
标题: GWD32-Q13-Q14(jj出现过) [打印本页]

作者: fpig    时间: 2006-12-14 18:14
标题: GWD32-Q13-Q14(jj出现过)


Manufacturing site location is an

important consideration in determining

the optimal deployment of a firm’s

Line production resources, but one that is

(5)          usually given only limited attention.

     Decisions about location are often

based purely on quantitative analyses

that trade off transportation costs,

economies of scale, and other cost-

(10)      based variables. This practice,

however, can lead to suboptimal

results, as decision-makers tend to results,

focus only on easily quantifiable rac-

tors. A further disadvantage  of strictly

(15)      cost-based methods is that they tend to

focus on cost advantage factors, which

are often transitory. Government reg-

ulations, tax systems, and exchange

rates can quickly change. Strategies

20)         based on such parameters may

eventually be rendered obsolete by

the very factors that first created an


In contrast, qualitative issues, which

25)         are frequently neglected in choosing

manufacturing site locations, are often central to

creating and supporting a

competitive advantage. For example,

the level of skill possessed by the

30)     local workforce varies with location;

consequently, location can affect the

ability of firms to implement skill-based

process technologies. When formulat-

ing a site location strategy, companies

35)     should therefore emphasize qualitative

factors to ensure that the chosen

           strategy supports the company’s

overall business strategy. Only after

establishing a set of desirable location

40)         options should companies refine

      choices using cost-based factors.




The passage suggests which of the following

concerning qualitative methods used in

choosing manufacturing sites ?

1) They are more likely then are quantitative

methods to identify issues crucial to

maintaining a competitive advantage

2) They are least useful to companies with

relatively low levels of manufacturing


3)They have little value when applied to

 decisions other than choice of site

4)They are more risky for decision makers

 than are quantitative methods

5)They are used more frequently by multi

national corporations than by companies

with strictly domestic operations.



According to the passage ,analysis of quan-

titative factors is best used for which of the

Following ?


1) Determining strategies for offsetting qual-

itative disadvantages in manufacturing

site locations

2) Evaluating manufacturing site-location

  parameters affecting long-term

competitive advantage

3) Choosing manufacturing site locations

  that have access to optimal workforce


4)   Narrowing manufacturing site-location

options arrived it through qualitative


5)   Making decisions about business considerations other than location

of manufacturing sites

Q14答案选C,我选D。根据文章最后一句话,选址应先定性,在定量。C只是其中一个特例,是否D 更准确?

作者: lazyratcn    时间: 2006-12-14 18:44


作者: fpig    时间: 2006-12-14 21:19


作者: giraffevoice    时间: 2006-12-15 22:38
以下是引用fpig在2006-12-14 18:14:00的发言:


Manufacturing site location is an

important consideration in determining

the optimal deployment of a firm’s

Line production resources, but one that is

(5)          usually given only limited attention.

     Decisions about location are often

based purely on quantitative analyses

that trade off transportation costs,

economies of scale, and other cost-

(10)      based variables. This practice,

however, can lead to suboptimal

results, as decision-makers tend to results,

focus only on easily quantifiable rac-

tors. A further disadvantage  of strictly

(15)      cost-based methods is that they tend to

focus on cost advantage factors, which

are often transitory. Government reg-

ulations, tax systems, and exchange

rates can quickly change. Strategies

20)         based on such parameters may

eventually be rendered obsolete by

the very factors that first created an


In contrast, qualitative issues, which

25)         are frequently neglected in choosing

manufacturing site locations, are often central to

creating and supporting a

competitive advantage. For example,

the level of skill possessed by the

30)     local workforce varies with location;

consequently, location can affect the

ability of firms to implement skill-based

process technologies. When formulat-

ing a site location strategy, companies

35)     should therefore emphasize qualitative

factors to ensure that the chosen

           strategy supports the company’s

overall business strategy. Only after

establishing a set of desirable location

40)         options should companies refine

      choices using cost-based factors.





The passage suggests which of the following

concerning qualitative methods used in

choosing manufacturing sites ?

1) They are more likely then are quantitative

methods to identify issues crucial to

maintaining a competitive advantage

2) They are least useful to companies with

relatively low levels of manufacturing


3)They have little value when applied to

 decisions other than choice of site

4)They are more risky for decision makers

 than are quantitative methods

5)They are used more frequently by multi

national corporations than by companies

with strictly domestic operations.



According to the passage ,analysis of quan-

titative factors is best used for which of the

Following ?



1) Determining strategies for offsetting qual-

itative disadvantages in manufacturing

site locations

2) Evaluating manufacturing site-location

  parameters affecting long-term

competitive advantage

3) Choosing manufacturing site locations

  that have access to optimal workforce


4)   Narrowing manufacturing site-location

options arrived it through qualitative


5)   Making decisions about business considerations other than location

of manufacturing sites

Q14答案选C,我选D。根据文章最后一句话,选址应先定性,在定量。C只是其中一个特例,是否D 更准确?


作者: lxzjojo    时间: 2006-12-16 17:35



作者: huashengke    时间: 2006-12-16 20:43
作者: melodyxu    时间: 2007-1-11 08:14

In contrast, qualitative issues, which

25)         are frequently neglected in choosing

manufacturing site locations, are often central to

creating and supporting a

competitive advantage. For example,

the level of skill possessed by the

30)     local workforce varies with location;

consequently, location can affect the

ability of firms to implement skill-based

process technologies. When formulat-

ing a site location strategy, companies

35)     should therefore emphasize qualitative

factors to ensure that the chosen

           strategy supports the company’s

overall business strategy. Only after

establishing a set of desirable location

40)         options should companies refine

      choices using cost-based factors.

终于看出来答案应该是B。 文章最后一段说quantititative 是在quatitative 选定location 之后company 用来refine choices 的。 跟“Choosing manufacturing site locations  that have access to optimal workforce
opulations”意思吻合。 也就是说company 应该先用quatitative 的方法找到可以供选择的options (desirable location options ) 然后可以用quantitative 在这些option 中间再一次精简,提炼。 这题太阴了

作者: chenyudi    时间: 2007-3-22 14:43

还是D, refine=narrow

作者: eng_mba    时间: 2007-5-15 14:51
标题: 我也觉得是D,请大家在讨论!



作者: joejo9    时间: 2007-6-8 12:09
同意 答案给错了吧
作者: qingsongsg    时间: 2007-8-19 11:28
C说Choosing manufacturing site locations
that have access to optimal


    populations说明已经经过qualitative之后了,因为qualitative的作用之一就是找optimal workforce,line28toline30.
Narrowing manufacturing site-location options arrived it through qualitative analysis。意思是通过qualitative缩小位置选择,这个是个过程,quantitative应该是after这个过程之后,不是同时进行,所以不对。

作者: xiaxiagmat    时间: 2007-8-22 21:07

作者: wsdoll    时间: 2007-9-19 11:50


作者: 东西方隐    时间: 2007-12-26 14:18

C说Choosing manufacturing site locations
that have access to optimal workforce
optimal workforce populations说明已经经过qualitative之后了,因为qualitative的作用之一就是找optimal workforce,line28toline30.
Narrowing manufacturing site-location options arrived it through qualitative analysis。意思是通过qualitative缩小位置选择,这个是个过程,quantitative应该是after这个过程之后,不是同时进行,所以不对

Agree above explanation. C.

作者: besteady    时间: 2008-3-24 23:02


Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to
optimal workforce populations

这个选项中that 从句做定语修饰site locations, have是有的意思, 而不是代表已经的意思; C翻译过来是选择那些有最佳劳动力的厂址;

如果把C改成choosing from manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations, 就应该是正确选项了;

D. Narrowing manufacturing site-location options
arrived it through qualitative analysis

这个it不知道指代什么, 如果去掉感觉就更好了.


作者: tigercaiqun    时间: 2008-3-28 09:57
以下是引用chenyudi在2007-3-22 14:43:00的发言:

还是D, refine=narrow


作者: narcisuss    时间: 2008-6-5 23:30

14题C不对吧?C是qualitative style 干的事儿啊。


作者: lichabrend    时间: 2008-6-26 01:06
作者: kevintown    时间: 2008-8-12 05:27
以下是引用besteady在2008-3-24 23:02:00的发言:


Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to
optimal workforce populations

这个选项中that 从句做定语修饰site locations, have是有的意思, 而不是代表已经的意思; C翻译过来是选择那些有最佳劳动力的厂址;

如果把C改成choosing from manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations, 就应该是正确选项了;

D. Narrowing manufacturing site-location options
arrived it through qualitative analysis

这个it不知道指代什么, 如果去掉感觉就更好了.



D 就是it有点蹩脚,不过GWD的题都是偷出来的,不能深究,搞懂了文章就好

作者: yinlixiao    时间: 2008-9-14 12:52
14 答案是D

作者: 岳如初    时间: 2008-10-15 22:50



作者: Eliott    时间: 2009-2-28 21:47
作者: yyangao    时间: 2009-7-24 16:58
作者: pwss    时间: 2009-8-4 13:02

作者: alibaba_2009    时间: 2009-8-5 08:47


作者: jyx    时间: 2009-8-11 21:02
绝对是D:定位第二段于最后一句话cost-based factors就是quantitative factors
作者: angelwds    时间: 2009-8-22 18:23
作者: Tima2009    时间: 2009-8-23 01:09

Decisions about location are often based purely on quantitative analyses, 这个purely是不是说Choosing,然而narrowing好像文章中没有提到过,还有此题的提干“According to the passage ””“ 应该紧扣文章意思,不能做推理。是不是narrowing有点基于推理了。这只是我个人的理解,大家继续讨论。

作者: jerry1214    时间: 2009-9-23 22:16
作者: jerry1214    时间: 2009-9-23 22:18   这个帖子中yvettezhang说了选C的理由,不过我怎么觉得D选项结构好像和C不太一样啊,是不是题目有什么地方写错了?
作者: lv1015    时间: 2010-5-18 17:20
作者: stl2010    时间: 2010-6-23 01:10

Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to
optimal workforce populations

这个选项中that 从句做定语修饰site locations, have是有的意思, 而不是代表已经的意思; C翻译过来是选择那些有最佳劳动力的厂址;
如果把C改成choosing from manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations, 就应该是正确选项了;
D. Narrowing manufacturing site-location options
arrived it through qualitative analysis

这个it不知道指代什么, 如果去掉感觉就更好了.


-- by 会员 besteady (2008/3/24 23:02:00)

作者: 福亲王    时间: 2010-6-23 19:59
D只是可以用于缩小,而C文章已经说是central to 了相应的应该在分析woeking population方面更加准确一些,所以相对于D被更好的使用。
作者: elaineyll    时间: 2010-10-4 12:38   这个帖子中yvettezhang说了选C的理由,不过我怎么觉得D选项结构好像和C不太一样啊,是不是题目有什么地方写错了?
-- by 会员 jerry1214 (2009/9/23 22:18:00)


因为文中说qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage. For example, the level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location ...

注意for example,作者只是举了使用qualitative analysis的一个例子而已,也就是说qualitative analysis还有其他一些crucial的考量点,所以choosing manufacturing site-location options时,即使那些options是在考虑过optimal workforce populations的基础上选出的,但仍然可能还需要再考虑其他一些qualitative的因素,然后再用quantitative analysis. 所以C is vague.

作者: jxc729    时间: 2011-1-10 20:20
作者: 爱上薰衣草的紫    时间: 2011-1-16 18:47
作者: 爱上薰衣草的紫    时间: 2011-1-16 18:54
文章最后一句:Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies refine choices using cost-based factors.说明先用qualitative的方法筛选出几个候选的,再用quantitative的方法精选
C.      Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations 是指location已经经过qualitative筛选过了,最后几个剩下的再用quantitative

D.      Narrowing manufacturing site-location options arrived it through qualitative analysis 是指用quantitative的方法先来缩小筛选范围,与原文意思相反,注意本选项中的narrowing是指用quantitative来缩小,而非是已经缩小过的选择

-- by 会员 yvettezhang (2009/2/1 20:50:00)

作者: ssxxtt27    时间: 2011-9-10 21:18
文章最后一句:Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies refine choices using cost-based factors.说明先用qualitative的方法筛选出几个候选的,再用quantitative的方法精选
C.      Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations 是指location已经经过qualitative筛选过了,最后几个剩下的再用quantitative

D.      Narrowing manufacturing site-location options arrived it through qualitative analysis 是指用quantitative的方法先来缩小筛选范围,与原文意思相反,注意本选项中的narrowing是指用quantitative来缩小,而非是已经缩小过的选择

-- by 会员 yvettezhang (2009/2/1 20:50:00)

-- by 会员 爱上薰衣草的紫 (2011/1/16 18:54:45)

C 分析的有道理,但有一个问题,怎么才能知道 locations that have access to optimal workforce populations 就是指已经经过qualitative筛选过了的location呢?如果你说quantitative是与cost有关的,那你怎么能够确定optimal workforce populations就与cost无关呢?学商科的都懂workforce pop与cost有没有关系吧
D  arrived it through qualitative analysis 是做定语修饰前面的options的,也就是说这些选择是通过qualitative得到的。在这些options的基础上,再利用quantitative缩小范围
作者: camille_yk    时间: 2012-8-10 18:00
作者: kwok1123    时间: 2012-8-30 22:34
同意D。不明白C中have access to 具体在这里的意思,也不明白D中it 指什么,但是觉得narrow很正确哈
作者: honghegu    时间: 2013-3-27 17:34
作者: cheungwenhao    时间: 2013-8-17 13:16
it 是 the final option! /the fucking GMAC is fucking good at choosing verb and expressing meaning
作者: jingliu097    时间: 2015-5-31 17:11
作者: chengmingzhao1    时间: 2016-2-15 14:28
D中的it 应该是多余的,定性方法是初筛,定量法是再筛;故而C选项做得事情就是在初筛,D选项做的事情就是再筛,选D无疑。
作者: 贝西文迅    时间: 2017-10-31 09:13

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