
标题: 最新SC JJ难题 - 大家看啊 [打印本页]

作者: jandjshi    时间: 2006-8-16 22:35
标题: 最新SC JJ难题 - 大家看啊
somebody distribute somethings to students for use to replace somethings. (这是此题结构,没有记错)

参考原句(好象漏了几个形容词researchers distribute computers to students for use to replace notebooks).

b. for use in place of

c. to use them to replace

d. to use them in place of

e. to use them in a replacement of

作者: margaret_pan    时间: 2006-8-16 22:41

what's the best answer?

i think maybe it's C...

作者: chnp    时间: 2006-8-16 22:43

to replace好像不可以,用在这里就像不定式做目的状语。replace这个动作应该是students做出来的吧?好像没有一个看起来像答案的。


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-16 22:47:21编辑过]

作者: margaret_pan    时间: 2006-8-16 22:53

chnp 你是英文老师吧,我的英文很差很差。没办法,我想请教:我做语法,目前能做对一部分,但是很多情况下都并没有读懂全句的意思,只是再找答案,很多时候是先排除肯定是错误的答案,然后针对剩下的答案再回原句中对照比较,做题速度很慢,不知如何提高。



作者: mbz    时间: 2006-8-16 23:19

B is correct.

A is wrong because the students are not using the something to replace the original something. The logical meaning is wrong.

C.D. and E are all wrong b/c of the confusing referent "them"

作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-8-16 23:45

neither A nor B is perfect

But B seems better

作者: 顾风    时间: 2006-8-16 23:48
作者: dori0214    时间: 2006-8-17 08:34
以下是引用mbz在2006-8-16 23:19:00的发言:

B is correct.

A is wrong because the students are not using the something to replace the original something. The logical meaning is wrong.

C.D. and E are all wrong b/c of the confusing referent "them"

作者: zimerman    时间: 2006-8-17 08:44

那么说 use是名词了

作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-8-17 09:08
以下是引用zimerman在2006-8-17 8:44:00的发言:

那么说 use是名词了

bingo!for is a prepnoun and use followed will be a noun as well

作者: ddcat910    时间: 2006-8-17 10:26

The school distribute some ...books in high schools to use them in place of text books.


作者: ddcat910    时间: 2006-8-17 10:27


作者: chnp    时间: 2006-8-17 14:29
以下是引用margaret_pan在2006-8-16 22:53:00的发言:

chnp 你是英文老师吧,我的英文很差很差。没办法,我想请教:我做语法,目前能做对一部分,但是很多情况下都并没有读懂全句的意思,只是再找答案,很多时候是先排除肯定是错误的答案,然后针对剩下的答案再回原句中对照比较,做题速度很慢,不知如何提高。



作者: mymengming    时间: 2006-8-18 10:37





作者: superPPDD    时间: 2006-8-18 17:22

Most states impose limitations on the authority of the legislature to borrow money, with their objectives being to protect taxpayers and the credit of the state government.

A.      to borrow money, with their objectives being to protect.

B.     to borrow money, the objectives of which are the protecting of

C.     to borrow money, limitations intended to protect.

D.     for borrowing money, of which the objective is protecting.

E.     for borrowing money, limitations with the intent of protecting.

有点类似, 但这题答案是C, 为什么呢 这里用to 逻辑意思也不对呀

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