1. A collection of 38 poems by Phillis Wheatley, a slave, was published in the
(A) it was only the second published by an American woman
(B) it was only the second that an American woman published
(C) the second one only published by an American woman
(D) the second one only that an American woman published
(E) only the second published by an American woman
为什么答案是E而不是C? 有何区别?
照我的理解,本题考点不在于only,在于the second和the second one的区别吧。
原句是the first book,意思是被黑人妇女编写的第一本书,紧接着the second,意思同时也是美国妇女编写的第二本书。强调排名和序列。
如果用the second one的话,1,必须前面the first book改成the first one与之对应;2,更重要的是,句子意思也改了,变为描述在一堆书里(比如提干的a collection of 38 poems的迷惑)的第一本和第二本的情况。
ETS在OG里是这样对only作出解释的: Only is placed with precision next to the group
of words it actually limits. 这里的only是对the second published by an American woman进行限定的,对于A来说,如果it was不省略,则变成了A collection第二次被发表了,原文的意思并不是这样的.
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