tahoma; mso-bidi-font-family: Tahoma;">,而非“be likely in doing”

B plan to do变成定语从句错.改变句子重心。

D will 时态不对。
若是代指that… 句子表达的意思逻辑有问题。

E as, than

作者: 天蝎座1107    时间: 2009-4-20 18:18

考前在N贴向各位N人致敬 太N了

作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-4-25 18:09
以下是引用ricee在2008-5-21 19:26:00的发言:
惊叹! 感觉和看黄金圣斗士打穿叹息墙一样. (不过这个比喻似乎欠妥......)


作者: happywawa    时间: 2009-7-7 18:42
作者: feifeizoe    时间: 2009-8-9 10:56


作者: emilyzhang58    时间: 2009-8-9 13:36


作者: jinrui0214    时间: 2009-9-13 23:02
作者: mars_cheung    时间: 2009-9-29 20:36

这题在最新的 prep 里面已经定论为 C。

NN 们的讨论非常精彩,获益匪浅

此贴必须顶啊~~~~~~~~ 那个NN辈出的年代~~~~~~~~~~

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/29 20:37:58编辑过]

作者: singasong519    时间: 2009-10-8 03:29
作者: keepdreaming    时间: 2009-10-16 15:55
作者: bruceye4    时间: 2010-3-18 09:26
作者: afei0128    时间: 2010-3-23 23:13
作者: Christina2046    时间: 2010-3-24 09:34
作者: skayouyou    时间: 2010-5-27 17:52
作者: xjytracy    时间: 2010-7-29 00:32
作者: 超超琪琪格    时间: 2010-8-22 15:07
作者: tinypersist    时间: 2011-1-15 02:50
作者: tinypersist    时间: 2011-1-15 02:52
作者: 翁羽凌虚    时间: 2011-1-31 14:53
谢谢 ~~~咩~~
作者: sanlingjie    时间: 2011-9-3 08:26
作者: CHRISTINE2010    时间: 2011-11-12 20:12
作者: wangjieava23    时间: 2012-4-17 13:22
作者: hustwebweb    时间: 2012-7-2 20:13
作者: ninamikou    时间: 2012-7-18 14:58
大牛真多啊 羡慕嫉妒恨 XD 膜拜
作者: clair1107    时间: 2012-7-22 23:35
作者: 静夜怡然    时间: 2012-8-2 10:26
作者: evlily8783    时间: 2012-9-3 16:06
作者: zxppx    时间: 2012-9-21 12:15
作者: littlebowlsep    时间: 2012-11-6 10:40
WA SAI...这种认真严谨...thank you for share...
作者: ringolam    时间: 2012-11-26 23:22
每次逛CD都 好激动。。。好厉害!!!大家都要考好呀!!!
作者: 腊肠宝宝    时间: 2013-10-12 14:52
这个问题已经困惑我很久了,楼主的解释很详细!另外补充一下~在曼哈顿语法的第十三章有一句话说G中一般都是as 几倍 as, 虽然有more than 几倍的情况在G中出现过一次,但应该避免此情况。十三章的256页,原话是这样的:In one gmat problem(#72 in the verbal supplement), the correct answer says that certain numbers are "as 5 times greater than..."other numbers. In general, however,this usage should be avoided.
作者: gabrielpei    时间: 2013-12-29 15:55
Cool! 这样的强帖必须留名啊!!! 拜服了....笔记都抄了几页, 真的讲的很清楚.

虽然我还是不理解为啥A 的第二个are是应该省略而不是本来就不应该有. A are 4 times more than B. 语法结构应该是完整吧?

哦...我知道了, 完整的句子应该是 A are 4 times more likely to....than B are likely to....是这样吧?
作者: mysonnic    时间: 2014-4-19 14:11
作者: rexinshu    时间: 2015-1-22 23:56
作者: huanyoushijie    时间: 2015-5-15 11:03
gemj 发表于 2003-11-3 01:35
4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Asso ...

作者: GEMMAWEI    时间: 2015-6-11 15:59
作者: AnnieFFish    时间: 2016-9-1 21:38
2016年的大旗我来扛 !  2333333
作者: vesperrr    时间: 2017-6-5 20:10
作者: DaYangDa    时间: 2017-8-9 10:59
作者: 追梦的Yvonne    时间: 2018-8-4 12:37
作者: 不是咸yu    时间: 2019-8-1 16:53
作者: EDRIS    时间: 2020-2-15 09:43
gemj 发表于 2003-11-3 01:35
4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Asso ...

作者: Yinggogogo    时间: 2020-8-20 11:06

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