
标题: [灌水]JD的前途 [打印本页]

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-7 03:28
标题: [灌水]JD的前途

这个话题不是只针对中国人, 其次我只想讨论美国法律市场, 如果你是毅然回国的朋友, 您就当看着玩吧

美国的法学院多如牛毛, 每年都培养出数以万计的JD, 可以说远大于市场可以接纳的。 所以如果你把所有的JD的情况做个统计, 你就不难发现, 三分之一的JD是考不到法律执照的, 一毕业就正式做律师的不超过60%, JD的平均工资非常的低, 比会计这种蓝白领都要低。

但是如果你只看T-100的学校, JD的考BAR通过率, 平均工资马上就不一样,如果你再把范围缩到T-14, 那简直就是白天和黑夜的区别。 这就是法律跟其他学科, 尤其是理工科的最大的区别了。

美国是精英文化, 专业人士的地位很高, 当你把一堆聪明人放在一起, 给他们很多的钱, 你猜这些聪明人第一个想法是什么?


于是, 最简单的办法就是: 我们是最聪明的人, 所以只有最聪明的人才可以跟我一起工作, 名校里学生都是聪明的, 当然只有他们可以配我了。

当然这还不够, 还要教育我的客户, 不要随便请一般的人, 只有最聪明的人才能帮你解决你的难题。

客户来找律师, 都是碰到麻烦了。 谁不想找名医啊, 哪怕明明知道街口的赤脚医生也不错。


随着时间的延伸, 大家都知道要进这个赚钱的圈子, 就要去名校, 于是名校的竞争越来越激烈, 结果只有少部分的厉害角色申请成功。 这个生物链就正式产生了。

所以我的总结是, 法律在美国是个很特殊的链子, 跟其他的学科不太一样, 学校排名实在太重要了,这决定了你是否有份参加精英的游戏。

当你问JD的出路怎么样, 或者问中国JD的出路怎么样, 这样的问题是很难回答的, 只有按照特殊情况分析。

呵呵, 你要是看到这里, 觉得我是瞎掰, 你在美国法律界混的时候还不长, 因为如果你混了一段时间, 即使不同意我说的, 你也应该知道这种说法的存在。

注:没上名校的JD不是都不好, 很多人相当成功, 或者有自己喜欢的事业, 但是相对比例要小, 而且要付出的额外努力是巨大的。

作者: 秋天的虫子    时间: 2007-2-7 05:17


作者: dreamlaw4cu    时间: 2007-2-7 09:29
我想补充一点,名校也要看成绩。 我有个family member也是JD, 掌管面试summer clerkship, 不管什么学校,先是一定要看成绩的。



认识一个华裔女律师做mergers&acquisitions,虽然是一个州立大学毕业的,但是graduated summa cum laude, 写出来比名校毕业但是什么没有好看多了。


我觉得好学校或者一般的学校都不是定终身的,尤其是对于已经申请完的人士来说, 去好学校优点多,去一般学校并不就等于掉到失望里面了。

作者: bkin    时间: 2007-2-7 16:09
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-9 04:45
以下是引用bkin在2007-2-7 16:09:00的发言:

灌水文里已经说了, 没有身份的中国人毕业选择可能不象美国人那么多, 但是大形势跟美国人没有不同。

我发现这里很多人都认为所有大陆出来的中国人的英语都很差, 只能做中国业务。 我是不懂这些人的数据怎么来的。我们这里附近, 至少有七个大陆来的律师, 没人做中国业务, 我是不知道我们这个所谓律所重镇到底跟其他人所知道的美国律所有多大的出入啊。

作者: 秋天的虫子    时间: 2007-2-9 04:48
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-9 04:50
以下是引用dreamlaw4cu在2007-2-7 9:29:00的发言:
我想补充一点,名校也要看成绩。 我有个family member也是JD, 掌管面试summer clerkship, 不管什么学校,先是一定要看成绩的。



认识一个华裔女律师做mergers&acquisitions,虽然是一个州立大学毕业的,但是graduated summa cum laude, 写出来比名校毕业但是什么没有好看多了。


我觉得好学校或者一般的学校都不是定终身的,尤其是对于已经申请完的人士来说, 去好学校优点多,去一般学校并不就等于掉到失望里面了。

同意, 一般T-100学校的SUMMA CUM LAUDE是相当有竞争力的, 但是我个人认为在名校做个中流比T-100做TOP容易多了。

所谓的成绩划线是很搞笑的, 大所都声称不招TOP 25%以外的学生, 实际上, 这个规定都是吹的, 在名校里, 我见过TOP 70%的去这种律所的

当然, 做COURT CLERK是不太一样, 要求蛮严的, 但是对中国人可能不太有用, 因为需要是美国公民, 所以我根本没提这个。

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-9 04:51
以下是引用秋天的虫子在2007-2-9 4:48:00的发言:

还是做CORP MA的居多。IP是老二。

作者: bkin    时间: 2007-2-9 21:21
作者: templar    时间: 2007-2-9 22:12


作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-10 07:35

啊, 钱的问题来了。

律师有两个阶段, 头三年是做跟班, 后面三年是做小头目, 再下去就看你造化了。

做跟班的时期, 你的工资是完全一样的, 与你做的东西没有关系, 第一年170k, 第二年 180k (具体的要看律所), 但是你是基本没有价可以讲的。奖金就要看你的BILLABLE HOUR了。 (记住这个可怕的英语名词)。 如果你加班加的多, BONUS就多, 而且是阶梯制的。 我是个懒人, 所以从来没有拿过高端的BONUS, 但是一年10K-20K还是能混到的。

一般来说, 在律所混到六年的, 至少一年有400K USD。

你的收入跟你所在的领域没有关系, 关键是哪个领域需要加班多, 你的收入就会高。经济差的时候, 破产律师忙不过来。 经济好的时候, MA律师老加班。经济不好不坏的时候, REORG的律师总有活。 所以你问我什么方面的律师最好赚, 我还真说不上来。


如果你有其他方面的证书当然好, 记住, 你要把自己推销给客户, 你要利用你一切的资本。

170k是什么概念? 你一个月拿回家8千-9千美金吧。 具体要看你在的州和你的WITHHOLDING STATUS。至于400K是什么概念, 那我就不多说了。

作者: polyester    时间: 2007-2-10 13:00


作者: 秋天的虫子    时间: 2007-2-11 00:09



作者: templar    时间: 2007-2-11 02:46
作者: polyester    时间: 2007-2-11 03:54

Winston Zhao (Duke JD ’88): Managing Partner: Jones Day


Danian Zhang (Duke JD ’89): Senior Partner & Chief Representative: Baker & McKenzie

Henry Ding (Columbia JD ’93): Partner: Sidley Austin

Zhang Yi
(Michigan JD): Partner: O’Melveny & Myers


作者: bkin    时间: 2007-2-11 08:47
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-11 14:46
以下是引用polyester在2007-2-10 13:00:00的发言:


我说的包括BONUS, 等你做到第六年, 你就知道了。

不是每个人都能做PARTNER, 这是真的, 就好象不是每个工程师都能做总监一样。但是没听说谁做了几年, 就黯然回家种田的。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-11 14:46:51编辑过]

作者: bkin    时间: 2007-2-11 14:59


作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-13 09:50

如果你是从很舒适的环境出来的, 律所可以说基本是地狱。 但对于我这个从地狱出来的, 律所其实还算不错。

你基本上要做60个小时一个礼拜, 哪怕你没有很大的野心。 你放心, 工作很多, 你没时间上CD, 也没时间去AMAZON。COM上买东西, 更没时间去关心中国和美国的时事, 时间可以说是飞逝如电。

你要是多病, BIGLAW也不是你的好去处, 这里很多人做到脊椎有问题, 轻的至少也是手腕有问题。

如果你还没被吓到, 我可以继续写, 哈哈。。。

作者: bkin    时间: 2007-2-13 11:30


作者: templar    时间: 2007-2-13 13:51
以下是引用funnytiger在2007-2-13 9:50:00的发言:

如果你是从很舒适的环境出来的, 律所可以说基本是地狱。 但对于我这个从地狱出来的, 律所其实还算不错。

你基本上要做60个小时一个礼拜, 哪怕你没有很大的野心。 你放心, 工作很多, 你没时间上CD, 也没时间去AMAZON。COM上买东西, 更没时间去关心中国和美国的时事, 时间可以说是飞逝如电。

你要是多病, BIGLAW也不是你的好去处, 这里很多人做到脊椎有问题, 轻的至少也是手腕有问题。

如果你还没被吓到, 我可以继续写, 哈哈。。。



作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-2-13 14:01

ls, you definitely need a bf


i cannot do with > 60 hours, remember, 60 hours are REAL hours you put in work, not those hours u spent on lunch, supper, breakfast, washroom, talking with colleagues, etc, etc

作者: sisinliag    时间: 2007-2-13 16:26
以下是引用templar在2007-2-13 13:51:00的发言:



不知道蹦蹬虎说的60小时是指work hours还是billable hours




作者: templar    时间: 2007-2-13 21:09
以下是引用sisinliag在2007-2-13 16:26:00的发言:

不知道蹦蹬虎说的60小时是指work hours还是billable hours







作者: Bright325    时间: 2007-2-14 01:08

我是新人..弱弱的问一句, LLM和JD哪个更容易进律所啊?


作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-14 03:24
以下是引用Bright325在2007-2-14 1:08:00的发言:

我是新人..弱弱的问一句, LLM和JD哪个更容易进律所啊?



作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-14 03:27

60个小时当然不是BILLABLE HOUR, 你做60个小时的苦力, 能BILL 50 个小时就不错, 要是你有个挑剔的老板和客户, 搞不好只能BILL 40个小时。


在美国几乎所有的高薪工作都是很苦的, 这就美国比中国落后的地方了。

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-2-14 13:43
作者: polyester    时间: 2007-2-14 19:46
当然不是billable hour,我还没见过那家所的billable hour每年要求超过2400的。这样平均下来,每周大概45小时。

作者: bkin    时间: 2007-2-14 20:05


作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-15 03:08
以下是引用bkin在2007-2-14 20:05:00的发言:


不用想了, 升级会让你忙不同的东西。

华尔街和MCKINSEY也是忙死, 追求安逸的生活的朋友, 请离法律, 医学, 金融, 管理咨询 远一点, 都是魔鬼控制的产业

作者: bkin    时间: 2007-2-15 11:08


作者: dlynn    时间: 2007-2-15 13:28

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-2-15 14:24

actually, people after law school can go to industries... but just lower pays.

depends on preferences

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-2-15 14:25

I just read a post saying 100K with 1800 billable hours in IP.

I think it is acceptable comparing to 150K with 2200 billable hours in Commercial-related.

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-16 02:47
以下是引用dlynn在2007-2-15 13:28:00的发言:



作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-2-16 03:04
以下是引用mmpa2005在2007-2-15 14:25:00的发言:

I just read a post saying 100K with 1800 billable hours in IP.

I think it is acceptable comparing to 150K with 2200 billable hours in Commercial-related.

100K 是150K 的2/3, 但1800远大于2200的2/3,这个交易划不来,呵呵
作者: lawyerme    时间: 2007-2-16 11:14
my lawyer doesn't count, which pisses me off.
作者: charlies    时间: 2007-2-20 09:03



作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-20 09:34
以下是引用charlies在2007-2-20 9:03:00的发言:



美国政府工的关键是你必须是美国公民。 当然中国政府的工作大家都符合资格。

LLM够不够? 我没办法回答。 你要是申请过美国政府工你就知道, 里面的不定因素实在太多。


作者: charlies    时间: 2007-2-21 05:50



作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-21 13:06


你如果有身份, 除非你在加州, 只为了能参加BAR的考试, 不然普通学校的LLM纯属浪费钱。

作者: charlies    时间: 2007-2-22 08:41

那该怎么办呢?真是郁闷死了。早知道以前读理科了,申请学校还有奖学金呢。 现在法学本科成了个鸡肋,食之无味,弃之可惜。 看到你给我短信建议,可是房产经纪应该需要很广的人脉,我最讨厌去教会混了,因此房产经济也不是我所喜欢的职业。 

llm除了在加州可以考bar,还有几个州也可以吧? 还有如果在加州考bar,在别的州工作可以嘛?

tiger你说llm费钱,可是jd不是更花钱嘛? 我现在只存足了llm的钱啊。

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-2-22 10:19

看了你的东西, 说的不好听, 真是哭笑不得啊。 感觉你跟社会, 尤其是美国的社会已经失去联系很久了。

首先, 做房地产, 有说一定要去教会混吗, 不去教会就不能建立自己的关系网吗? 如果你对在美国建立关系网没有指望, 那么律师的工作你恐怕很难胜任, 在中国和美国都是一样, 没有关系是混不了的。

其次, 在加州只要有美国法学教育的文凭加上你以前的法学文凭, 就可以考BAR。 不过听说现在要改了, 必须要有中国的律证才行。 NEW YORK很松, 你应该能考。你考了一个州的牌, 你只能在这个州执业。这些都是基本讯息, 网上实在太多, 你应该多看看。

再者, 你听说过ROI吗? 投资回报率。比如一本“马克思经济学” 卖5块钱, 一本“如何成为百万富翁” 卖十块钱, 你不能因为第一本书便宜, 就觉得那本书最值得读。 尤其是如果第一本的回报率是帮你赚了一百块, 而第二本的回报率是帮你赚一百万。

作者: honna    时间: 2007-2-22 23:36
以下是引用charlies在2007-2-22 8:41:00的发言:

那该怎么办呢?真是郁闷死了。早知道以前读理科了,申请学校还有奖学金呢。 现在法学本科成了个鸡肋,食之无味,弃之可惜。 看到你给我短信建议,可是房产经纪应该需要很广的人脉,我最讨厌去教会混了,因此房产经济也不是我所喜欢的职业。 

llm除了在加州可以考bar,还有几个州也可以吧? 还有如果在加州考bar,在别的州工作可以嘛?

tiger你说llm费钱,可是jd不是更花钱嘛? 我现在只存足了llm的钱啊。


作者: zyq0006    时间: 2007-2-23 14:53


作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-2-25 15:45





而且不给考solicitor and barrister exam,只能搞课题什么的



作者: carcar    时间: 2007-3-20 10:54


四大tax部门也有很多law school出来的。这个发展方向怎么样?

作者: xoxoacura    时间: 2007-3-21 01:07
以下是引用mmpa2005在2007-2-25 15:45:00的发言:





而且不给考solicitor and barrister exam,只能搞课题什么的





作者: lawyer    时间: 2007-3-21 06:17





有问题请教,希望大家指点。一种说法是law is business. 生意技巧,自我推销能力更重要。但是据说law firm 在招人时,反而不喜欢JD/MBA joint degree, 非常看重成绩和写作能力。在法律界到底哪种素质更重要?

作者: xoxoacura    时间: 2007-3-21 07:12


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-21 7:13:11编辑过]

作者: gzk123    时间: 2007-3-21 09:00
虎哥能不能介绍一下 女JD 毕业后在律所的发展道路?非常非常感谢虎哥指点迷津!!
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-3-24 03:02
以下是引用gzk123在2007-3-21 9:00:00的发言:
虎哥能不能介绍一下 女JD 毕业后在律所的发展道路?非常非常感谢虎哥指点迷津!!

老实说, 一般华人女JD会比男的混的好, 我见过做到PARTNER和SENIOR(能熬这么多年还没被赶走, 也不容易), 还是女的居多啊。

去IN-HOUSE是在律所工作三年之后, 几乎每个律师都要考虑的一个OPTION, 一般只要你做的不错, 没被人拍过桌子, 找个IN-HOUSE的工作是不难的, 从此你就告别了加班, 但是美丽的BONUS和其他的PERK也就不见了。收入嘛, 比工程师强多了, 你可能是公司里工资最高的非管理人员。

我想这是个个人选择, 也取决于时机, 有人到三年的槛上时, 没遇到好公司, 反而让自己的选择简单。 最可怕的是, 选择又好又多, 那可真是痛苦死了。

注: 以上是针对BIGLAW,没有广泛性。

作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-3-24 03:44
以下是引用funnytiger在2007-3-24 3:02:00的发言:

老实说, 一般华人女JD会比男的混的好, 我见过做到PARTNER和SENIOR(能熬这么多年还没被赶走, 也不容易), 还是女的居多啊。

去IN-HOUSE是在律所工作三年之后, 几乎每个律师都要考虑的一个OPTION, 一般只要你做的不错, 没被人拍过桌子, 找个IN-HOUSE的工作是不难的, 从此你就告别了加班, 但是美丽的BONUS和其他的PERK也就不见了。收入嘛, 比工程师强多了, 你可能是公司里工资最高的非管理人员。

我想这是个个人选择, 也取决于时机, 有人到三年的槛上时, 没遇到好公司, 反而让自己的选择简单。 最可怕的是, 选择又好又多, 那可真是痛苦死了。

注: 以上是针对BIGLAW,没有广泛性。


作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-3-24 04:24
以下是引用neohawk在2007-3-24 3:44:00的发言:


看你资历了, 有15万的也有20万的, 还有30万的 (只听说过, 应该不多)


作者: gzk123    时间: 2007-3-24 04:33
非常谢谢老虎!!!! 祝老虎一切顺利!!

作者: kazaaerato    时间: 2007-6-8 03:06
hao tie
作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-6-8 05:18
以下是引用funnytiger在2007-3-24 3:02:00的发言:

老实说, 一般华人女JD会比男的混的好, 我见过做到PARTNER和SENIOR(能熬这么多年还没被赶走, 也不容易), 还是女的居多啊。

去IN-HOUSE是在律所工作三年之后, 几乎每个律师都要考虑的一个OPTION, 一般只要你做的不错, 没被人拍过桌子, 找个IN-HOUSE的工作是不难的, 从此你就告别了加班, 但是美丽的BONUS和其他的PERK也就不见了。收入嘛, 比工程师强多了, 你可能是公司里工资最高的非管理人员。

我想这是个个人选择, 也取决于时机, 有人到三年的槛上时, 没遇到好公司, 反而让自己的选择简单。 最可怕的是, 选择又好又多, 那可真是痛苦死了。

注: 以上是针对BIGLAW,没有广泛性。

chinese girls can make themselves as cheap as a whore, so that is why they are popular~
作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-6-8 05:19
以下是引用xoxoacura在2007-3-21 7:12:00的发言:



what can i say?

this is the funniest comment i have ever seen.

so don't come to New York ah....please!

作者: xoxoacura    时间: 2007-6-8 11:01
以下是引用mmpa2005在2007-6-8 5:19:00的发言:


what can i say?

this is the funniest comment i have ever seen.

so don't come to New York ah....please!

Traveled to NYC quite a few times. Really hate it.

作者: jlseamm    时间: 2007-6-8 13:34

I have to say that some Chinese guys like you make themselves as expensives as whores, and that's why they are so UNpopular. So shut the F*CK up.

作者: jlseamm    时间: 2007-6-8 13:42

Sorry for cursing in your thread, I swear I don't do that very often. People like mmpa2005 just really piss me off.

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-6-8 23:19
以下是引用xoxoacura在2007-6-8 11:01:00的发言:

Traveled to NYC quite a few times. Really hate it.

but don't forget there is only 1 toronto in canada while in usa, there are cities like new york too! (LA, Chicago)

canada is basically a territory, not a country. wake up, ok?

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-6-8 23:25
以下是引用jlseamm在2007-6-8 13:34:00的发言:

I have to say that some Chinese guys like you make themselves as expensives as whores, and that's why they are so UNpopular. So shut the F*CK up.

Let me clarify.

I mean asian girls are cheap in terms of morality - i guess u don't understand what "cheap" mean.

Maybe you only remember/know "cheap" in terms of monetary price - that is not true.

On the other hand, I will be happy to hear that if chinese guys are demanding decent pay in law firms rather than negotiating lower-than-average salary in exchange for a H1B sponsorship or other visa convenience. If that is why they are unpopular, I would be sympathetic and willing to help them out.

But girls are cheap because they negotiate their morality in exchange of something convenient for themselves. Not only they have strong selfishness, but also strong ego, such as you - cannot tolerate negative comments or critical suggestions. IN the court, will you say "Sxxx the Fxxx up?" I don't think so. And in the face of a white, will you say that too? probably yes but with a little bit consideration, rite?

see the difference?

Argue only after examine your conscienceness.

作者: jlseamm    时间: 2007-6-9 00:25
Yes, let's take a moment to exam what you have said. I won't go through your poorly written argument in too much detail, as there are just too many grammatical and logical errors. I would first note that there are plenty of girls who act cheap, but to apply that to all women is just stupid. More importantly, the error in logic probably reflects the low LSAT that ultimately resulted or will result in your being paid less than your female Asian counterparts. It amuses me to read the contributions of a man who can't find any other reason why women are paid more than the reason you put forth. "Girls are cheap because they negotiate their morality"? Is that all girls that you're referring to, or just the ones you’re related to and associate with? Not to insult your family, I'm just assuming that you must be applying your own life experience to your ridiculous assertions; otherwise you wouldn't make such ludicrous claims. I mean, you call them critical suggestions. What are you suggesting? That all women become nuns so that men can feel better about themselves or that all women who get jobs are whores? Does your mother work?

You're right, in court I wouldn't have to say shut the fuck up. I would let you talk because the more you talked the more the jury would see how senseless and crazy you are. I wouldn't have to say a word. "In the face of a white" (I hope you mean a white person and not a great white shark or something) I wouldn't need to say anything because I don't have to prove myself to white people as you seem to feel the need to do. I would already have the job you wanted with the "whites" anyway. That being said, if any white/ black/ hispanic/ native american person were to make the crazy statement that you did, I would reply in the same way, because, UNLIKE YOU, I do not draw conclusions based on a gender or a race. Don't think that I have no respect for you because you're Asian. I have no respect for you because you're WILLFULLY IGNORANT and willing to prove it to everyone.

See the difference?

Argue only when you have something intelligent to contribute.

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-6-9 04:52
以下是引用jlseamm在2007-6-9 0:25:00的发言:
Yes, let's take a moment to exam what you have said. I won't go through your poorly written argument in too much detail, as there are just too many grammatical and logical errors. I would first note that there are plenty of girls who act cheap, but to apply that to all women is just stupid. More importantly, the error in logic probably reflects the low LSAT that ultimately resulted or will result in your being paid less than your female Asian counterparts. It amuses me to read the contributions of a man who can't find any other reason why women are paid more than the reason you put forth. "Girls are cheap because they negotiate their morality"? Is that all girls that you're referring to, or just the ones you’re related to and associate with? Not to insult your family, I'm just assuming that you must be applying your own life experience to your ridiculous assertions; otherwise you wouldn't make such ludicrous claims. I mean, you call them critical suggestions. What are you suggesting? That all women become nuns so that men can feel better about themselves or that all women who get jobs are whores? Does your mother work?

You're right, in court I wouldn't have to say shut the fuck up. I would let you talk because the more you talked the more the jury would see how senseless and crazy you are. I wouldn't have to say a word. "In the face of a white" (I hope you mean a white person and not a great white shark or something) I wouldn't need to say anything because I don't have to prove myself to white people as you seem to feel the need to do. I would already have the job you wanted with the "whites" anyway. That being said, if any white/ black/ hispanic/ native american person were to make the crazy statement that you did, I would reply in the same way, because, UNLIKE YOU, I do not draw conclusions based on a gender or a race. Don't think that I have no respect for you because you're Asian. I have no respect for you because you're WILLFULLY IGNORANT and willing to prove it to everyone.

See the difference?

Argue only when you have something intelligent to contribute.

1. haha, people cannot argue then they first turn on "grammatical error" to refuse to listen. I am not teaching you how to use grammar, if you don't understand, don't read it. Period.

2. i m not a prof and don't have time to read ur lengthy and funny stuff with lots of big words.

3. really hate girls like this type - strong ego and low moral, maybe you are not this type but i m not that sure.

4. i DID draw a conclusion on race and gender, so what? this is court? are you going to charge me with anything? Libel? Slander? Threaten? ha~ you so funny~

5. again, asian girls are cheap, that is common sense in here. You can deny it, avoid it but just accept it. Period.

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-6-9 04:52

and i am amazed by the fact that your boss pays u lots of money per hour by just letting u make this long long long statement online~~

cool, where do u work ah?

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-6-9 04:55

o yeah, btw,

my LSAT sucks~, ok?

but i contributed 1M USD to Harvard and then got admission,

are you envious now and do u want to suck my bxxxs to make me happy~?

u fxxxing bxxxx~

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 4:57:25编辑过]

作者: mmpa2005    时间: 2007-6-9 05:01
以下是引用jlseamm在2007-6-8 13:34:00的发言:

I have to say that some Chinese guys like you make themselves as expensives as whores, and that's why they are so UNpopular. So shut the F*CK up.

and by saying that, u ve agreed my statements - what is the point of arguing with me?

just want to stand up for all bxxxxes?

i did not say chinese guys are NOT expensive at all. if you cannot buy one, buy a cheaper niggar, ok?

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-6-9 05:03

Just ignore mmpa2005. He is an ignorant bigot who cannot find a job. Instead, he spent his time online flaming people randomly.

作者: kazaaerato    时间: 2007-6-9 05:44
hao tie

作者: jlseamm    时间: 2007-6-9 12:09

Haha, I am glad to see that it is common sense here that mmpa205 is a crazy. I won't waste my time then.

作者: jlseamm    时间: 2007-6-9 12:19
Although I would like to honestly add that I think you should get some counseling mmpa205. I mean, seriously, all insults aside; I think you may have some issues. Maybe you feel victimized by different racial and gender groups. It's one thing to argue, but another to carry around all that baggage. I don't mean that to insult you and I'm not a professional, but just think about it. I won't argue with you anymore. It's just not worth it man. Let it go.

作者: weqinfo    时间: 2007-6-14 03:04
Excellent point

作者: 匡匡    时间: 2007-6-15 23:24





作者: 匡匡    时间: 2007-6-16 08:33
作者: yl20960    时间: 2007-9-4 15:29
作者: caiwencn2007    时间: 2007-9-6 03:18


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-6 3:52:44编辑过]

作者: caiwencn2007    时间: 2007-9-6 03:42
以下是引用jlseamm在2007-6-9 0:25:00的发言:
Yes, let's take a moment to exam what you have said. I won't go through your poorly written argument in too much detail, as there are just too many grammatical and logical errors. I would first note that there are plenty of girls who act cheap, but to apply that to all women is just stupid. More importantly, the error in logic probably reflects the low LSAT that ultimately resulted or will result in your being paid less than your female Asian counterparts. It amuses me to read the contributions of a man who can't find any other reason why women are paid more than the reason you put forth. "Girls are cheap because they negotiate their morality"? Is that all girls that you're referring to, or just the ones you’re related to and associate with? Not to insult your family, I'm just assuming that you must be applying your own life experience to your ridiculous assertions; otherwise you wouldn't make such ludicrous claims. I mean, you call them critical suggestions. What are you suggesting? That all women become nuns so that men can feel better about themselves or that all women who get jobs are whores? Does your mother work?

You're right, in court I wouldn't have to say shut the fuck up. I would let you talk because the more you talked the more the jury would see how senseless and crazy you are. I wouldn't have to say a word. "In the face of a white" (I hope you mean a white person and not a great white shark or something) I wouldn't need to say anything because I don't have to prove myself to white people as you seem to feel the need to do. I would already have the job you wanted with the "whites" anyway. That being said, if any white/ black/ hispanic/ native american person were to make the crazy statement that you did, I would reply in the same way, because, UNLIKE YOU, I do not draw conclusions based on a gender or a race. Don't think that I have no respect for you because you're Asian. I have no respect for you because you're WILLFULLY IGNORANT and willing to prove it to everyone.

See the difference?

Argue only when you have something intelligent to contribute.

Sista, i back you up!

As a lawyer, you got to be tough.

and remember there're so many jerks in this world, including that man who doesn't respect women.

what shall we do? yes, just say "ok fine. just stay away from me."

you're a smart girl, smarter than most boys and men!

there's no need to fight with those narrow-minded losers.

that loser, i don't even know why he's here, especially his words against Canada and something saying Chinese girls should go looking for african-americans. This person, must have been seriously descriminated for a long time.

He doesn't know what he's fighting for and who himself is. he belongs to no country, no friends and family. simply ignorant.

作者: caiwencn2007    时间: 2007-9-6 03:50
以下是引用mmpa2005在2007-6-9 4:52:00的发言:

1. haha, people cannot argue then they first turn on "grammatical error" to refuse to listen. I am not teaching you how to use grammar, if you don't understand, don't read it. Period.

2. i m not a prof and don't have time to read ur lengthy and funny stuff with lots of big words.

3. really hate girls like this type - strong ego and low moral, maybe you are not this type but i m not that sure.

4. i DID draw a conclusion on race and gender, so what? this is court? are you going to charge me with anything? Libel? Slander? Threaten? ha~ you so funny~

5. again, asian girls are cheap, that is common sense in here. You can deny it, avoid it but just accept it. Period.

you not only hurt her, but also all of us girls and women here.

you should get educated Mr Ingorant! Do it now before you fall through your whole life!

read something, meet some interesting people, and do something not so cheap instead of being the biggest loser in this forum.

and who are you? where are you from? where's your homeland? who gave your life to you ? and who gives you the right to say this?!!!

You're in the US right? Aren't you aware that it's against the law to descriminate women and the minority?

Asian girls are cheap? go ahead find a white girl. i'm afraid you're too cheap no female would want to make friends with you at all.

 you're so lame loser.

作者: 况天佑    时间: 2007-9-7 18:07
Support you~~~~caiwencn2007

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