文件里面包括了gmatdk(除了scout program实在是打不开,那个好心人可以打得开贴到这一下把)得背景资料,老几经和本月几经。
Because mining and refining nickel is costly, researchers have developed an alternative method for extracting nickel using Streptanthus polygaloides, a plant that absorbs and stores nickel form the soil as it grows. The researchers incinerated a crop of Streptanthus they grew in nickel-rich soil. By chemically extracting nickel from the ash, they produced 100 pounds of nickel per acre of land at a total cost per pound slightly above that of current mining.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conclusion that the use of Streptanthus to extract nickel will be commercially adopted?
A. The season in which the researchers grew Streptanthus was an unusually favorable one, with the right amount of precipitation to maximize the growth rate of Streptanthus.
B. Because lowering the concentration of nickel in the soil can make land much better for agriculture in general, a plot on which Streptanthus has been grown and harvested can be sold for substantially more than it cost.
C. More air pollution is generated for each pound of nickel produced by extracting it from Streptanthus than is generated using conventional mining and refining.
D. The land on which the researchers planted Streptanthus was unusually free of the various weeds that can compete with Streptanthus for water, nutrients, and sunlight.
E. It is extremely rare for soil to contain higher concentrations of nickel than the concentrations present in the researchers’ experimental plot.
我选了E 政府支持杂志,就会增加人们对杂志诗的阅读。(感觉搭了桥,从而人们就买诗歌书去了)
其他选项还有什么:A、人们读诗歌书是因为喜爱诗歌; C、政府只能支持二者之一;etc.
考了那个75%的题目。我在别人的总结上做了点修改,血液中protein的含量〉75%的话是healthy或者excessive,因为大于75%会使人的health problem 增加,但是,忽略了一个事实,低于75%的话,health problem 也会上升。所以75%应该被认为是health,而不是excessive.问assumption。是个supporter的假设。
说现在很多机场都在更换supersonic飞机,因为他们噪音非常大。结论说,机场这个举动一定是因为针对附近居民的抱怨.削弱题。我选了个给出他因的选项,说的是supersonic飞机很蚝油,不cost-efficient, 有个迷惑的选项说employees都住的far away,偶觉得应该是错滴。
还记得有个scientist发现随着一代一代吃的protein减少,人的身高也随着减少了。通过发现unearthed remains of human in 什么什么地方吧,发现身高是减少的,而且检测到他们的protein含量是越来越低了。削弱题,选项不是很记得了,就记得没认真选。
original idea, genius.
hehe, plz check your email box. I have sent it to you.
Sorry for confusion.
SCOUT GIRL Background information
At the end of the nineteenth century, American society was no longer based on an agricultural economy. Increasing industrialization drew mothers, fathers, girls, and boys from small farms to factories, offices, and commercial ventures in cities.
Rapid growth of these cities caused problems of overcrowding, poor health, unemployment, crime, and juvenile delinquency. Local governments were not able to solve these problems. Many people became concerned about the loss of values and ideals of the American pioneers and forefathers.
Many American reformers, part of a national movement called “progressivism,” tried to solve the problems of change with such efforts as a renewed interest in religion, governmental reform, “back-tonature” movement, and educational reform.
New ideas about education grew out of the first scientific studies about child development. The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) had been developing programs for boys since 1867. Educators organized other groups for outdoor education for boys. In the U.S., Ernest Thompson Seton and Daniel Charles Beard were leaders in these efforts.
In Great Britain in 1908, Robert Baden-Powell began a program called Boy Scouts. Baden-Powell’s program was adopted by the YMCA in the U.S., and by October 1910, U.S. Boy Scouts had 2,500 scoutmasters
in forty-four states, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines (Murray, 15).
Baden-Powell’s Boy Scouts led to the founding in Great Britain in 1910 of the Girl Guides by his sister Agnes. In the U.S., YMCA and Boy Scouts leaders responded to American girls’ requests by establishing Campfire Girls in 1911. Luther Gulick, who along with others believed girls’ physical and mental abilities were very different from boys’, developed the program.
Juliette Gordon Low had other ideas. Her Girl Scouts, established in 1912, moved beyond contemporary views of girls and women and responded to training girls for the roles of women. The roles and status of women have changed—although many roles have remained the same—over the years. Girl Scout programming has evolved to continue the ideals of its founder to make girls into well-prepared citizens whatever roles they assume.
Girl Scouting in history
Born in Savannah, Georgia in 1860, Juliette Gordon had been reared to be a wife and mother. She married William Low in 1886 and moved to his home in Great Britain. Her husband died in 1905; she had no children.Among her friends were Lord Robert Baden-Powell and his sister, Agnes, founders of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in Great Britain. Low became interested in Girl Guides and established troops when she lived in London, England and Scotland.
Low returned to Savannah and in March 1912 established the first American Girl Guide troop, changing the name to Girl Scouts in 1913. To spread the word of Girl Scouting, she relied on correspondence
and her circle of friends. Low devoted her life and money to Girl Scouts in the U.S. and the international Girl Guides. She died on January 17, 1927. Her family home in Savannah was restored and opened in 1956 as a Girl Scouts national program center.
The development of Girl Scouting reflects many aspects of the history of society over the years since 1912.
The levels and activities have changed to meet the needs of girls as society has changed. The uniforms mirror the changing fashions over the decades. The cloth used has included cotton, Sanforized cotton, rayon, gabardine, and polyester blends as they became available. Adult uniforms have been designed by high fashion designers, including Indiana native Bill Blass in 1984.
Juliette Gordon Low introduced the program for girls ages 10-17, with three ranks. By 1925, girls over 18 or First Class Scouts over 16 became known as Senior Scouts. English leaders in 1914 developed a program for younger girls who followed their sisters to Girl Guide meetings. In the U.S., a Brownie program for girls ages 7-10 was officially recognized in the mid-1920s.
As a result of a U.S. Girl Scout program study in 1935, a revision of age groups was introduced in 1938—Brownies (7-9), Intermediates (10-13), and Seniors (14-17). In 1963, the GSUSA responded to rapidly changing times and the perceived needs of American girls from a study it had commissioned, 1955-1957. The program was altered to serve four Girl Scout age groups—Brownie (7-9, currently 6-9), Junior(9-11), Cadette (12-14), and Senior (14-17).
In 1984, GSUSA extended its programming to kindergarten, or age 5, with the Daisy Girl Scout.
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