
标题: Yale essay, only one is required? [打印本页]

作者: zhangi    时间: 2003-11-2 10:52
标题: Yale essay, only one is required?
Choose one of the following: (choose from essays 1-4)
Length: 1000 words
ESSAY 1 : The mission of the Yale School of Management is to educate leaders for business and society. In this context, tell us your career goals and your plans for achieving them. Please be specific. Describe how your previous experience will help you to reach your goals.
ESSAY 2 : We believe that the best education for leadership in any sector of the world economy is two years of rigorous business fundamentals. This approach to learning will prepare you for any career you might pursue, be it in the business, government, or nonprofit arena. With this in mind, tell us why the Yale MBA program is the right learning environment for you.
ESSAY 3 : Part of leadership is the ability to make a difference under difficult circumstances. With this in mind, describe a situation in which you exhibited such leadership.
ESSAY 4 : Drawing on current events, discuss the relevance of market forces and government regulation on corporate values. Stake out your position on this issue and support your argument with specific details and examples.

Yale 只需要一篇essay吗,太前卫了,有没有兄弟可以分享一下看法呀?
作者: 小新妹妹    时间: 2003-11-2 11:23
作者: SmileFM    时间: 2003-11-2 13:08

作者: Shuzhen    时间: 2003-11-2 16:50

很多人惧怕Hass的15篇essay(偶自己没有查,是会员lionheart在 上说的),反其道而推之,于是可以预料到耶鲁今年的申请人数很可能激增,而Hass(如投票站结果所显)的申请人数将有所下降。此其二。
作者: SmileFM    时间: 2003-11-2 20:05
以下是引用Shuzhen在2003-11-2 16:50:00的发言:

作者: lionheart    时间: 2003-11-3 03:47
很多人惧怕Hass的15篇essay(偶自己没有查,是会员lionheart在 上说的),反其道而推之,于是可以预料到耶鲁今年的申请人数很可能激增,而Hass(如投票站结果所显)的申请人数将有所下降。此其二。


作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-11-3 04:09
I asked this question to Yale's adcom in one of their infor session. The reason they gave me is: they think since so many essay service company out there, essay is no longer the most important part of the applicaiton package.
作者: siebel    时间: 2003-11-3 04:45
Then, what's the most important for them?

以下是引用chipmunk在2003-11-3 4:09:00的发言:
I asked this question to Yale's adcom in one of their infor session. The reason they gave me is: they think since so many essay service company out there, essay is no longer the most important part of the applicaiton package.

作者: zhangi    时间: 2003-11-4 12:06
They have a good point!

I'd better try this school.

About Hass, the rumor is they only like Chinese in the US.
作者: valarie    时间: 2003-11-5 12:17
Shuzhen had good point and Chipmunk provided good information. thanks

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