
标题: 两道OG逻辑,谢谢og-99,og-115 [打印本页]

作者: 春天的花儿会开    时间: 2003-10-28 18:53
标题: 两道OG逻辑,谢谢og-99,og-115
115. Many people argue that tobacco advertising plays a crucial role in causing teen-agers to start or continue
smoking. In Norway, however, where there has been a ban on tobacco advertising since 1975, smoking is at
least as prevalent among teen-agers as it is in countries that do not ban such advertising.
Which of the following statements draws the most reliable conclusion from the information above?
(A) Tobacco advertising cannot be the only factor that affects the prevalence of smoking among teen-agers.
(B) Advertising does not play a role in causing teen-agers to start or continue smoking.
(C) Banning tobacco advertising does not reduce the consumption of tobacco.
(D) More teen-agers smoke if they are not exposed to tobacco advertising than if they are.
(E) Most teen-agers who smoked in 1975 did not stop when the ban on tobacco advertising was implemented.
the key:A
Transnational cooperation among corporations is experiencing a model renaissance among United States firms,
even though projects undertaken by two or more corporations under a collaborative agreement are less
profitable than projects undertaken by a singly corporation . The advantage of transnational cooperation is that
such joint international projects may allow United States firms to win foreign contracts that they would not
otherwise be able to win.
99. Which of the following is information provided by the passage above?
(A) Transnational cooperation involves projects too big for a single corporation to handle.
(B) Transnational cooperation results in a pooling of resources leading to high-quality performance.
(C) Transnational cooperation has in the past been both more common and less common than it is now among
United States firms.
(D) Joint projects between United States and foreign corporation are not profitable enough to be worth
(E) Joint projects between United States and foreign corporations benefit only those who commission the
the key:C

作者: happy_huan    时间: 2003-10-28 23:01
作者: 春天的花儿会开    时间: 2003-10-28 23:08
多谢happy-huan mm指导,只是我一排除选项的时候就会把正确的选项排掉,真是惭愧啊
作者: 八戒    时间: 2003-10-29 10:09

原文中:Many people argue that tobacco advertising plays a crucial role in causing teen-agers to start or continue smoking.

Maybe there are many factors in causing teen-agers to start or continue smoking.
The tobacco advertising is likely to play a trivial role.If so , we can not conclude that tobacco advertising will exert the remarkable effect on causing teen-agers to start or continue smoking.

So , in my view, B is not assumption, but an irrelevant statement.
作者: 春天的花儿会开    时间: 2003-10-29 11:20
作者: 八戒    时间: 2003-10-29 14:27
I agree with what you said here.Actually, there are some correlation between conclusion and assumption.But,tell the truth ,I can not help you a lot.I just have preparied for cracking GMAT earlier than you , and then made more mistakes. I can not clearly answer this question.
      But it is obvious that OG is the most important  reference to GMAT.And you should put emphasie on it.If you have enough time , you can try LSAT.

      Let's shake hands and crack GMAT!

作者: 春天的花儿会开    时间: 2003-10-29 14:52
作者: lifelover    时间: 2004-10-17 00:58

再问115, 选项E是不是可以作为解释明显分歧(apparent discrepancy)的答案来用?

作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-10-17 04:58
不行,差很远。一是E没说是 这是Norway的情况。关键是 原文Norway是和别的国家比,E和自己以前比,所以解释不了矛盾。
作者: kangdi    时间: 2004-10-17 05:30

Why do we have to concerned about assumption and conclusion for this type of questions? Or why do we have to negate an answer? Does it help?

作者: lifelover    时间: 2004-10-17 07:10
以下是引用lawyer_1在2004-10-17 4:58:00的发言:
不行,差很远。一是E没说是 这是Norway的情况。关键是 原文Norway是和别的国家比,E和自己以前比,所以解释不了矛盾。

谢谢LAWYER 的回复。 我的理解是题干第一部分说广告作用显著。第二部分说,NORWAY1975年后颁布了广告禁令,但吸烟的TEENAGER并不比没有类似禁令的国家少。 作为对这种现象的解释可以认为那些NORWAY吸烟的TEENAGER是在颁布禁令前就开始吸,因此不受禁令影响。 实际上我的问题不是针对本题的问题而言,而是大胆做了一个出一道新题的假设。 想法可能不成熟,望指点。

作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-10-17 08:45
作者: eSpirit    时间: 2004-10-17 13:26



作者: xionghuixh    时间: 2004-12-18 07:28


Since the passage strongly suggests transnational cooperation can be profitable for the firms concerned, it
thereby tends to contradict both the claims that joint projects are not profitable (choice D) and that they only
benefit those who commission the projects (choice E).

红色部分两个概念有什么区别?those 不可以理解成company吗

作者: 阳光灿烂    时间: 2005-8-29 19:39

我觉得是分类错误, E 选项中project between United States and foreign corporations , 文中project 是 undertaken by two or more corporations, 是不搭界的, 所以排除E

作者: dovecat    时间: 2005-9-2 16:35

我的看法:E中的those who commission the projects好像有问题,原文中并未提到什么commission,而且only这个绝对词用在这里,一看就不好。 不知我的理解是否正确,还请大虾指教。


作者: dovecat    时间: 2005-9-2 17:47
以下是引用eSpirit在2004-10-17 13:26:00的发言:



十分同意!其实我在做这题时读到拿挪威和别的国家比就疙瘩了一下,因为通常这时应该说自己国家前后的情况做对比。也就是说挪威自己国家前后的情况原文没提,所以ban ads 效果不知道如何(OG的解释也就是这个意思),所以其他答案都不对,是自个儿加上去的效果。但有一点可以肯定:那就是广告不是唯一的因素=原文中第一句话说的:起了一个重要的作用而已。所以A对。


作者: advantage    时间: 2005-9-8 10:56


作者: oceanalma    时间: 2005-9-25 17:03

这个题目真的有点不理解,我觉得A和B都不能完全推出来啊,如果a是 is not an only crucial factor就比较合适


作者: seasnow    时间: 2005-12-4 15:44



作者: 2000000006    时间: 2005-12-4 18:31

原文故事:本来许多人认为烟草广告促使消费,然而在 N地,即便没有烟草广告烟草消费也不比有广告的地域少。


(A) Tobacco advertising cannot be the only factor that affects the prevalence of smoking among teen-agers.

(B) Advertising does not play a role in causing teen-agers to start or continue smoking.


104. Spending on research and development by United States businesses for 1984 showed an increase of about 8 percent over the 1983 level. This increase actually continued a downward trend evident since 1981 – when outlays for research and development increased 16.4 percent over 1980 spending. Clearly, the 25 percent tax credit enacted by Congress in 1981, which was intended to promote spending on research and development, did little or nothing to stimulate such spending.

The conclusion of the argument above cannot be true unless which of the following is true?

(D) In the absence of the 25% tax credit, business spending for research and development after 1981 would not have been substantially lower than it was. (没有这个tax credit情形下研发经费不会变得比实际发生的更低,即如果更低,只能说明tax credit有一点作用了)

作者: seasnow    时间: 2005-12-23 06:42

Thanks. I got it.

作者: cw_chan    时间: 2006-5-18 11:13

OG 99 )Which of the following is information provided by the passage above?


ETS 怎能如此折磨人?

作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-7-13 22:23
作者: haijung    时间: 2006-7-15 22:20


Transnational cooperation among corporations is experiencing a model renaissance among United States firms,
even though projects undertaken by two or more corporations under a collaborative agreement are less
profitable than projects undertaken by a singly corporation . The advantage of transnational cooperation is that
such joint international projects may allow United States firms to win foreign contracts that they would not
otherwise be able to win.
99. Which of the following is information provided by the passage above?
(A) Transnational cooperation involves projects too big for a single corporation to handle.
(B) Transnational cooperation results in a pooling of resources leading to high-quality performance.
(C) Transnational cooperation has in the past been both more common and less common than it is now among
United States firms.
(D) Joint projects between United States and foreign corporation are not profitable enough to be worth
(E) Joint projects between United States and foreign corporations benefit only those who commission the

之前有前輩討論過是否是因為COMMISSION這個字,但是我覺得這個字沒有造成特別大的反擊力量阿,請各位牛牛幫幫忙囉~ 感謝~

作者: cw_chan    时间: 2007-1-5 22:05

(E) Joint projects between United States and foreign corporations benefit only those who commission the
projects. 怎样理解公司之间commission the projects.


作者: ppjelly    时间: 2008-4-10 00:17


作者: thing_12    时间: 2008-4-11 22:52


作者: ppjelly    时间: 2008-4-11 23:36
楼上的,我用的OG10 因为比较一下,OG11的题在10里面都有嘛,而且10前辈们讨论充分啊,所以就做10啦.
以下是引用thing_12在2008-4-11 22:52:00的发言:


作者: ppjelly    时间: 2008-4-11 23:55
对前面几位前辈,包括NNlawyer提出的挪威/挪威以外有些质疑.可能是我错了,但是还是想跟大家探讨一下自己的想法.我觉得OG主要想解释的是prevelent=\=effect(cause/stop/continue smoke),而不是前辈们说的范围问题.大家觉得呢??OG10对B-E的解释如下"Since no information is given about what effect, if any,the Noregian ban on tobacco advertising had on teenage somking in Norway, none of choices B through E can be concluded, since each makes some claim about the effect of tobacco advertising, or of banning such advertising, on teenage smoking or on tobacco comsumption."

115. Many people argue that tobacco advertising plays a crucial role in causing teen-agers to start or continue
smoking. In Norway, however, where there has been a ban on tobacco advertising since 1975, smoking is at
least as prevalent among teen-agers as it is in countries that do not ban such advertising.
Which of the following statements draws the most reliable conclusion from the information above?
(A) Tobacco advertising cannot be the only factor that affects the prevalence of smoking among teen-agers.
(B) Advertising does not play a role in causing teen-agers to start or continue smoking.
(C) Banning tobacco advertising does not reduce the consumption of tobacco.
(D) More teen-agers smoke if they are not exposed to tobacco advertising than if they are.
(E) Most teen-agers who smoked in 1975 did not stop when the ban on tobacco advertising was implemented.
以下是引用advantage在2005-9-8 10:56:00的发言:


作者: ppjelly    时间: 2008-4-12 06:05
我自己的理解是:E这有实际做工程的公司能得到利益。这里who commision the projects就是说只有合作的几个公司的部分是有利益的。这是文中没有的信息,OG好像也是这个意思哦。下面是牛津高阶对commision的解释
commision: to officially ask sb to write, make or create sth or to do a task for you: [VN] Publishers have commissioned a French translation
of the book.
以下是引用cw_chan在2007-1-5 22:05:00的发言:

(E) Joint projects between United States and foreign corporations benefit only those who commission the
projects. 怎样理解公司之间commission the projects.


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-12 6:14:36编辑过]

作者: neverblue203    时间: 2008-5-15 05:11




Since no information is given about what effect, if any,the Noregian ban on tobacco advertising had on teenage somking in Norway, none of choices B through E can be concluded,


所以OG的意思:文中没有"Noregian 国家ban广告后,对Noregian的影响"任何信息.BCED都是针对"Noregian 国家ban广告后,对Noregian的影响"做出的推测.


作者: hopefaith001    时间: 2008-6-13 01:25
作者: goyce36    时间: 2008-6-30 00:26

大家帮我看看我的方法对么? A是广告 B是青少年吸烟

原文:AB   AB

A选项,他因。如果把这当作削弱题,正好是 AB是他因法。

B选项,A不能→B 从原文的逻辑推不出

作者: xinling917    时间: 2009-8-7 09:44
以下是引用advantage在2005/9/8 10:56:00的发言:



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