11. Civil libertarian: The categorical prohibition of any nonviolent means of expression inevitably poisons a society's intellectual atmosphere Therefore, those advocating censorship of all potentially offensive art are pursuing a course that is harmful to society.
Censorship advocate: You're wrong, because many people are in agreement about what constitutes potentially offensive art.
The censorship advocate's rebuttal is flawed because it
(A) attempts to extract a general rule from a specific case
(B) extracts an erroneous principle from a commonly held belief
(C) attacks the civil libertarians character instead of the argument.
(D) relies on an irrelevant reason or rejecting the civil libertarians argument
(E) uses hyperbolic inflammatory language that obscures the issue at hand
21. Jane: Professor Harper's ideas for modifying the design of guitars are of no value because there is no general agreement among musicians as to what a guitar should sound like and. Consequently, no widely accepted basis for evaluating the merits of a guitar's sound.
Mark: What's more, Harper's ideas have had enough time to be adopted if they really resulted in superior sound. It took only ten years for the Torres design for guitars to be almost universally adopted because of the improvement it makes in tonal quality.
Which one of the following most accurately describes the relationship between Jane's argument and Mark's argument?
(A) Mark's argument shows how a weakness in Jane's argument can be overcome.
(B) Mark's argument has a premise in common with Jane's argument
(C) Mark and Jane use similar techniques to argue for different conclusions.
(D) Mark's argument restates Jane's argument in other terms.
(E) Mark's argument and Jane's argument are based on conflicting suppositions.
这个题目我选A,答案是E,这种题目如何抽象归纳呢?我好迷茫?作者: cranberry 时间: 2003-4-12 11:48
the first one :my answer is d,for the advocate's remarks give no direct and logically reasonable sopport for his idea. the second: JANE的逻辑是“由于没有对吉他声效的一致的意见,所以就没有一个统一的评价吉他声效的标准,因为无法评价,所以某教授的改进设计就是一个菜。”其实,如果没有标准,根据什么说那是一个菜呢?这才是她的逻辑缺陷。MARK的意思则是只要声效确有提高,加以时日,还是会被接受的,本质上和JANE的意思是不同的,也没有对JANE的理论缺陷给予解决。所以A 是不对的。 这是偶的理解,不知对否,至于抽象的思路,必须要shany牛牛或花栗鼠牛牛来了,呵呵。作者: shany 时间: 2003-4-12 23:17
2. 两个学者的结论是相同的,即Professor Harper's ideas are of no value。 但其论据是相反的,Jane认为不会有统一的标准,而Mark认为Torres's design被普遍接受。 我也没有特别的良方,唯尽量把握对话双方的focus。