24日, 多伦多, 考了不到600. 天突然变冷, 看着商店玻璃反射的我, 那才叫冷. 嗨, 作PP也不这么惨, 只好再来.
从来倒头就睡, 睡了就着的我, 23日晚失眠, LD经常说我没心没肺, 看来有心有肺竟不会挑时间, 睡了不到两小时, 早晨醒来有种感觉--我到底睡没睡觉..
头晕, 喝了瓶红牛, 更晕. 迷迷糊糊晃到考试中心, 存包, 照相, 打指纹, 喘口气, 考.
作文--- 300多字, 用词苍白无力, 无例子科举, 虽然不是胡诌, 但不是好文章. 不提了.
黄金80粗略的看过, 没有详细准备思路.
数学---无一道机经, 题库换了, 平时数学只看了陈向东的概念, GWD题作了两套, 每套有四五个错, PP做了两套, 各48分, 心想有机警推推, 应该49左右, 可...48..我想其中的原因是和注意力有关, 粗心了. 因为没有太难的.
语文---阅读走神, 对文章没有整体把握, 记不了几个可以回跳的细节, 懵了..语法还可以, 自我感觉. 估计实际上好不到哪里. 逻辑也不好, 感觉题目倒不难, 可看在眼里, 定格在大脑里, 呆了...
今天, 在考场, 倒是不紧张, 可能是反困了, 可放松过头了, 题都没做得进去. 悲愤.. 考前坐GWD语法一般错4-5个, 阅读4-5个, 逻辑4-5个..OG11作了两遍, 总结一遍, GWD做了10套, 总结六套. 数学, 没有作透, 还有概念不清. 每天业余时间看书3-4小时.
最后还是没有取消成绩, 就想看看, 这个状态, 能靠多少, ----550..好一盆三九天凉水...
最后, 好在老婆没有怪罪, 鼓励再来一次..那就自己先定各目标, 两个月之后650+ 吧.
教训: 基础还没打牢, OG研究不透, 没有达到NN们行云流水的境界. 阅读欠练, 错目率高, 只用小安阅读在OG上划拉过一次. 逻辑没有很好总结提醒, 还和阅读能力有关..语法还停留两个月前的水平. 没有长进. 还有其它, 考前没有练好pace, 没有调整好状态, 意外失眠..
AI: 11. “When someone achieves greatness in any field — such as the arts, science, politics, or business — that person’s achievements are more important than any of his or her personal faults.”
AA: 114. The following appeared in a memorandum from the director of research and development at Ready-to-Ware, a software engineering firm.
“The package of benefits and incentives that Ready-to-Ware offers to professional staff is too costly. Our quarterly profits have declined since the package was introduced two years ago, at the time of our incorporation. Moreover, the package had little positive effect, as we have had only marginal success in recruiting and training high-quality professional staff. To become more profitable again, Ready-to-Ware should, therefore, offer the reduced benefits package that was in place two years ago and use the savings to fund our current research and development initiatives.”
thanks for sharing~~~~~~
add oil LZ~~~
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