
标题: W&L的JD Offer,值得去么? [打印本页]

作者: fanboy    时间: 2006-7-24 17:22
标题: W&L的JD Offer,值得去么?

各位达人,小弟今天收到了Washington & Lee的JD Offer,搭上了Waiting list的末班车。


小弟LSAT 166分,当时准备的比较仓促,一个月吧。




作者: lindamiller    时间: 2006-7-24 18:08


作者: zhyue    时间: 2006-7-24 23:28


If you go to W&L, you still can transfer up at the end of 1st year, if you get good grades and lor from faculty at W&L. I would say go for it, at least it saves you one year's worth of time. Just my 2 cents.

作者: Irena    时间: 2006-7-25 01:21

I'd suggest you wait a year.

LSAT score of 166 should at least get you into UT and UCLA, with an improve application package. Moreover, there is still a very good chance you will get a better score at a 2nd try of LSAT. In that case, you will very likely get into Top 14.

Employment prospects are generally much better at Top 14. Transfer is a good idea for some people, especially people who have very good English reading and writing skills, but can't do logic games or can't do well under time pressure. Otherwise, transfer can be a risky strategy. If you don't end up the top of your class, you will be much better off at Top 14 or UT/UCLA than at W & L.

Oh, one more thing. If you get a better LSAT score and apply next year, you will have a good chance to have a scholarship. In 99% of cases, transfers don't get any scholarship for all 3 years, even if they are at the top of class.

作者: Irena    时间: 2006-7-25 07:12

In any case, go to the best law school possible. Don't count on that you will have the best grades in law school. There are so many factors that may affect your grades, other than your ability and hardwork.

Legal job market is very tough, unless you have an IP background.

Good luck!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-31 2:14:41编辑过]

作者: lindamiller    时间: 2006-7-25 11:41


作者: Dingdangmaomao    时间: 2006-7-25 16:35
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2006-7-28 07:38
其实蛮不错的学校, 但是不是TOP14, 所以就业要看其他因素

如果你有理工医背景, 可以做IP, 这个学校的排名已经足够了

作者: chelseayang    时间: 2006-7-29 04:24
作者: fanboy    时间: 2006-8-1 17:31



学校给了$12000的奖学金,但由于是Waiting List给的Offer,所以比较晚,办签证已经来不及了。(8/14开学,必须到,还有学费的问题),所以今年去不太现实。


不过现在有一个严重问题,我看学校的Deferral of Admission Policy里面说,要签字承诺不在延期期间申请其他学校这个签字以后反悔问题大吗?我应该接受这个Defferal吗?放弃真的有点可惜,但如果因此影响其他学校的申请又得不偿失。交定金不是问题,但会不会产生信誉危机?


作者: zhyue    时间: 2006-8-1 21:50

If you can tell us more about results of your applications this year, i.e. wherelse were you waitlisted or rejected, and what is your practise scores for lsat, that would help us to provide meaningful suggestions.

Regarding the deferral policy, if you signed it but went to another school next year, it would look very bad, not only for your own reputation, but also for any future applications from tsinghua or china in general.

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2006-8-2 07:01

作者: 秋天的虫子    时间: 2006-10-25 09:43


unless楼主GPA很低, 明年再来


作者: iel05    时间: 2006-11-23 10:53
以下是引用Irena在2006-7-25 7:12:00的发言:

In any case, go to the best law school possible. Don't count on that you will have the best grades in law school. There are so many factors that may affect your grades, other than your ability and hardwork.

Legal job market is very tough, unless you have an IP background.

Good luck!

弱问IP是指:intellectual and patent?
作者: larichard    时间: 2006-11-23 12:43

intellectual property...

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