16 It’s not going to storm on Saturday, is it? The lab club supposes to have a party on the front lawn. Well, if what I heard is right, you had better find a large room somewhere. What the woman suggest the man do? 答案为什么是:cancel the play 而不是:move the party indoors
19. M: We really need the rainy forecast for tomorrow, but what about the graduation ceremony? W: Well, I bet you anything will all be crammed into the auditorium. What does the woman think will happen? 答案为什么是: it will stop raining in time for the ceremony 而不是: the ceremony will be held inside
20. M: So you’re taking sociology as the independent study class, I guess that would give you more time for your other classes. W: Well, you would think so. What does the woman imply? 答案为什么是:she is taking only one class this semester
PP 2-3 34. M: So, are you ready to give your presentation in art history this afternoon or are you going to ask to postpone it? W: Well, I get some about as ready as I ever be. woman的话是什么意思? 我听的是:Well ,I guess some is aboout to ready as I ever be.
PP 2-5 41. M: I just want to work with Doctor Coda’s literature class. W: Really, I was beginning to think I was the only one. What does the woman mean? 答案为什么是:She has a lot of work to do 我选了:she is thinking about taking literature
请问听力是不是听熟pp就不怕了?作者: nanozhang 时间: 2003-10-20 05:09
For No.16& 19, I think you have got the wrong answers, because according to my answers, both of this two questions inform that they have to held the meeting indoor. For NO34, the girl means she has prepared very well for the presentation. I have no idea for the other two. I take the same opinion as you towards No41. I'll take the test next Thu, I have bought a MP3 and I listen to PPlistening as possible as I have time,hope that can help me to improve.....
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-20 5:09:21编辑过]
作者: williamd 时间: 2003-10-20 10:26
hey, nanozhang, the same day i will take, hope luck to us