
标题: 请教tt gwd-5-17 [打印本页]

作者: katie83    时间: 2006-7-16 22:24
标题: 请教tt gwd-5-17


Concerns about public health led to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems to serve metropolitan Boston.


  1. Concerns about public health led to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems to serve
  2. Concerns about public health have led to the construction of three separate sewer systems between 1876 and 1904 to serve
  3. Concerns about public health have led between 1876 and 1904 to the construction of three separate sewer systems for serving
  4. There were concerns about public health leading to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems serving
  5. There were concerns leading between 1876 and 1904 to the construction of three separate sewer systems for serving


作者: mejor    时间: 2006-7-16 23:00

between 1876 and 1904 说明是一个过去的动作,过去的过去发生(1876),但已经在过去结束了(1904)。已经结束和现在没有关系了,所以,是用一般过去时态。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-16 23:01:24编辑过]

作者: 娜na    时间: 2006-9-9 15:41


Concerns about public health led to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems to serve metropolitan Boston.

  1. Concerns about public health led to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems to serve

  2. Concerns about public health have led to the construction of three separate sewer systems between 1876 and 1904 to serve
  3. Concerns about public health have led between 1876 and 1904 to the construction of three separate sewer systems for serving
  4. There were concerns about public health leading to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems serving
  5. There were concerns leading between 1876 and 1904 to the construction of three separate sewer systems for serving

 Answer:  B

 这道题我也选得是B,我的思路是这样的首先根据there be后的结构一般为很简洁的结构,此处现排除DE,之后我们可以看出between是修饰construction的那么C就被排除了,剩下AB我的问题就来了,我认为这个时间段是修饰这个construction 的那么就好像楼上说的那样根据过去时可排除B那我想知道这个题中的led to 和后面的那个to serve ...这之间到底是个什么关系啊

作者: Winbolin    时间: 2006-9-9 17:01
以下是引用mejor在2006-7-16 23:00:00的发言:

between 1876 and 1904 说明是一个过去的动作,过去的过去发生(1876),但已经在过去结束了(1904)。已经结束和现在没有关系了,所以,是用一般过去时态。

我是同意mejor的說法 , lead to...一般其實會很少看到完成式(好像還沒遇過) 因為"導致"這種行為動作應該只會發生在瞬間動作. 而不會一直持續地"導致".
作者: VicSi    时间: 2006-9-9 17:12



led to construction to serve 表示目的吧

作者: MaccMichAA    时间: 2006-10-17 18:09


作者: eddienumb    时间: 2006-10-17 18:12
楼上的大姐姐不要每次只留...就走 发表以下意见吧

作者: saroya    时间: 2007-4-5 03:16

还有一点想补充:between1876and1904 的位置 紧贴construction修饰建设 这种语感比放在sewer system修饰污水管系统 强


作者: catherine_fo    时间: 2007-4-6 21:03

我也选B了 觉得the comstruction of  three separate sewer systems 放在一起意思更紧凑~~~ 

作者: 12345678lj    时间: 2009-3-30 09:22
作者: avivazst    时间: 2010-5-3 12:26
作者: 孙维容    时间: 2010-7-8 14:31
嗯同意  查了半天 也没找到lead to sth. to do sth.  的用法。。。是不是答案错了呢  因为用完成时也没有什么说不过去的地方
作者: hellsingkyo    时间: 2010-8-22 18:26
"between 1876 and 1904"放在construction之后可以明显知道是修饰construction的,而B中放在the construction of three separate sewer systems之后就不清楚是修饰construction还是three separate sewer systems
作者: 流浪的心    时间: 2010-9-5 18:22
我觉得between 1876 and 1904 of....觉得很奇怪,好像修饰上面有歧义
作者: metesici    时间: 2014-9-29 14:29
但题目的between 1876 and 1904表示动作在1904年就截止了,所以不能用现在完成时

between 1876 and 1902修饰construction而不是sewer systems,所以A项优于B项因为更贴近修饰对象

至于lead to和have led to,我认为本身都是可以的,不作为排除缘由

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