标题: GMAT语法大全551题 [打印本页]
作者: dandan74 时间: 2003-10-28 13:02
标题: GMAT语法大全551题
57。 Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.
(A) compared to those that can b detected
(B) compared to those they can detect
(C) than that can be detected
(D) than those that can be detected
(E) than those detecting
D正确,那末those应该指代sources, 那末这里的than得比较在句子中做什莫成分呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-28 13:12:29编辑过]
作者: gemj 时间: 2003-10-28 13:09
作者: gemj 时间: 2003-10-28 13:10
作者: dandan74 时间: 2003-10-28 13:14
我是说正确的判断those that can be detected 和 that can be detected呢?
作者: dandan74 时间: 2003-10-28 13:18
twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.都作为修饰语修饰 sources?
我觉得自己在做题的时候把 这个比较当作和light比了,所以排除了D
作者: gemj 时间: 2003-10-28 13:44
作者: dandan74 时间: 2003-10-28 14:08
作者: gemj 时间: 2003-10-28 14:14
作者: gemj 时间: 2003-10-28 14:16
作者: dandan74 时间: 2003-10-29 15:43
作者: lizaz 时间: 2003-10-29 16:39
作者: brunhild 时间: 2003-10-29 17:11
之所以排除C项,我觉得主要是因为c项中than之后的that can be detected是一个完整句子形式,造成了 一个词与一个句子的对比,或者理解为是that引导的定从所修饰的对象不明确
作者: lizaz 时间: 2003-10-29 17:34
排除C是因为单复数的关系,这里的sources是复数,所以只能用those指代,that只能指代单数。且D中如果把that省略,即than those can be detected一样正确。
作者: cmtn 时间: 2003-11-14 00:54
(D) than those that can be detected.
是 Sources can be detected 还是 lights can be detected,
I think that it should be "lights can be detected",
"fainter" 是比较 light(s) 吧?
LZM书中说是比较 sources, 我感觉不大对
作者: gemj 时间: 2003-11-14 01:18
哪怕是更微弱的光线,the Hubble Space Telescope 也能探测到。
哪怕是更微弱的光源,the Hubble Space Telescope 也能探测到。
不能说明the Hubble Space Telescope有什么优点啊。
作者: gemj 时间: 2003-11-14 01:51
我又仔细想了想,those还是应该指代sources。因为从语法(句法)的角度,如果不是sources与sources比的话,light后面的from sources就是多余的。之所以加上from sources,就是要通过它引出sources—比较的对象。
作者: oldreaper 时间: 2003-11-14 07:41
以下是引用dandan74在2003-10-28 13:02:00的发言:57。 Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources twenty times fainter
compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.
(A) compared to those that can b detected
(B) compared to those they can detect
(C) than that can be detected
(D) than those that can be detected
(E) than those detecting
D正确,那末those应该指代sources, 那末这里的than得比较在句子中做什莫成分呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-28 13:12:29编辑过]
以下是引用gemj在2003-11-14 1:51:00的发言:
我又仔细想了想,those还是应该指代sources。因为从语法(句法)的角度,如果不是sources与sources比的话,light后面的from sources就是多余的。之所以加上from sources,就是要通过它引出sources—比较的对象。
1. 我同义此说法, 英语要求就进修饰所以twenty times fainter 应该修饰 source.
2.此题比较为介词宾语的比较 from source...than....所以, than后面的代词或者比较对象是不能省略的,说以必须有those, 或者 source出现: from source fainter...than those / the sources, 然后再是定语 所以D肯定对! 相反 (C) than that can be detected
中的that 拿出来做指代前面的代词, 后面的 can be detected 不能坐定语了。所以C错误!
作者: bjerik 时间: 2003-11-14 09:04
如果that指代light的话,则 light from sources...than that can be detected中can be detected 为省略that 的定语从句,否则than that that can be detected的表达形式太罗嗦了。
作者: allaneli 时间: 2003-11-14 09:18
bjerik 你的观点不对,如果that 指代 light 的话,后面的that 是不可以省的,因为that 再从句中作主语。其实oldreaper 讲得很清楚了,严重同意他的观点
作者: zhouhaichen 时间: 2003-12-18 23:26
同意oldreaper,如果c选项改成 than light that can be detected从语法上就完整了。
作者: 麻集爱 时间: 2004-5-18 11:43
如果是指代 soures的话,前面必须加介词from
这个题的答案有点奇怪。 ?
作者: ios 时间: 2004-5-18 12:15
作者: cmtn 时间: 2004-5-21 06:01
老兄? or MM
作者: 心晴 时间: 2004-7-2 07:55
作者: ztlbox 时间: 2004-7-27 22:25
偶也觉得应该加from, 两个状语之间的比较,但在og中确实出现过不加介词的比较,是关于航空公司为刺激销售,改为7天而不是14天的那道题{忘记具体位置了},但也有好多题是要在than后面补出介词,否则会被认为比较成分不对等。
totally confused!
作者: autumn_leaves 时间: 2005-2-22 22:39
作者: colacat 时间: 2005-2-23 01:16
than those that can be detected by ground-based instruments
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-23 1:16:41编辑过]
作者: kingsoft 时间: 2005-2-23 01:25
Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources (that are ) twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments
这样把省略补出来就清楚了,句子的主干是the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources,之后的都是隶属于(that are ) 定语从句之内的成分
作者: colacat 时间: 2005-2-23 01:29
作者: brace 时间: 2005-2-23 02:00
以下是引用kingsoft在2005-2-23 1:25:00的发言: 这个题目是选D的
Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources (that are ) twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments
这样把省略补出来就清楚了,句子的主干是the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources,之后的都是隶属于(that are ) 定语从句之内的成分
对, 都能讲的通的时候, 就近, 没有错。
作者: colacat 时间: 2005-2-23 09:25
en 我又想了想,应该those说的是sources
captrue light, detected sources
作者: momoyu 时间: 2005-10-10 23:08
作者: promising 时间: 2006-2-22 21:47
作者: feiqtx 时间: 2006-4-15 20:36
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-16 14:06:54编辑过]
作者: znx 时间: 2006-4-15 20:57
that作为关系代词在从句中作主语是不能省略的。这道题D选项those that...很明确地提示了这一点,而C中的that如果指代前面的light,等于是省略了在从句中作主语的那个that,是错误的。
作者: feiqtx 时间: 2006-4-15 21:09
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-16 14:05:13编辑过]
作者: feiqtx 时间: 2006-4-16 12:08
作者: 香香茶 时间: 2006-5-3 23:32
1,如果用THAT来指代LIGHT,那么THAN后面有两个THAT才使句子语法上正确。可即便是这样,题目中的FROM SOURCES就是多余的了。
TO SUM UP,正确答案是选项D。
作者: judiwind2006 时间: 2006-8-19 16:04
作者: 盈儿 时间: 2006-11-6 21:24
以下是引用香香茶在2006-5-3 23:32:00的发言:1,如果用THAT来指代LIGHT,那么THAN后面有两个THAT才使句子语法上正确。
can't agree more!
That is the reason why C is incorrect.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-6 21:55:07编辑过]
作者: 盈儿 时间: 2006-11-6 21:54
以下是引用kingsoft在2005-2-23 1:25:00的发言: 这个题目是选D的
Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources (that are ) twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments
这样把省略补出来就清楚了,句子的主干是the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources,之后的都是隶属于(that are ) 定语从句之内的成分
作者: tiantian8273 时间: 2006-11-6 22:00
57。 Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.
(A) compared to those that can b detected
(B) compared to those they can detect
(C) than that can be detected
(D) than those that can be detected
(E) than those detecting
D正确,那末those应该指代sources, 那末这里的than得比较在句子中做什莫成分呢?
’twenty times fainter'紧跟在'sources'后面,应该是修饰'sources',如果修饰light的话则应该直接跟在light的后面,这是OG中一直强调的就近修饰原则;比较词'fainter'在修饰短语中间,比较的对象则应该是修饰短语所修饰的对象,即这里的sources;比较结构除了逻辑上要可比之外,结构形式上也要尽量对称,因此D选项用'those'指代前面的'sources', 形成Noun 与 Noun 的比较,C选项中没有'those',这样就变成了Noun与subordinate(从句)的比较,结构不对称,没有D选项好。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-6 22:01:43编辑过]
作者: fd983314 时间: 2007-1-14 18:12
这道题做错了。记住教训:that can be detected。
作者: amor924 时间: 2007-1-15 06:15
I think, we should choose the better choice rather than the absolute choice as ETS said. So although D omits "from", it is better than C.
作者: hhjc 时间: 2007-8-29 09:53
作者: benyneb 时间: 2007-9-20 00:21
下面是从一个印度人的考试论坛转贴的. 大家姑且看看吧. 我觉得分析的还有些道理. 虽然我也选错了...
Re: that / those
We are not sure whether the comparision is for "light" or for "sources". So the choice could be either C or D.
Now, let us examine C
C has used "that". So logically "that" is referring singular noun-"light". If we replace "that" with "light", the sentence becomes
The Hubble Space Telescope will capture light .....twenty times fainter
than light can be detected by ground-based instruments.
This sentence is awkward.
We need some construction similar to
The Hubble Space Telescope will capture light .....twenty times fainter
than that [light] which can be detected by ground-based instruments.Now, let us see D,
D uses plural "those". So logically "those" is referring plural noun-"sources".
The Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources twenty times fainter
than those [sources] that can be detected by ground-based instruments.This sentence is OK. So D should be answer.
作者: youyou3941 时间: 2008-7-13 15:52
以下是引用benyneb在2007-9-20 0:21:00的发言:下面是从一个印度人的考试论坛转贴的. 大家姑且看看吧. 我觉得分析的还有些道理. 虽然我也选错了...
Re: that / those
We are not sure whether the comparision is for "light" or for "sources". So the choice could be either C or D.
Now, let us examine C
C has used "that". So logically "that" is referring singular noun-"light". If we replace "that" with "light", the sentence becomes
The Hubble Space Telescope will capture light .....twenty times fainter
than light can be detected by ground-based instruments.
This sentence is awkward.
We need some construction similar to
The Hubble Space Telescope will capture light .....twenty times fainter
than that [light] which can be detected by ground-based instruments.Now, let us see D,
D uses plural "those". So logically "those" is referring plural noun-"sources".
The Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources twenty times fainter
than those [sources] that can be detected by ground-based instruments.This sentence is OK. So D should be answer.
作者: XVVjing61 时间: 2008-7-16 13:30

作者: rwchinak 时间: 2008-7-16 15:07
57。 Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.
(A) compared to those that can b detected
(B) compared to those they can detect
(C) than that can be detected
(D) than those that can be detected
(E) than those detecting
1、C项的确错,正确应为,than that that can be detected.
HST可以检测到来自 比GBIs能检测到的 弱20倍的光源 的光。
PS,如果C项改为than that that can be detected,我觉得还是C项更好。更符合我们正常的思维吧
作者: batmanhm 时间: 2008-8-4 20:32
作者: lijiahui0422 时间: 2008-11-14 16:21
以下是引用oldreaper在2003-11-14 7:41:00的发言:以下是引用dandan74在2003-10-28 13:02:00的发言:
57。 Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.
(A) compared to those that can b detected
(B) compared to those they can detect
(C) than that can be detected
(D) than those that can be detected
(E) than those detecting
D正确,那末those应该指代sources, 那末这里的than得比较在句子中做什莫成分呢?
以下是引用gemj在2003-11-14 1:51:00的发言:
我又仔细想了想,those还是应该指代sources。因为从语法(句法)的角度,如果不是sources与sources比的话,light后面的from sources就是多余的。之所以加上from sources,就是要通过它引出sources—比较的对象。
1. 我同义此说法, 英语要求就进修饰所以twenty times fainter 应该修饰 source.
2.此题比较为介词宾语的比较 from source...than....所以, than后面的代词或者比较对象是不能省略的,说以必须有those, 或者 source出现: from source fainter...than those / the sources, 然后再是定语 所以D肯定对! 相反 (C) than that can be detected
中的that 拿出来做指代前面的代词, 后面的 can be detected 不能坐定语了。所以C错误!
定语从句中的引导词是可以省略的吧 that 指代light 后面省略引导词that 这个形式有什么问题么?
作者: lijiahui0422 时间: 2008-11-14 16:25
以下是引用znx在2006-4-15 20:57:00的发言:
that作为关系代词在从句中作主语是不能省略的。这道题D选项those that...很明确地提示了这一点,而C中的that如果指代前面的light,等于是省略了在从句中作主语的那个that,是错误的。
作者: lijiahui0422 时间: 2008-11-14 16:31
作者: nerakuhs 时间: 2009-1-27 16:22
以下是引用oldreaper在2003-11-14 7:41:00的发言:以下是引用dandan74在2003-10-28 13:02:00的发言:
57。 Once positioned in space, the Hubble Space Telescope will capture light from sources twenty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-based instruments.
(A) compared to those that can b detected
(B) compared to those they can detect
(C) than that can be detected
(D) than those that can be detected
(E) than those detecting
D正确,那末those应该指代sources, 那末这里的than得比较在句子中做什莫成分呢?
以下是引用gemj在2003-11-14 1:51:00的发言:
我又仔细想了想,those还是应该指代sources。因为从语法(句法)的角度,如果不是sources与sources比的话,light后面的from sources就是多余的。之所以加上from sources,就是要通过它引出sources—比较的对象。
1. 我同义此说法, 英语要求就进修饰所以twenty times fainter 应该修饰 source.
2.此题比较为介词宾语的比较 from source...than....所以, than后面的代词或者比较对象是不能省略的,说以必须有those, 或者 source出现: from source fainter...than those / the sources, 然后再是定语 所以D肯定对! 相反 (C) than that can be detected
中的that 拿出来做指代前面的代词, 后面的 can be detected 不能坐定语了。所以C错误!
than those that can be detected 这里的that 是引导词,不能省?为什么不能省?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-27 16:24:50编辑过]
作者: andylao2000 时间: 2009-3-28 00:36
我的看法是,C 中的than that can be detected by 会引起歧义。因为如果that是指代前面的light的话,就变成了 than that(light) can be detected by, 可以说得通。而如果把that作为定语从句的引导词,在语法上没问题,但在逻辑上,(1)看不清楚这个定语从句是和谁在比较,到底是light,还是sources,没有明确的标志性代词。(2) 即使知道是和那个名词作比较,而违反了比较原则,light 和 sources 是名词,而that can be detected by 是修饰部分,概念上不对等。
open to discuss
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 0:49:04编辑过]
作者: tita 时间: 2010-9-7 10:43
作者: tita 时间: 2010-9-7 10:47
我认为:定语从句中that做主语是不能省略的,因此就算指代light,C选项也应是than that that can be detected.第一个that指代light,第二个在从句中做主语。
作者: wilincl9321 时间: 2011-11-9 01:22
作者: bravo6 时间: 2011-12-1 10:19
作者: JOSS 时间: 2014-11-29 17:28
those肯定不能指代light,Manhattan语法上说指代必须一致,如果前面的名词是单数,那么后面要指代那个名词的复数形式时必须出现这个词的复数形式,即在这道题里,light是单数,后面指代时必须是those lights,必须出现lights
作者: Under_agent 时间: 2015-3-30 01:32
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