转眼到了12月,一直觉得同属冬天的11月和12月有着截然不同的气息。每至年末,我和很多人一样,总有感慨时光流逝时的失落,和面对新的一年时那种即来的忧伤。 很久没有写随性的文字了,在这个月郎星稀的夜晚,让流淌出的文字成为一种纪念。[1]
今天在Jim Reeves的歌声里写字。这个声音让人怀念美国那个黑白电影的年代。浮华的世界里人们高贵地追求着奢华的物质享受。但是仍旧有不容错过的美妙艺术诞生。Jim Reeves那样沉厚的嗓音不纵情,不娇柔,更不做作,缓缓地流淌,在你需要的时候感动你。 [3]
在金属摇滚的路上走了很多年,现在来听这些岁月流金下的永恒,居然感触良多。 写到现在还没有中心,未免太意识流了-_-b 恩,听了一下午怀旧的音乐,那就写写怀旧的东西,进入主题,为别离。[4]
于是,一人手里拿一瓶Ram Jazz,穿过半个城市去走一条在我们记忆中很神圣的路。好多年没来踏,很多店都变了,只是那家As Time Goes By依旧是没有人买下的样子,原先让人如此沉迷的红色砖墙如今有些落魄。[6]
译后感:# 为冬的纪念,”别离的断章”,This article was written by a young lady-teacher highly popular in a famous Hujiang-Blog. I have to give it a try for it was so nicely written in the unique femininely delicacy, and so touching. Those words are heartily put out from trueness and sincerity. The feelings were ‘bitterly sad’ in similarity, and in the memoir of the city left behind. (But those too private descriptions were omitted. )
节译,习1:December is now just at corner. In winters, it airs distinctively in between the last two months. As it approaches, alike many, I lost in the times lapsing and emotion, I felt the bit of sadness for the new to come. Its been a while no writing anything at ease, so the dark night with few stars and the moonlight dimly faded into quietness, inspires me, dripping onto the paper, as the memoir onto my mind.
[2] 节译,习2 Out of the loft window, blue, was the sky, the blue that you vision rarely, held your breath and heart beat be heard; so nice and beautiful.
[3] 节译,习3Writing with the music is nice, especially with ‘Jim Reeves’. The voice may bring you to the times of black and white movies. Life was opulent, people were materialized extravagantly, joyfulness cherished nobly, yet, art was still given birth to it, of which you can’t afford missing. His thick voice, no any riot, no fake tender, not anything artificial, it came in softly and held your heart in right time, running and touching.
[4] 节译,习4 When you write with the old themed music aired in a whole afternoon, the topics, sometimes could be, only, good byes, and farewells.
[5] 节译,习5Hardly, you met old friends often in years gone by and the memory locked when you were young. But when some time it flashed back to the moments, then you would sigh the time being stolen. Yet, the friendship as old as wined in the tender cares and misses scented like pure flowers grown from the past naivety that brightened your day and warmed your heart often, and always.
[6] 节译,习6 Every one of us had a bottle of ‘Ram Jazz’ in one hand, again, through half city we re-stepped (to re-step?) the beloved streets revived in memory. Shops moved or sold, still we sighted “As Time Goes By” (Bar?) signed open as it was back in the time, only the enchanting red faded away a bit from its old color making you feel times flews, and years past.
[7] 节译,习7 When home, the breeze in the night waked us up, but the night-view of shanghai looked still in illusion out of the taxi-window, the moneyed district crowded with night-people modernly dressed in city-fashions.
[8] 节译,习8 Time counted with numerous good-byes and chanced meetings, some forgotten, and left behind, but my classes, my students, a complex, (a psychic-mania)? They tied to my heart, ‘like the yellow ribbon on the old oak tree’. It will burn into my life, like a flicking candle.
[9] 节译,习9 Bitterly sad, as it is, goodbyes, and farewell!
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