本来这篇东西想12月份拿到OFFER后再写得, 但是COLUMBIA得OFFER来得异乎寻常得早, 所以也就把我得一些体会提前写了, 希望至少对申请CBS得XDJM有用。
GMAT: 750+/6.0. Toefl: 660+/6.0
3.5 Years In Investment Management In Multiple Countries
PhD in economics from a third-tier school in US
GPA: 3.9
因为我自己一直以来就是作FINANCE得, 因此我选择学校得时候, FINANCE好得学校基本都申请了, Columbia是我最想去得学校之一, 没想到我递交申请后20天就给了我ADMISSION, 实在是来得有点太顺利了一些
个人一直觉得, 申请是一个WHOLE PACKAGE, 在这个PACKAGE中, 很难分出哪个PART更重要, 大致而言, 我觉得整个PACKAGE可以分为三个等同重要得PART: 1。 ACADEMIC BACKGROUND; 2。 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUD; 3。 Essay。 本来想把INTERVIEW也作为一个部分加进去, 但是COLUMBIA是直接给得我ADMISSION, 所以这个部分我没什么发言权, 看以后大家得经验吧
先说说ACADEMIC BACKGROUND, 这个PART以前一直有观点觉得不是很重要, 我不太认可这种说法。 因为MBA毕竟是一个DEGREE, ADCOM还是要考虑你能不能顺利FINISH ACADEMIC WORK得。 虽然不象其他GRADUATE DEGREE完全靠ACADEMIC BACKGROUND来决定, 但这个PART毕竟还是很重要得, 因此也不能完全掉以轻心。 个人觉得, 这个ACADEMIC BACKGROUND也是一个多元化部分,不是只靠你得GMAT分数或者UNDERGRADUATE GPA就能决定得, 包含得因素至少有G,UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL,GRADUATE DEGREE, TOEFL, OVERSEA STUDY EXPERIENCE,COURSES TAKEN, SCHOOL REPUTATON。 这些因素所占得比例就不好说了。 我得一点体会是如果你是在国内读得本科得话, 学校之间得差别不是很大, 也许清华北大复旦可以给你加点分, 但这个差别很容易通过其他途径如GMAT, OVERSEA EXPERIENCE什么得弥补上。 也许大家会问, 什么样得ACADEMIC BACKGROUND是足够STRONG得? 我觉得, 如果你是四年制得本科, GMAT 720以上,T 630以上,大学平均80以上, 你得整个ACADEMIC背景就OK了, 不会对你申请有什么不利得影响得。 当然, 如果你GMAT 750以上, 有OVERSEA STUDY EXPERIENCE之类, 肯定是有加分得。 这是为什么我一直觉得大家要是G和T不是很让人满意得话, TAKE THEM AGAIN。 因为在ACADEMIC BACKGROUND部分, 这几乎是你自己唯一可以在短期内提高得PART,其他得PART有些是长期见效得, 有些还要看机遇。
下面一个PART是PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND。 这个东东又是一个争论很大得部分, 到底怎么样得BACKGROUND算STRONG?我个人觉得, 未必大公司, 外资企业得就一定很STRONG, 这个还是要和WHAT You do in this company, what you have learned in your position 密切相关, 你在FORTUNE 100作一个小得CLERK和你在自己得FAMILY BUSINESS作GENERAL MANAGER绝对不是一个概念, 大家找工作也不一定要瞄准外企不去。 不过有OVERSEA EXPERIENCE肯定是可以加分, 因为这个显示了你得FLEXIBILITY和GLOBAL OUTLOOK, 大家有这样得机会千万不要错过。还有就是美国得这些PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES是有加分得, 我觉得如果你有CFA CHARTER或者AICPA得话, 对申请有一定得帮助, 至少显示了你对US得FINANCIAL SYSTEM比较熟悉, 其他证书个人暂时没看出什么很大得帮助, 也许是因为我得纯粹得FINANCE GUY吧
最后来说说ESSAY, 这个我觉得是和你得ACADEMIC和PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND等同重要得一个PART。 因为ADCOM想从你的ESSAY中 ,了解你究竟是一个怎么样得人, 看你是否真得能够实现你得CAREER GOAL。 最重要得一篇ESSAY无疑是WHY MBA那篇, 我觉得我看了很多朋友写得这篇, 都写得不是很出色。 写好这篇, 请回答以下三个问题:1.Who are you?2. What is your career goal? 3. How can you convince people that you can fulfill this goal in future? 这三个问题, 你要是回答得好了, 你得ESSAY自然会成功, 如果回答不好, 这个PACKAGE基本就完全失败,我个人觉得这篇之外得ESSAY基本是辅助性得作用, 这篇WHY MBA如果没写好, 后面得ESSAY ADCOM也不会有兴趣了。 根据我得经验 ,Question 3是最困难得一个, 你也许有一个很AMBITIOUS得GOAL, 但是如果你没法证明你能够实现这个GOAL, ADCOM会很自然得觉得你这个人好高骛远, 这明显是IMMATURE得象征。 有一点要注意得是, 这个CONVINCIBLE不是CONVINCE你自己, 你要CONVINCE一个可能对你得行业都没什么认识得ADCOM, 你得GOAL是可行得, 这样才能取得良好得效果。 只是CONVINCE了自己, 大多数情况下是自欺欺人(请原谅我得直率)。 那么, 请什么样得人看比较好呢, 建议大家找在美国读过Top MBA,而且在美国工作过一段时间得人看,我觉得他们才是真正了解US BSCHOOL得CULTURE, 而且能够作出比较客观判断得人。 如果你能说服他们, 你得CAREER GOAL是可信得, 你基本就能说服ADCOM。 说来惭愧, 我得WHY MBA这篇, 前后改过4,5次, 前面几次被我得一位MBA ALUMNI朋友批得体无完肤, 不过最后得结果证明, 他得观点都是正确得, 希望大家请别人看ESSAY得时候, 能够谦虚一点, 有些时候可能真得会被批评得很难受, 但是这些建议对于你得申请, 还是很重要得
OK, 体会写了不少,以后想到什么, 再和大家分享了。 此外, 说说我自己得CAREER GOAL, 我一直希望能在INVESTMENT这条道路上继续下去, 最后成为一个出色得HEDGE FUND MANAGER, 因此也希望能和有同样目标得朋友们交流, 因为中国得CAPITAL MARKET无疑在今后是有很大得发展潜力, 所以我相信大家得DREAM最终都是能够实现得
最后,祝大家申请顺利, 都能拿到自己喜欢得学校得OFFER。
Thank you for sharing!!!
Columbia是我最想去得学校之一, 没想到我递交申请后20天就给了我ADMISSION, 实在是来得有点太顺利了一些
eternalwind, 一直觉得你蛮厉害的,从一些帖子当中看。果不其然。
Columbia这么快给你offer,应该是情理之中的。你的background很好。在US即使是tier 3 school的ph.D也不是那么好拿的。加上你一大堆的certificate,美国的adcom一看就知道你的水准了。
首先,你完成MBA学业是没有问题的。其次,我想你的career goal也set得很好。你有非常好的基础条件,加上这个MBA,一定能很好实现你的理想的。
再次,我从你的成功里得到大的启示是,1.年龄没有关系 , 看经历了什么,做了些什么。2. 在US公司好好干两年,一定能申请到自己喜欢的学校。
楼主考虑一下如果wharton给你offer, 你去哪一个。
Anyway, 哥大的招生办眼光还是没有错的。恭喜!
作Hedge Fund Manager?同样的志向哦,我也考那里去,共同交流,嘿嘿!
但一看背景.就觉得这个是完全应该啊, 背景太强了.........
Thanks very much for your great share. And congratulations for the offer
the point is that CBS gives only three weeks for u to decide. what if the result for Wharton is not released within this period of time? will u quit it or not? anyway cong for your prompt success!
thanks for sharing
从你的积累来看..我也会赶快给你offer 不然被别的商学院抢去怎么办...
从你的积累来看..我也会赶快给你offer 不然被别的商学院抢去怎么办...
Why bother a MBA after a Eco. PHD and so many CXA? I did not see the meaning of this but a waste of both time and money.
Why bother a MBA after a Eco. PHD and so many CXA? I did not see the meaning of this but a waste of both time and money.
PHD is just an academic degree. PHD studies helped me gain strong theoritical backgounds and analytical skills. However, this kind of training can never satisfy the requirements of the real business world. Can you feel confident if you assign an economist to manage a corporate with 10,000 employees? Theory is just theory. In real business world , the point is how to apply what you have leanred at school to solve challenges. In this sense, PhD will not be much helpful.
To me, I do not want to fucus my career on academic research. I want to become a business leader in future. Therefore I need MBA to help me realize this transition. Maybe I can not learn much theoritical stuffs from MBA courses, but I definitely believe that I can develop my communication skills and business senses during my two years at bschools. These stuffs will be more important for my development in my business career rather than a PHD degree or several certificates.
谢谢你的帖子,很多很好的建议。自己也是ECON PHD的背景,也在申请MBA PROGRAM,很辛苦的过程;要向你多多学习,坚持到底。
PHD is just an academic degree. PHD studies helped me gain strong theoritical backgounds and analytical skills. However, this kind of training can never satisfy the requirements of the real business world. Can you feel confident if you assign an economist to manage a corporate with 10,000 employees? Theory is just theory. In real business world , the point is how to apply what you have leanred at school to solve challenges. In this sense, PhD will not be much helpful.
To me, I do not want to fucus my career on academic research. I want to become a business leader in future. Therefore I need MBA to help me realize this transition. Maybe I can not learn much theoritical stuffs from MBA courses, but I definitely believe that I can develop my communication skills and business senses during my two years at bschools. These stuffs will be more important for my development in my business career rather than a PHD degree or several certificates.
I am convinced.
Thanks for sharing
谢谢你的帖子,很多很好的建议。自己也是ECON PHD的背景,也在申请MBA PROGRAM,很辛苦的过程;要向你多多学习,坚持到底。
Dr. Lyrics也申请Columbia吗?
Dr. Lyrics也申请Columbia吗?
我想申请MORE FOCUS ON GENERAL MANAGEMENT的学校,和我现在FINANCE的背景做互补;而且今年申请第二轮时间很紧张了,所以暂时先不考虑COLUMBIA。
One character: NB
Really a strong man!!!
So this is the kind of very strong background!
PHD is just an academic degree. PHD studies helped me gain strong theoritical backgounds and analytical skills. However, this kind of training can never satisfy the requirements of the real business world. Can you feel confident if you assign an economist to manage a corporate with 10,000 employees? Theory is just theory. In real business world , the point is how to apply what you have leanred at school to solve challenges. In this sense, PhD will not be much helpful.
To me, I do not want to fucus my career on academic research. I want to become a business leader in future. Therefore I need MBA to help me realize this transition. Maybe I can not learn much theoritical stuffs from MBA courses, but I definitely believe that I can develop my communication skills and business senses during my two years at bschools. These stuffs will be more important for my development in my business career rather than a PHD degree or several certificates.
I am not familiar with the business culture in USA. In Europe, if you looked into the Board of Directors, you will find most of them have Phd degrees, rather than MBA. PHD is really a honor for your whole life and all your collegues have to call you 'Dr. Wind'.You can print Phd on your namecard, but nobody prints a MBA on your namecard.
Besides, I do not think communication skills and leadership can be easily gained from a business school. I have attended several training programms regarding communication, presenation and leadership. Frankly speaking, these trainings do not help.
这种背景还浪费2年时间读MBA??? 有必要么?
MBA毕业后能作的工作你现在都能作,纯粹为了提高communication skill浪费2年时间读书?晕。。。
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