
标题: [原创]8月24号,北美,760 (jj在二楼) [打印本页]

作者: gracez    时间: 2006-8-25 04:33
标题: [原创]8月24号,北美,760 (jj在二楼)

M: 51, V:41 非常非常感谢CDer们提供那么多机井. 没有这些, 我肯定不会有这个分数.




数学后的中间休息时间超了1分钟。亏了~~~ 这点大家一定要注意,监考人告诉你的时间和机器的时间还是有差别的。



第一篇RC出来差点哭了,jj里没有的。我想我肯定掉到低分区了,前面一定都做错了。文章很短,但是看了3遍都稀里糊涂的。哆哆嗦嗦的做题,心理拼命安慰自己只要能上700就行。这篇阅读也不容易,真的是花了很多时间。我前8题至少花了18分钟。不过幸运的是题越来越容易,我虽然心里嘀咕肯定是前面做得不好,但是想把每道题做对,分数也是有保障的,管他难还是简单。后来的CR, SC都很简单,CR有jj. RC还有电力公司, seal, 及native american研究都是jj, 运气很好很好. RC都是很容易判断的, 什么not only... but also. 最后剩10题的时候还有20多分钟. 我就放宽心慢慢做题了. 最后提前5分钟吧.

我觉得这个分数可能跟做得快有关系, 我记得模拟的时候V41到不了760....

希望月底考得多看看jj, 尤其是数学,真的管用. 我觉得这个月的题库, 特别是难题, jj里大多应该都涵盖了.

还有就是,任何时候要相信自己. 我周一的时候做xy 13最后一套, 错了20道题, 狠狠的哭了一场. 后来看网上的讨论, 发现很多都是有争议的题目. XY把一些大全的争议语法题都收进来了. 真正考试不可能每道都是那么难的. 大家放心准备好了.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-28 12:01:44编辑过]

作者: gracez    时间: 2006-8-25 04:34



106. “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”


38. The following appeared in the editorial section of a campus newspaper.

“Because occupancy rates for campus housing fell during the last academic year, so did housing revenues. To solve the problem, campus housing officials should reduce the number of available housing units, thereby increasing the occupancy rates. Also, to keep students from choosing to live off-campus, housing officials should lower the rents, thereby increasing demand.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.



3x 除以2的余数设为<x>, 下面哪一个的值一定为1

i: <2x+1>

ii: <2x>+1

iii: 忘了..

我有点不明白这个形式.后来就是这么想的:3(2x)= 6x + <2x>



DS:K,N为整数, S为集合,S=K^N 比如(K^-2, K^-1, K^0, K^1, K^2这些都是S中的元素),问K值 1)如果S中有两个元素差为1. 2)如果S中有一元素的值范围在1/4到1之间.

我选A, 只有数字2符合.


jj1(补充). 题目中有提到玉米及另外两种食物是人类的主要粮食,但是由于消费增大,而土地面积不变,所以需要政府投资更多的钱来提高产量,问什么我忘了.我选的大概意思是这笔钱可以使worldwide的粮食增产.

jj11 (补)版本(2)公司非法道垃圾,对它们进行罚款,它们倒垃圾次数减少了,每次倒的量增加了。然后有说要加大罚款力度,使每次罚款超过公司因非法倒垃圾而节省的钱,而且也要尽量去执行( 意思是要抓住非法倒垃圾的公司),问evaluate。这题我选的是罚的款确实可以比costs incurred要大.里面几个选项长得都差不多.我犹豫很久才选的.

jj29(我跟这个人选的一样). 价格和供需关系的原则是普遍适用的,然后进行解释,说需求多了,价格就高。然后有说近来工人的工资提高了,但工作机会不但没有降低,反而增加了,这说明―――――(要补全句子)我选了‘即使价格规律能够用来解释这个现象,它也不是直接的和明显的(答案里好像有straight那个词)

jj30(补充). traffic accidents进行分析,发现受伤的人当中驾驶small car的人比驾驶large vehicle的人多,然后就说将来驾驶large vehicle的人会增多,问weaken,我选的是在大车车祸中pedistrian伤者要多.

47(补). .说三种动物,CONDOR,还有两种忘记了,然后CONDOR没有EXTINCT,另外2EXTINCT,研究FOSSIL发现,CONDOR体内有一种元素,这种元素是存在于CONDOR吃的MAMMAL里面,SUPPORT ,我选的是在海边有发现这种condor的fossils.


还有一题,馊了一下没搜到.我觉得是gwd里面的.就是说wine stopper的,plastic得如何好,cork得如何不好,但是大家还是用cork说明,价格不是唯一因素.是BF题.






就是说一个公司很多管理层的人要退休了,能fit 1/2的需要的部门头头的职位,



vitamin D 要多晒太阳云云,一些身体弱的人比身体强的人身体中vitamin水平低。







电力公司,seals, native american前人都说得很具体了,我就不重复了.

第一片是关于performing arts的.我当时太紧张了,看得糊涂,记得也不太清

第一段:一个人提出说cost disease 存在于performing arts 行业.大致意思是技术进步了,但是没有给pa带来任何productivity的影响.举例来说,一个quartet,少一个人也不能降低成本,之类的芸芸。


SC: 我觉得这个好像看jj用处不是很大,我看到了jj的这个题,但是还是不知道选什么。。随便选c了

researchers distribute computers to students for use to replace notebooks).

b. for use in place of

c. to use them to replace

d. to use them in place of

e. to use them in a replacement of


not only ... but also, 有两个结构一样,tricky的部分在于两个选项的最后

the definition of a large truck-- a type of vehicle...

the definition of large trucks- a type of vehicle...


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-28 12:01:16编辑过]

作者: happykeeper    时间: 2006-8-25 05:15


1.        GWD-24-Q24

Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers. Cork prices, however are expected to rise dramatically in the near future. Clearly, therefore, winemakers who still use cork but wish to keep production costs from rising will be forced to reconsider plastic stoppers. And since the wine-buying publics association of plastic stoppers with poor-quality wine is weakening, there is an excellent chance that the Bottlemaster plastic stopper will gain an increased share of the market for wine-bottle stoppers.



In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A)     The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.

B)      The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument.

C)     The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that main conclusion.

D)     The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a restatement of that main conclusion.

E)      The first is a conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second is that main conclusion.


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-25 5:20:35编辑过]

作者: 哈佛情人    时间: 2006-8-25 05:21
作者: gracez    时间: 2006-8-25 05:22
以下是引用happykeeper在2006-8-25 5:15:00的发言:

1.        GWD-24-Q24

Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers. Cork prices, however are expected to rise dramatically in the near future. Clearly, therefore, winemakers who still use cork but wish to keep production costs from rising will be forced to reconsider plastic stoppers. And since the wine-buying publics association of plastic stoppers with poor-quality wine is weakening, there is an excellent chance that the Bottlemaster plastic stopper will gain an increased share of the market for wine-bottle stoppers.



In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A)     The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.

B)      The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument.

C)     The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that main conclusion.

D)     The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a restatement of that main conclusion.

E)      The first is a conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second is that main conclusion.


Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold。(然后描述变了)现在的两者的价格差不多,但是不久cork要涨价。可是很多造酒者还是要用cork。说明价格不是他们考虑的唯一因素。


作者: gracez    时间: 2006-8-25 05:30





就是说一个公司很多管理层的人要退休了,能fit 1/2的需要的部门头头的职位,



vitamin D 要多晒太阳云云,一些身体弱的人比身体强的人身体中vitamin水平低。



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-25 7:18:52编辑过]

作者: fangsong    时间: 2006-8-25 05:54


3x 除以2的余数设为<x>, 下面哪一个的值一定为1

i: <2x+1>

ii: <2x>+1

iii: 忘了..

我有点不明白这个形式.后来就是这么想的:3(2x)= 6x + <2x>


作者: fangsong    时间: 2006-8-25 05:57


66.f(x)>0 F(x+y)=F(x)f(y) then f(0)=?



作者: susuinin    时间: 2006-8-25 06:23

3x 除以2的余数设为<x>, 下面哪一个的值一定为1

i: <2x+1>

ii: <2x>+1

iii: 忘了..我記得這題第三個選項是2<x+1>

作者: jandjshi    时间: 2006-8-25 07:19


3x 除以2的余数设为<x>, 下面哪一个的值一定为1

i: <2x+1> = 3(2X+1)/2 => 2X+1一定是单, 3乘单一定是单, 单除2的余数是 1.

ii: <2x>+1 => 3(2x)/2 的余数 + 1 => 3(2x)/2 的余数 可以是0或1, 所以<2x>+1可以是1 或 2

iii: 忘了..我記得這題第三個選項是2<x+1> => 这个肯定不对, 2<x+1> = 0 或 2

我觉得应该是i only. 大家看对不对?

作者: gracez    时间: 2006-8-25 07:22
以下是引用fangsong在2006-8-25 5:57:00的发言:


66.f(x)>0 F(x+y)=F(x)f(y) then f(0)=?



就是要把x, y看成未知数,这两个数是什么都可以对不?

那不妨把他们都设成0, 因为你要求f(0)么



作者: mymengming    时间: 2006-8-25 07:28
作者: happykeeper    时间: 2006-8-25 07:51

3x 除以2的余数设为<x>, 下面哪一个的值一定为1

i: <2x+1> = 3(2X+1)/2 => 2X+1一定是单, 3乘单一定是单, 单除2的余数是 1.

ii: <2x>+1 => 3(2x)/2 的余数 + 1 => 3(2x)/2 的余数 可以是0或1, 所以<2x>+1可以是1 或 2

iii: 忘了..我記得這題第三個選項是2<x+1> => 这个肯定不对, 2<x+1> = 0 或 2


i ii都对

作者: jandjshi    时间: 2006-8-25 09:38

对, 我搞错了. 谢谢楼上.

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