
标题: 大全734看过讨论还是有问题! [打印本页]

作者: littledou    时间: 2006-7-21 13:27
标题: 大全734看过讨论还是有问题!

734.The domesticated camel, which some scholars date around the twelfth century B.C., was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world.
(A) The domesticated camel, which some scholars date
(B) The domesticated camel, which some scholars having thought to occur
(C) Domesticating the camel, dated by some scholars at
(D) The domestication of the camel, thought by some scholars to have occurred
(E) The camel’s domestication, dated by some scholars to have been


E) sb. date sth. to have been的to have been没道理, 正确sb. date 时间。
如:We can date the skeleton to approximately 2500 BC.
date: tr.
To mark or supply with a date: date a letter.
To determine the date of: date a fossil.
To betray the age of: Pictures of old cars date the book.

Longman里面对date的解释是find age [transitive] to find out when something old was made or formed:
The rocks are dated by examining the fossils found in the same layer.

1。题文中明确表示了是Date,确定年代,怎么能改成是认为呢(thought by some scholars)
2。过去分词的修饰对象错误。过去分词thought by some scholars是修饰camel。我这样理解的根据是:


The human growth hormone, made by the pituitary gland, is secreted in higher concentrations during sleep than during waking hours.

OG127. In theory, international civil servants at the United Nations are prohibited from continuing to draw salaries from their own governments; in practice, however, some governments merely substitute living allowances for their employees' paychecks. assigned by them to the United Nations.
(A) for their employees' paychecks, assigned by them
(B) for the paychecks of their employees who have been assigned
(C) for the paychecks of their employees, having been assigned
(D) in place of their employees' paychecks, for those of them assigned
(E) in place of the paychecks of their employees to have been assigned by them
In choice A, the phrase assigned by them modifies the adjacent noun, paychecks: the sentence implies that paychecks, rather than employees, work at the United Nations.

1。所找的例子不是如D的A of B的结构。对于A of B后面的过去分词到底修饰什么?是不是还是如OG127A的解释修饰adjacent noun?
2。是不是有sb. date sth to be的用法?虽然有人肯定说没有,
3。或者E还有什么错误?有人说所有格形式 根据逻辑关系用of,请问这个有道理吗?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-21 13:31:58编辑过]

作者: 顾风    时间: 2006-7-21 13:52
以下是引用littledou在2006-7-21 13:27:00的发言:

734.The domesticated camel, which some scholars date around the twelfth century B.C., was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world.
(A) The domesticated camel, which some scholars date
(B) The domesticated camel, which some scholars having thought to occur
(C) Domesticating the camel, dated by some scholars at
(D) The domestication of the camel, thought by some scholars to have occurred
(E) The camel’s domestication, dated by some scholars to have been


E) sb. date sth. to have been的to have been没道理, 正确sb. date 时间。
如:We can date the skeleton to approximately 2500 BC.
date: tr.
To mark or supply with a date: date a letter.
To determine the date of: date a fossil.
To betray the age of: Pictures of old cars date the book.

Longman里面对date的解释是find age [transitive] to find out when something old was made or formed:
The rocks are dated by examining the fossils found in the same layer.

1。题文中明确表示了是Date,确定年代,怎么能改成是认为呢(thought by some scholars)
2。过去分词的修饰对象错误。过去分词thought by some scholars是修饰camel。我这样理解的根据是:



The human growth hormone, made by the pituitary gland, is secreted in higher concentrations during sleep than during waking hours.

OG127. In theory, international civil servants at the United Nations are prohibited from continuing to draw salaries from their own governments; in practice, however, some governments merely substitute living allowances for their employees' paychecks. assigned by them to the United Nations.
(A) for their employees' paychecks, assigned by them
(B) for the paychecks of their employees who have been assigned
(C) for the paychecks of their employees, having been assigned
(D) in place of their employees' paychecks, for those of them assigned
(E) in place of the paychecks of their employees to have been assigned by them
In choice A, the phrase assigned by them modifies the adjacent noun, paychecks: the sentence implies that paychecks, rather than employees, work at the United Nations.

1。所找的例子不是如D的A of B的结构。对于A of B后面的过去分词到底修饰什么?是不是还是如OG127A的解释修饰adjacent noun?
2。是不是有sb. date sth to be的用法?虽然有人肯定说没有,
3。或者E还有什么错误?有人说所有格形式 根据逻辑关系用of,请问这个有道理吗?


1.一般来说, 所有格形式用在人身上多一些,别的上面一般用of的情况多一些。

2.我觉得thought修饰的是 domestication

3.逻辑上的意思应该是 occur,用have been 表示状态,我觉得本句的意思是重在强调那个时候出现,而不是强调那个时候存在 。如果是存在,则有可能早于那个时候出现,只是证明在那个时候已经存在,而出现表明了在那个时候之前是没有这个玩意儿的。

作者: littledou    时间: 2006-7-21 14:21
以下是引用顾风在2006-7-21 13:52:00的发言:


1.一般来说, 所有格形式用在人身上多一些,别的上面一般用of的情况多一些。



The data collected by weather airplanes that fly into heart of a hurricane are useful mainly for gauging the storm’s structure and strength, not the speed and path of its movement
 The nation’s three military academies have seen a dramatic rise in applications, one fueled by a resurgence of patriotism, increasing tuition costs at private colleges, and improved recruiting by the academies. 
  Problems in the management of water and other resources will be at the head of the legislature’s list of concerns for the coming session.
  Astrononmers studying the newly discovered star say that it provides clues about our galaxy’s origin, that it may supply data about how fast our galaxy is expanding, and that it is perhaps the most distant star in the entire Milky Way.
  That the new managing editor rose from the publication’s “soft” news sections to a leadership position is more of a landmark in the industry than that she is a woman.

2.我觉得thought修饰的是 domestication


3.逻辑上的意思应该是 occur,用have been 表示状态,我觉得本句的意思是重在强调那个时候出现,而不是强调那个时候存在 。如果是存在,则有可能早于那个时候出现,只是证明在那个时候已经存在,而出现表明了在那个时候之前是没有这个玩意儿的。

我的理解是 some scholars dated the domestication to have been around的被动。此处用被动是因为过去分词修饰的要求:过去分词做定语一般是省略了前面的that are。如果date的解释是find age [transitive] to find out when something old was made or formed,那么就没理由是thought

anyway, thanks for your reply.

作者: 顾风    时间: 2006-7-21 15:01
以下是引用顾风在2006-7-21 13:52:00的发言:


1.一般来说, 所有格形式用在人身上多一些,别的上面一般用of的情况多一些。



The data collected by weather airplanes that fly into heart of a hurricane are useful mainly for gauging the storm’s structure and strength, not the speed and path of its movement
 The nation’s three military academies have seen a dramatic rise in applications, one fueled by a resurgence of patriotism, increasing tuition costs at private colleges, and improved recruiting by the academies. 
  Problems in the management of water and other resources will be at the head of the legislature’s list of concerns for the coming session.
  Astrononmers studying the newly discovered star say that it provides clues about our galaxy’s origin, that it may supply data about how fast our galaxy is expanding, and that it is perhaps the most distant star in the entire Milky Way.
  That the new managing editor rose from the publication’s “soft” news sections to a leadership position is more of a landmark in the industry than that she is a woman.

2.我觉得thought修饰的是 domestication


3.逻辑上的意思应该是 occur,用have been 表示状态,我觉得本句的意思是重在强调那个时候出现,而不是强调那个时候存在 。如果是存在,则有可能早于那个时候出现,只是证明在那个时候已经存在,而出现表明了在那个时候之前是没有这个玩意儿的。

我的理解是 some scholars dated the domestication to have been around的被动。此处用被动是因为过去分词修饰的要求:过去分词做定语一般是省略了前面的that are。如果date的解释是find age [transitive] to find out when something old was made or formed,那么就没理由是thought

关于第一个,所有格的问题,我不觉得是什么严重的问题,在题目里面,有用所有格也有没用所有格的时候,做选择,如果不用所有格能够清晰的表达出来意思,我觉得不用所有格的时候居多,但是用所有格能更准确的修饰。比如gwd里有一题  country's market share,和 market share in the country,原题链接忘了,但后者会产生歧义。

关于第二个问题,The domestication of the camel,中心词是domestication,你上面举的例子,并不全符合这个状况,如 paychecks, assigned by them,这个地方很明显是修饰paychecks,因为前面是一个完整的句子结构。而在该句子里,是一个名词短语,从语文的观点上,我个人觉得这样的修饰方法不会造成阅读歧义。

第三点应该是比较明显的逻辑上D与E两上意思不相同。have been的完成时态感觉 domestication of the camel 已经发生在这个时期之间。




不过如果把have been改成 be,我觉得E的意思就和D的意思一样了。而D和E在意思一样的情况下,看那个句子更清晰的话,我同意E更好,毕竟 thought的修饰虽然实际上不会造成阅读歧义,但理论上有阅读歧义的可能。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-21 15:05:59编辑过]

作者: allen0018    时间: 2006-7-21 15:45

晕!!! 我的回复没有回上!!!



have been 表示一种“自然”状态, 表示动作的话,哪怕你用动作的名次形式,并不鼓励用be 这个词,有点像 there be 的意思

另外,分词的跳跃修饰不是优先的选项,甚至是错误表达,但是和's 比起来,更好点

另外,little dou 你搜一下,是否有很多 to have been done 这样的句子,我觉得这可能不是经常用的

作者: littledou    时间: 2006-7-21 16:01

关于to have been的问题,搜到了两个,其中一个和这题类似:


A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and it is believed to have been the largest flying creature the world has ever seen.


The distinctive hereditary tartans alleged to have been worn since antiquity by members of the Highland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufactures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

印象中是没有having been done的用法,但是have been不见得错误啊。


作者: 顾风    时间: 2006-7-21 16:25

我觉得是have been用在这个地方的意思不合适,而不是不能这么用。。。

作者: littledou    时间: 2006-7-28 20:37

今天看书,见到这个例子,想起以前问的一个问题:对于A of B后面的过去分词到底修饰什么?可不可以修饰A?

In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that the potential energy of the cars, gained as a chain drive lifts them through the Earth’s gravity to the top of the first drop, has been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.

正确答案中gained修饰the potential energy.

作者: mymengming    时间: 2006-7-30 10:42


one of

the only one of


作者: 花仙子    时间: 2007-1-1 19:45
作者: sophiafinn    时间: 2007-6-15 18:26

D中的occur和happen一样 是时点词,能用完成时么

作者: lichabrend    时间: 2008-8-12 14:40
作者: 吴羽若    时间: 2008-9-16 13:47
作者: szy733    时间: 2009-1-8 14:17

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