
标题: TT GWD11-11 [打印本页]

作者: xiaobenzhu    时间: 2006-10-5 10:45
标题: TT GWD11-11



Finding of a survey of Systems magazine subscribers:  Thirty percent of all merchandise orders placed by subscribers in response to advertisements in the magazine last year were placed by subscribers under age thirty-five.


Finding of a survey of advertisers in Systems magazine:  Most of the merchandise orders placed in response to advertisements in Systems last year were placed by people under age thirty-five.


For both of the findings to be accurate, which of the following must be true?


  1. More subscribers to Systems who have never ordered merchandise in response to advertisements in the magazine are age thirty-five or over than are under age thirty-five.
  2. Among subscribers to Systems, the proportion who are under age thirty-five was considerably lower last year than it is now.
  3. Most merchandise orders placed in response to advertisements in Systems last year were placed by Systems subscribers over age thirty-five.
  4. Last year, the average dollar amount of merchandise orders placed was less for subscribers under age thirty-five than for those age thirty-five or over.
  5. Last year many people who placed orders for merchandise in response to advertisements in Systems were not subscribers to the magazine.

The words in this question seem  very confusing. I just guess the meaning. Can sb translate it? when i chose the answer, I guess the answer should be Aor E, i took A, but it's wrong.

BTW, the answer is E.

作者: xiaobenzhu    时间: 2006-10-5 10:46
作者: ptr07    时间: 2007-1-3 02:29
advertiser claims most buyers are under 35 years old, we can assume buyers equal to buyers aged above 35, A
subscriber B,
nonsubscriber C
A = B*30% + C
C must exist

E choice is correct

作者: MBA1982    时间: 2008-9-21 12:59





作者: MBA1982    时间: 2008-9-21 13:12


in this problem:
of the orders placed by subscribers in response to ads, only 30% were from the under-35 crowd.
of the orders placed by anyone in response to ads, over 50%(原句中词是most of) were from the under-35 crowd.
there's the discrepancy.

这样的假设就可以去掉random 购买者和订阅者购买者间的混淆的问题。


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-21 13:16:36编辑过]

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