再次感谢作者: lion17 时间: 2003-10-23 05:16
我是这个月在美国考的GRE,最先是写作两篇,然后是数学很难,我都没有作完而且还有很多不确定,我想完了考砸了,接下来是V和PP2难度相当,然后就会有提示说,下面的部分是ETS考察部分,你可以不做,做的好会有多少美金奖励,加试是数学简单我提前很久就作完了,最后成绩是V610 Q780所以我觉得肯定不是开始那个数学算了分。 GRE考试现在已经没有逻辑单题了,只是写作,写作的题目可以在GRE官方网站上下载,题目都是类似的没什么改动!V包括类比反义阅读填空作者: lion17 时间: 2003-10-23 05:20
推荐资料,我个人觉得PP2RREVIEW很好,多做几遍,越熟分数越高,还有杨鹏阅读难句。我以前可以打开www.manfen.net很多资料是在这里下的,但是不知道为什么上个月开始就打不开了。你可以试试。作者: chenxiang1974 时间: 2003-10-23 06:09
非常感谢,我在芝加哥,你在那里? 现在的逻辑扮成什末题形?作文+组题? pp3是什末? 你考完toefl了吗?我得email:chenxiang@mail.edu.cn 你可以给我发信马?不知道你方不方便告知我,你各部分的复习资料列表? 我在manfen上看资料一大堆,不知道下哪些! 对不起,不知道你现在忙不忙。总是打扰你 再次感谢作者: nanozhang 时间: 2003-10-23 08:03
Hi, I come from CA and I will take Toefl test tomorrow and GRE next month. PP3 is the newest GRE practice test, which is different from PP2 by using Analogy Writing to take place of former Analogy. You can download it from "gre.org". The meterials I recommend you to download as following, from which I really get lots of help. 1.All the previous test: including NO test, guo nei test( 90-99). youcan download them from "menfen" or "advancededu.net". 2. Yangpeng Hard Sentences (yangpeng nan ju) may help you improve your reading speed. 3. PP2 review 4. Lan Bao Leibi ( Blue bible), which you can download from "gter.net"
About Writing, I m using Sunyuan Zuowen, which my sister sent me from China, and it is really a good book. Maybe you can download from some webside. But the best way to improve the writing ability is to write as many articles as you can. I plan to write an Issue each days till the test day. As for word, I am using Red Book and Black book (hong bao, hei bao), which is also brght from China. the meterials above are only the basic meterials you should own. You'd better to check several websides to get more imformation.作者: lion17 时间: 2003-10-23 11:33
我在北卡,你可以给我发邮件,我电脑上还有我的考g资料,我可以传给你!我的MSN lion19800107(A) hotmail.com作者: chenxiang1974 时间: 2003-10-23 13:08
谢谢各位!祝各位取得好成绩 再次感谢!鞠躬