非专业的回答,"最好学一些法语再去",法国真是全欧洲英语最不通行的国家,不会法语,大概连生活都有困难.作者: 毛毛虫0773 时间: 2006-7-19 10:35
lz还是学点法语再去吧,你不会法语连签证都过不了的...作者: huaxinzhu 时间: 2006-7-21 08:27
如果在巴黎可能还可以,因为巴黎中国人多阿,就算连英文也不会也能过,要是外省就……作者: timesand01 时间: 2006-7-21 16:27
If the program you attend is taught in English, then you will find not many difficulty living on campus. But once travelling out, you may be hindered by more or less language barrier.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-21 16:28:16编辑过]
作者: kennyc 时间: 2006-7-22 00:06
还是学点法语再去吧,你身在法国公司,有很好的语言环境,学起来应该很快的阿作者: quattro100 时间: 2006-7-22 06:31
Most of the MBA school are taught in English anyway. I was working in Paris for the last 12 months, must ppl speak English nowadays. Outside of Paris, you probably wanna have a dictionary with you.