觉得96 T 的思路是- 文章把结论- 商人不参选 , 而LAWYER 什么的参选,归结于这两类的不同 ---- 商人不舒服那些POWERSHARING 什么的(就暗示了,LAWYER 什么的舒服) , WEAKEN 的方式-就把这钟不同 说成是相同----- 两类人其实都不COMFORTABLE , 否定了原因,暗示一定是其他原因导致商人不去参选
根据原文A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: it must accurately describe a large class of observations in terms of a model that is simple enough to contain only a few elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations.
得到推倒:a good scientific theory ->accurately describe a large class of observations in terms of a model that is simple enough to contain only a few elements 和 make definite predictions about the results of future observations。
A刚好是a good scientific theory ->predictions about the results of future observations。所以符合原文。
原文是 and it must make DEFINITE predictions about the results of future observations.
而 A 是 predictions, 区别在于 definite 不见了!所以对 A 的理解可以是 只要是 prediction, 不管却不确定, 都必须用科学理论推出, 这不是和原文不符么? 应该是把原文的概念扩大了,except 题, A 有原文推不出的,就应该选它了。
谢谢 Leeon!
重贴 97 题,字大一点好读。
97. A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: it must accurately describe a large class of observations in terms of a model that is simple enough to contain only a few elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations. For example, Aristotle’s cosmological theory, which claimed that everything was made out of four elements---earth, air, fire, and water---satisfied the first requirement, but it did not make any definite predictions. Thus, Aristotle’s cosmological theory was not a good theory.
If all the statements in the passage are true, each of the following must also be true EXCEPT:
(A) Prediction about the results of future observations must be made by any good scientific theory
(B) Observation of physical phenomena was not a major concern in Aristotle’s cosmological theory.
(C) For elements can be the basis of a scientific model that is simple enough to meet the simplicity criterion of a good theory.
(D) A scientific model that contains many elements is not a good theory.
(E) Aristotle’s cosmological theory described a large class of observations in terms of only four elements.
B 太明显了,就是答案。 现在讨论 A. A 也像答案。
Let me juxtapose the premises and choice A:
原文:A scientific theory is a good theory if it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations.
选项(A) Prediction about the results of future observations must be made by any good scientific theory
原文:A scientific theory is a good theory IF it must make definite predictions 可以理解为
选项(A) Prediction must be made by any good scientific theory
我看见的区别在于, prediction(总集合) 包括了 definite prediction (子集), 所以选项 A 偷换概念,而且延拓太多。Prediction MUST be made ... 既然广义化了,那就不需要 MUST 来强调非要 good scientific theory 来预测,随便在大街上抓个人作个prediction, 也是 prediction 呀。
并且,原文末句专门指出 "but it did not make any definite predictions".
所以, A 是由原文所推不出的。这道题出的不严密。
800 分 是 高分的子集。 A -> B, and C 包含于 B, So, A -> C. OK.
Lawyer, 不要那么抽象么,就事论事, 我的推理有道理吧。
Lawyer, 那您就是认为我在 8 楼的解释时有道理的,是吧?
即,您同意选项 A 不能有原文推出。请明示。
怪我没把问题问清楚, 对不起。 还得您再视察一下。谢过。
definite prediction 是子概念。predition是全概念。就像上面例子的女学生和学生一样。这里的人都是女学生,一定能推出这里的人都是学生。好的原理必须作definite prediction ,就一定能推出好的原理必须作 prediction。
所有A是B,C是A的子集,所以所有C是B (对)
For example:
现有100人,20 人是女学生,80 人是农民。
现考虑 100 人这个整体:
现考虑 20 名女学生这个整体:
" 这里的人是女学生,一定能推出这里的人都是学生?" 这个结论就 对了。
--- " 我看你是转晕了。"
--- 的确是呀。
所有A是B,C是A的子集,所以所有C是B (对)
----- 看得很明白。和题目有什么关系?
原文:A scientific theory is a good theory ------------------ C
IF (1) and (2).
(1) describe a large class of observations in a simple model ------ A
(2) it must make definite predictions ----------------- B
可以理解为 A + B -----> C, 于是就有 C ---> A AND C ---> B.
这个推理没问题吧? 这一点我有点不太肯定。请指正。****** Question-1
假设我的理解没有误,那么有 C ---> B, ie.
A good scientific theory must make definite predictions.
选项(A) Prediction must be made by any good scientific theory
Any good scientific theory must make Predictions.
我们已知: 定论预测 《= 所有的预测
小节:原文 C---> [subset of B] (定论预测 )
选项(A) C ---> B (所有的预测)
你认为这合理么? ******** Question - 2
Please help me with Question-1, and Question-2 before pursuing further explainations.
Sincerely appreciate.
Let me try.
Questions 1, I think you are right but the reasoning may include the following,
原文应该是C=>A+B , 所以C=> B (这里的A, B, C 和lawyer 的ABC 所指意思不同) . because A, B 是C的必要条件, 所以C=>A+B. 因为原文说"A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements", 即 (if it satisfies two requirements) (D=A+B) => C, 所以我认为A+B 和C是充分必要条件
Question 2, 我觉得你的想法是对的,但是写错了。如果在你的questions 2 中B 代表predictions , 而不是像你前面所说的代表"definite predictions", 那就对了。
因为B (Definite predictions) 是predictions 的自集,所以good theory must make predictions (because good theory must make definite predictions and definite predictions belongs to predictions, so good theory must make predictions)
Question 2 终于明白了。
97. A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements:
it must accurately describe a large class of observations in terms of a model that is simple enough to contain only a few elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations.
为什么不是 A + B => C 呢?
IF A, Then B :: A => B
IF it satisfied A, Then B :: B => A ???
They are all " IF ...., Then ...." structure, how come the understanding is so different?
A+B=> C 也对,因为这里A+B 和C 是充分必要条件
If D, then C : D=>C
If it satisfies D, then C: D=>C, but here D=A+B, and A, B, 是two requirements, requirements 是必要条件,前面if D, then C, 说明D 又试C 的充分条件,所以是充分必要。
oh.... 原来是这样的
争来争去你原来不但没明白大小概念问题,还没明白原文的推理。if 带充分条件。require带必要条件(请注意不是SATISFY带必要条件)。当两者出现在同个句子时,就变成了充分必要条件。VALARIE的理解是对的。
Thanks, now I know. Appreciate.
Lost in translation ...
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