
标题: [求助]GWD30-38的答案是什么? [打印本页]

作者: minizheng    时间: 2006-8-4 04:02
标题: [求助]GWD30-38的答案是什么?


The ancient Nubians inhabited an area in which typhus occurred, yet surprisingly few of their skeletons show the usual evidence of this disease.  The skeletons do show deposits of tetracycline, an antibiotic produced by a bacterium common in Nubian soil.  This bacterium can flourish on the dried grain used for making two staples of the Nubian diet, beer and bread.  Thus, tetracycline in their food probably explains the low incidence of typhus among ancient Nubians.


Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?


  1. The tetracycline deposits did not form after the bodies were buried.
  2. The diseases other than typhus to which the ancient Nubians were exposed would not be affected by tetracycline.
  3. Typhus is generally fatal.
  4. Nubian grain became contaminated with tetracycline-producing bacteria prior to being harvested.
  5. Bread and beer were the only foods eaten by the ancient Nubians which could have contained tetracycline.



作者: woodhead80    时间: 2006-8-27 23:01


作者: gshen    时间: 2006-8-31 20:31

The ancient Nubians inhabited an area in which typhus occurred, yet surprisingly few of their skeletons show the usual evidence of this disease.  The skeletons do show deposits of tetracycline, an antibiotic produced by a bacterium common in Nubian soil.  This bacterium can flourish on the dried grain used for making two staples of the Nubian diet, beer and bread.  Thus, tetracycline in their food probably explains the low incidence of typhus among ancient Nubians.


Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?


A.        The tetracycline deposits did not form after the bodies were buried.

B.        The diseases other than typhus to which the ancient Nubians were exposed would not be affected by tetracycline.

C.        Typhus is generally fatal.

D.       Nubian grain became contaminated with tetracycline-producing bacteria prior to being harvested.

E.        Bread and beer were the only foods eaten by the ancient Nubians which could have contained tetracycline.

B(other than typhus)C(fatal)E(only food)无关

A取非è tetracycline deposits form after the bodies were buried

Nubian grain
did not become contaminated with tetracycline-producing bacteria prior to being harvested


我觉得D合理,A不就是已经出现在文中了--- The skeletons do show deposits of tetracycline

Pls help!!

作者: wycg    时间: 2006-8-31 20:42

A是对的.A说的是那个deposits 不是后来生成的.如果是后来产生的话,文章说的推理不对了.


This bacterium can flourish on the dried grain used for making two staples of the Nubian diet, beer and bread.

  1. The tetracycline deposits did not form after the bodies were buried.
  2. The diseases other than typhus to which the ancient Nubians were exposed would not be affected by tetracycline.
  3. Typhus is generally fatal.
  4. Nubian grain became contaminated with tetracycline-producing bacteria prior to being harvested.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-31 20:42:51编辑过]

作者: gshen    时间: 2006-8-31 22:24

Thank u so much!!

I got it!!

作者: panglin    时间: 2006-12-13 13:38
作者: 罗马青年    时间: 2007-8-10 02:01


AThe tetracycline deposits did not form after the bodies were buried.




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作者: pengtiansh    时间: 2010-7-3 14:42
不知道antibiotic的意思害死人啊 看得糊里糊涂的
作者: maple1258    时间: 2011-10-28 22:32
为什么不选B呢,文中并没有指出typhus 与 tetracycline的关系啊,而B说了tetracycline只对typhus 有效,那不是一个很好的前提吗
作者: Feelalive    时间: 2013-7-4 12:33
作者: 寂静岭的九尾狐    时间: 2013-11-19 14:56
(B) is definitely the correct answer.

An assumption is something that the author is taking for granted as being true. In other words, an assumption is a missing but necessary link between the evidence and the conclusion.

Therefore, the correct answer to an assumption question is something that MUST BE TRUE in order for the argument to make sense.

To summarize the argument:


Nubians don't seem to have had typhus; and
The grain that Nubians used in their bread contains an antibiotic.


The antibiotic is responsible for the lack of Typhus.

Let's look at (B):

"Tetracycline is not rendered ineffective as an antibiotic by exposure to the processes involved in making bread and beer."

Does this have to be true for the conclusion to make sense? Definitely!

A great way to check answer choices for assumption/strengthening/weakening questions is to use Kaplan's denial test. We look at the opposite of a choice and see what impact it has on the argument.

In this case, let's consider how persuasive the conclusion would be if (B) were NOT true:

"Tetracycline IS rendered ineffective as an antibiotic by exposure to the processes involved in making bread and beer."

Well, if the brewing/baking process renders Tetracycline ineffective, then how could it possibly have been keeping the Nubians typhus-free?

Since the denial of (B) renders the argument nonsensical, (B) itself must be true for the argument to make sense.

Stuart Kovinsky, B.A. LL.B.
Kaplan Test Prep & Admissions
Toronto Office

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