标题: 仙人指路 [打印本页] 作者: fyi3 时间: 2003-10-10 21:47 标题: 仙人指路 本人,男,现年29。1996年毕业于国内一普通理工大学,毕业后在国内一上市公司干了一年,后1997年去了深圳在一香港公司(15人)干了一年,任总经理助理。1999年去了国内一家最大的很知名的通信公司从一名普通的销售人员干起,四年后任一个省的办事处主任。今年辞职回家准备了2个月考GMAT结果惨败《 600。最近有机会去了国内一家光学研究制造单位下的公司任总经理,该单位有很强的国家背景,拥有国内最先进的技术和设备,拥有几拾个亿的投资(几年内将会)。我的任务就是将该公司创建成国内一流的光制造加工企业。对考GMAT很没有信心,但很想去国外读TOP 10 的 MBA。因为现对自己的工作很感兴趣,加上考一个GMAT的好分数要一段时间,大概要一到两年的时间,所以担心自己再过2年年纪大了会很受影响,对我而言TOP10以下的就不考虑了。我有一个担心那就是我没有在国外的大公司干过,总感觉MBA是为在国外大公司干过的人准备的。请帮我分析一下我去读TOP10的MBA的机会有多大。如果 GMAT 》710,TOEFL 》620 ,GPA 3。0作者: lewis 时间: 2003-10-10 22:11
Hi fyi6, nothing is impossible. Actually, I know a guy with so-so background was admitted by Kellogg this year. If you can cook your essays very well and conduct excellent interviews, your chance to get in a top 10 will be good. Frankly, your current background, even with a 710+ G and a 620+ T, is not so competitive for a Top 10. But, the chance is still on, if you work hard on your essays and the interviews. Good luck!作者: siebel 时间: 2003-10-10 22:13
n作者: yanjuji 时间: 2003-10-10 22:23
你指的通信企业是华为吗?作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-10-11 04:21
Two things, 1) if you can score 700+, then you're definitely very strong for top-10. However, I worry about your commitment, i.e, how much time you can afford on your application, with workload at your position. Application is a very time consuming process;
2) I'm not sure about your career goal after MBA. If not switching career, I doubt how much value an MBA will give you. If I am in your position, I would pursue an EMBA from one of the best local program, like CEIBS or CKGSB.作者: sfish 时间: 2003-10-11 07:08
Some EMBA programs in China or HongKong may fit you better.作者: fyi3 时间: 2003-10-11 08:06
谢谢上面朋友的关心,我希望自己今后的商业范围是在全球范围,而不仅局限在国内,说以我放弃了在国内读最好的MBA的机会。其实很多朋友也都认为我的条件应该在国内发展。我知道有国外大公司的背景对申请有利,我也很喜欢那些公司,但是我不想从基层干起。另外我现有自己的公司,我不愿总是为别人打工,我喜欢自己主宰自己!作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-10-11 10:58
Even without Fortune 500 experience, your W/E is still strong enough for top-10, you just have to score 700+ at GMAT (maybe 680+ I'm not sure).作者: gmatvictor 时间: 2003-10-11 18:13
总之,英雄不问出处。作者: fyi3 时间: 2003-10-11 21:17
to study in top 10 business school is my dream , i was so worry about my age , i am 29 years old, i want to know wether i was too old to enter the b-shool ? maybe i could very successful in local company , but i lost the chance to realize my dream. i just imgrating to canada , i hope could spend my rest life in the beautiful palace , for me china is my workpalace ,although to earn money in china is more easy than in any other country , china is not a good palace for living .作者: fucus 时间: 2003-10-11 21:38
dream is not the reality.作者: yanjuji 时间: 2003-10-12 01:06
我质疑你的背景,如果你四年之内可以做到省办事处主任, 你呆在原公司的收入和你现在所描述的职位的收入和前景根本不用考虑MBA. 而是EMBA. 所以,要不你在自吹自擂,要不你没有想清楚.作者: fyi3 时间: 2003-10-13 10:59