
标题: 885 SEC D-24/different than [打印本页]

作者: sbbi    时间: 2003-10-15 01:34
标题: 885 SEC D-24/different than
24.    As U.S. nuclear attack submarines prowl their familiar haunts deep within the oceans of the world these days, they increasingly are engaged in missions far different from the tasks for which they were built and for which their crews were trained over the last forty years.
(A) they increasingly are engaged in missions far different from the tasks for which they were built
(B) the missions they increasingly engage in are far different than the tasks they were built for
(C) they engage increasingly in missions that differ significantly from the tasks they were built for
(D) the missions they engage in are increasingly different than the tasks for which they were built
(E) they increasingly engage in missions far different than the tasks for which they were built

1)A是不是they are increasingly engaged 更好.
2)ETS承认different than么?(American English)
3)如果2)可以,我觉的E也对.SB ENGAGE IN STH

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-17 23:44:19编辑过]

作者: twelvecolors    时间: 2003-10-18 00:29
这道题我开始也选的e,我觉得e更简洁,后来发现far different 不是比较级所以不能跟than搭配,也许你说的2)在american english可以,但这里是standard english,所以可能还是a更优!
作者: gemj    时间: 2003-10-18 16:14
以下是引用sbbi在2003-10-15 1:34:00的发言:
1)A是不是they are increasingly engaged 更好.
2)ETS承认different than么?(American English)
3)如果2)可以,我觉的E也对.SB ENGAGE IN STH


1)A是不是they are increasingly engaged 更好.
Are与increasingly同时出现的时候,永远是are increasingly,见下面的例子。而且在所有的阅读和逻辑中,没有increasingly are的情况出现(EXHAUSTIVE)。而且从语法上,increasingly are好像没有合理的解释(至少我们可以认为这是UNIDIOMATIC的)。因为这点,我认为,这个题目的答案应该就是E。(XDF原稿的答案好像不是ETS给的,至少不是ETS材料的复印件)
8.    Some companies in fields where skilled employees are hard to find make signing an “agreement not to compete” a condition of employment. In such an agreement the employee promises not to go work for a competing firm for a set period after leaving his or her current employer. Courts are increasingly ruling that these agreements are not binding. Yet paradoxically, for people who signed such agreements when working for competing firms, many firms are unwilling to consider hiring them during the period covered by the agreement.
Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the paradox?
(A) Many companies will not risk having to become involved in lawsuits, even suits that they expect to have a favorable outcome.
(B) In some industries, for example the broadcast media, companies’ main source of new employees tends to be people who are already employed by competing firms.
(C) Most companies that require their employees to sign agreements not to compete are aware that these documents are not legally binding.
(D) Many people who have signed agreements not to compete are unwilling to renege on a promise by going to work for a competing firm.
(E) Many companied consider their employees established relationships with clients and other people outside the company to be valuable company assets.

10.    Famous personalities found guilty of many types of crimes in well-publicized trials are increasingly sentenced to the performance of community service, though unknown defendants convicted of similar crimes almost always serve prison sentences. However, the principle of equality before the law rules out using fame and publicity as relevant considerations in the sentencing of convicted criminals.
The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following conclusions?
(A) The principle of equality before the law is rigorously applied in only a few types of criminal trials.
(B) The number of convicted celebrities sentenced to community service should equal the number of convicted unknown defendants sentenced to community service.
(C) The principle of equality before the law can properly be overridden by other principles in some cases.
(D) The sentencing of celebrities to community service instead of prison constitutes a violation of the principle of equality before the law in many cases.
(E) The principle of equality before the law does not allow for leniency in sentencing.

6.    Three major laundry detergent manufacturers have concentrated their powdered detergents by reducing the proportion of inactive ingredients in the detergent formulas. The concentrated detergents will be sold in smaller packages. In explaining the change, the manufacturers cited the desire to reduce cardboard packaging and other production costs. Market analysts predict that the decision of these three manufacturers, who control 80 percent of the laundry detergent market, will eventually bring about the virtual disappearance of old-style bulky detergents.
Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction made by the market analysts?
(A) Most smaller manufacturers of laundry detergents will consider it too expensive to retool factories for the production of the smaller detergent packages.
(B) Many consumers will be skeptical initially that the recommended small amount of concentrated detergent will clean laundry as effectively as the larger amount of the old-style detergent did.
(C) Some analysts believe that consumers will have to pay a greater cost per load of laundry to use the new concentrated detergent than they did to use the old-style detergent.
(D) Major supermarkets have announced that they will not charge the detergent manufacturers less to display their detergents even though the detergents will take up less shelf space.
(E) Consumers are increasingly being persuaded by environmental concerns to buy concentrated detergents when available in order to reduce cardboard waste.

According to the Arrhenius equation, chemical reactions are increasingly unlikely to occur as temperatures approach absolute zero, and at absolute zero (zero degrees Kelvin, or minus 273 degrees Celsius) reactions stop.

2)ETS承认different than么?(American English)
1: partly or totally unlike in nature, form, or quality: DISSIMILAR “could hardly be more different”-often followed by from, than, or chiefly British to “small, neat hand, very different from the captain's tottery characters -R. L. Stevenson” “vastly different in size than it was twenty-five years ago -N. M. Pusey”

3)如果2)可以,我觉的E也对.SB ENGAGE IN STH
sb engage in sth
sb is/are engaged in sth
[intransitive always + preposition] to be doing or to become involved in an activity
engage in/on/upon
Only 10% of American adults engage in regular exercise.
The two parties engaged upon an escalating political struggle.
Mr. Armstrong was engaged in prayer.

13.    Canadians now increasingly engage in “out-shopping,” which is shopping across the national border, where prices are lower. Prices are lower outside of Canada in large part because the goods-and-services tax that pays for Canadian social services is not applied.
Which one of the following is best supported on the basis of the information above?
(A) If the upward trend in out-shopping continues at a significant level and the amounts paid by the government for Canadian social services are maintained, the Canadian goods-and-services tax will be assessed at a higher rate.
(B) If Canada imposes a substantial tariff on the goods bought across the border, a reciprocal tariff on cross-border shopping in the other direction will be imposed, thereby harming Canadian businesses.
(C) The amounts the Canadian government pays out to those who provide social services to Canadians are increasing.
(D) The same brands of goods are available to Canadian shoppers across the border as are available in Canada.
(E) Out-shopping purchases are subject to Canadian taxes when the purchaser crosses the border to bring them into Canada.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-18 16:26:08编辑过]

作者: sbbi    时间: 2003-10-18 19:25
作者: sbbi    时间: 2003-10-18 19:30
也许句意上讲应 (将军) ENGAGE submarines IN.... 但 submarines ENGAGE IN好象也通
作者: gemj    时间: 2003-10-18 19:42
作者: lookgood    时间: 2003-11-4 17:05
Agree with gemj that answer "E" is correct.
I found "different than" in a sentence writen by ETS in "".

The concentration of jobs in the United States today is radically different than it was in 1959 (Carnevale and Rose, 1998).

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-4 17:11
作者: miejue    时间: 2003-11-4 21:44
这个题目A答案是对的 E答案是错的


1。可以参考大全 Section B No.17
During the first nine months of 1979, textbook publishers incurred substantial costs for creating products that, due to a decline in public funding for instructional material, never were sold.

2。increasingly are的用法也有 虽然很少
many of these groups increasingly are relying on sophisticated fundraising programs developed by outside specialists, one expert in the field, Robert I. Evans, said today.(As seen in JEWISH JOURNAL, July 27, 2000)

3。different from 和different than的用法问题
    1)两个都是正确的 The phrases different from and different than are both common in British and American English. The British also use the construction different to. Since the 18th century, language critics have singled out different than as incorrect, though it is well attested in the works of reputable writers. If you want to follow traditional guidelines, use from when the comparison is between two persons or things.
    2)different than is more acceptably used, particularly in American usage, where the object of comparison is expressed by a full clause: The campus is different than it was twenty years ago.
    3)different than 还是有直接跟名词的用法 但有不同的含义 Sometimes people interpret a simple noun phrase following different than as elliptical for a clause, which allows for a subtle distinction in meaning between the two constructions. How different this seems from Paris suggests that the object of comparison is the city of Paris itself, whereas How different this seems than Paris suggests that the object of comparison is something like “the way things were in Paris” or “what happened in Paris.”

所以这里A没有错 而E如果用different than的意思和原文要表达的差别的意思不同
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-4 21:48:03编辑过]

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-4 21:49
作者: miejue    时间: 2003-11-4 21:58
Cabridge International Dictionary of English
The American Heritage® Book of English Usage
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-4 22:04
作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-4 22:33
我想LONGMAN中仅有的二个例子也印证了different than 后面一般跟句子的说法:
"College campuses look a lot different than they did years ago," Nidiffer said.
He seemed different than he did in New York.

作者: miejue    时间: 2003-11-5 00:46
没有下载 这是我大学的外国教授送给我的 :)
作者: joywzy    时间: 2003-11-5 11:48
以下是引用miejue在2003-11-4 21:58:00的发言:
Cabridge International Dictionary of English
The American Heritage® Book of English Usage
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy


作者: cxj    时间: 2003-11-5 12:21
The American Heritage dictionary

作者: miejue    时间: 2003-11-5 12:30
以下是引用cxj在2003-11-5 12:21:00的发言:
The American Heritage dictionary


同意 很多词的用法
作者: dandan74    时间: 2003-11-5 14:19
作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-5 18:58
再补充Cambridge Learner's Dictionary上的一句话:

In American English people also use than, but teachers prefer students to use from.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-5 18:58:20编辑过]

作者: nkgang    时间: 2003-12-5 09:59
Different fromand different thanare both common in British and American English. Critics since the 18th century have singled out  different than as incorrect, though it is well attested in the works of reputable writers. Where the comparison is drawn directly between two persons or things,  fromis usually the safer choice:
Different from和 different than英语和美语中都经常见。虽然后者经常出现在名作家的作品中,但18世纪以来,评论家仍指出 different than为相对正确的选择。当直接对两人或两物进行比较时, from是最保险的选择 :
My book is different from (not  than)  yours.But  different than is more acceptably used, particularly in American usage, where the object of comparison is expressed by a full clause:
我的书不同于(不是 than) 你的。但 different than的比较对象用一完整的句子表示,特别是在美语用法中,这种用法更能接受:
The campus is different than it was 20 years ago (or
The campus is different from how it was 20 years ago). As a result, a simple noun phrase following  different than is often construed as elliptical for a clause, which allows for a subtle distinction in meaning between the two constructions.
校园和二十年前的样子不一样了)。那么,接在 different than后的简单名词可以解释为是完整句子的省略。两种结构在意思上有些细微的差别。
How different this seems from Paris suggests that the object of comparison is the city of Paris itself, whereas
How different this seems than Paris suggests that the object of comparison is something like “the way things were in Paris” or “what happened in Paris.” · The construction  different to is chiefly British.
这儿与巴黎有何不同?这里比较的对象是“在巴黎的方式”或“在巴黎发生的事情”。 结构 different to主要用于英国

作者: seanql    时间: 2003-12-18 16:45
作者: victorfeng    时间: 2004-2-27 04:27

Different from / Different than

"Different from" is the more accurate and acceptable form: "Apples are different from oranges," "He was different from what I expected."

However, "different than" is becoming acceptable before clauses ("He was different than I expected") because the "what" can be conveniently omitted.

作者: xjlv128    时间: 2006-3-18 11:49
作者: hawkinsxie    时间: 2006-5-6 23:12
作者: KarenK    时间: 2006-9-10 17:14
作者: huo    时间: 2006-10-26 07:03
Thank you very very much for sharing.
作者: 瞳色九月    时间: 2007-6-19 15:26
作者: garonne    时间: 2007-7-5 21:28
作者: maudemink    时间: 2011-4-6 11:45
如果前面E讨论中they increasingly engage没错的话,为什么c不对啊?

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