作文: agree or disagree: Reading fiction (novells...) is more enjoyable than watching movies.
我考完后,就选择送分给了学校,因为这次考的差,准备下次重考还送分给同一个学校,对申请有不有影响呀。 作者: Rally 时间: 2003-10-17 11:58
这么多JJ都没碰到啊?明天看来悬。。作者: Rally 时间: 2003-10-17 11:59
能记得起别的听力主题吗?作者: necrophile 时间: 2003-10-17 12:29
the TWE is same as what i got in 10 6th.
and it seems possible that the long paragraph in Listening comes from the Reading in previous test. i think i did the aritcle reading back to when i prepare the toefl作者: lucyyyh 时间: 2003-10-18 01:06
先谢谢JET,应该没有影响的. 其实如果你当时觉得考得不好,可以选择不寄成绩的,因为以后寄成绩的时候你要提供confirmation number,也就是说只寄你一次的成绩.以前不好的纪录是没有的.