Hello from theTuck School of Business at Dartmouth !
We would like to invite you to interview at Tuck. We feel it is important that you have a chance to experience Tuck first hand before deciding that it is the right school for you. Throughout the fall, prospective students are welcome to interview on-campus. Although interviews are not required at Tuck, they are strongly recommended.  lease see our website for interview deadlines and registration information at http://www.dartmouth.edu/tuck/mba/apply/
In addition to interviewing, while here you can visit classes, tour our beautiful campus, and have lunch with students. If you would like to apply and cannot travel to Hanover to interview, the admissions committee may request an interview. If that is the case, we will be in touch to arrange a phone, alumni, or admissions officer interview in late November for Early Action, in February for the January round, and in May for the April round.
Finally, if you plan to attend the Tuck Diversity Conference on November 14-16, you can have an admissions interview during the program. The conference is a wonderful opportunity to network with Tuck alumni and student members of the Asian Pacific Club, Hispanic Student Association, Tuck African American Business Association, Tuck Gay/Straight Alliance, Tuck Women in Business Club, and Tuck international students. More information on the conference is available at: http://www.dartmouth.edu/tuck/news/events/index.html
As always, please let us know if you have questions by emailing tuck.admissions@dartmouth.edu or calling 603-646-3162.
Tuck Admissions Team
By the way......
* The Early Action deadline is October 20!
* Tuck admissions officers are traveling the world this fall - and we want to meet YOU! Visit our website at http://www.dartmouth.edu/tuck/mba/apply/visit.html for a complete schedule of off-campus events.
* After two consecutive years at #1 in the Wall Street Journal/Harris Interactive annual business school survey of MBA recruiters, Tuck slipped......to #2! Visit our rankings page at http://www.dartmouth.edu/tuck/news/newsroom/rankings.html for the latest report.
可是,我并没有让我的gmat成绩寄到那个学校呀。作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-10-6 21:32
did u register for any MBA tour? Schools can obtain your information from the organization that organizes the tour.作者: siepo 时间: 2003-10-7 01:21
我只是在8月29号考了一次gmat,没有其他任何的举动啊。 我应该回信给tuck吗? 不过现在我是不会申请的,更加不会去参加interview了。作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-10-7 02:45
No, I don't think you need to reply.作者: qinmiju 时间: 2003-10-7 20:46
我也收到了一模一样的信:)还有南卡MOORE持续在给我发信,前天又收到MICHIGAN的信,恭喜我GMAT考得好云云。我也还没有申请啊。 我想只是广告而已,不用回吧。作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-10-7 21:42
南卡发信是比较勤快的,呵呵。作者: kathy72 时间: 2003-10-8 15:42
我也收到了几封类似的email, 是michgan, tuck 和 insead 的, 开始还有点沾沾自喜, 一度以为GMAT700 原来还挺牛的嘛. 原来是广告, 很平常的事,有点失落.