
标题: [原创]讨论为什么去欧洲读顶级MBA的这么少 [打印本页]

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-8 21:18
标题: [原创]讨论为什么去欧洲读顶级MBA的这么少


发现中国人都是拼命的往美国的Magic-7奋斗的, 好像不进HBA或者沃顿都不算成功.

想对的,来欧洲的少的可怜. 其实欧洲三强(LBS, INSEAD, IMD)也都是很不错的学校.


我能想到的有这么几条, 大家讨论

1, 经济原因

        MBA是最贵的学位了. 尤其是LBS, 学费之贵世界排名第一, 在加上伦敦的高昂生活费用(LBS就在伦敦市政公园边), 使得LBSMBA当之无愧的当选世界第一昂贵学位, 共需约百万人民币上下, 真是天价. InseadIMD也毫不示弱, 尽管只有短短10个月, 单学费就高达4.5万欧元,7.5万瑞士法郎(6.2万美元) 算起来, 单位时间的价格比LBS还要贵上一节. 此外, IMD还要求你必须到瑞士的校园或者新加坡去面试, 晕啊.

        并且, 欧洲学校的奖学金比美国少得多的多,也是不争得事实. MBA奖学金更加少得可怜, 尽管不是不可能得到.

        还有选择贷款的. 多数国人是没有欧美所谓的信用记录的. 这样就造成申请欧洲银行的助学贷款凭添阻力, 比如Insead 就不提供学校担保. LBS的中国申请人贷款北HSBC拒绝也是屡见不鲜.

        总而言之, 到欧洲读MBA, 先把钱准备好, 呵呵.

        想对而言, 美国的学校就灵活的多了. 学费和生活费想对比较低, 奖学金和贷款的选择也要多的多了. 大家都是比我了解的, 不多说.

2, 毕业后就业

      大家花了这么多钱, 当然是求个好工作. 在这一点上, 欧洲的商学院天生就比美国的差上一些, 这也是由于地理位置所决定的. 你不能指望在英国/法国的工资超过美国的. 并且, 欧洲的税收要远高于美国, 相差10%左右 (美国约30%, 各州不同, 英国的基本税率就30%, 最高接近50%, 还要交大约11%NI, 哭死了). 算下来, 国人到手的工资比美国就要差上一大节了.

       这还不算, 欧洲的就业许可是很难拿到的. 没有就业许可, 很少雇主会去找这个麻烦给你申请. 不过英国在2005年修改了HSMP条款, 允许全球50家商学院的MBA毕业生直接获得HSMP签证, 然后在英国坐上5移民监也能混个英国绿卡了.

3, 商学院的品牌

       毫无疑问, 国人是更加认可美国的学校的, 没什么好争论. 这个在国际上也是同样的看法. 各大MBA排行榜上, 也只有英国的FT把自家学校拼命往上排. 在偶没有读MBA的想法之前, 根本就不知道什么LBS, Insead, IMD这些名词.

4, 课程长度

欧洲商学院都是比较短的, 一年为主. 不像美国都是两年. LBS15个月到21个月, 是较长的了. 其它包括牛津, 剑桥都是一年左右.

这样就使得我们很难有充足的时间来适应欧洲的环境. 自然的, 也很难说服欧洲的雇主们来雇佣我们这些速成班的毕业生, 更不用说那上高薪了.

5, 录取难度

既然想对美国的商学院的缺点这么多, 申请应该容易吧? 也不见得. 欧洲的商学院的规模都比较小, LBS350, Insead450, IMD更加可怜, 90. 比起美国那些动辄上千的名额, 真是差的很远. 但是欧洲的人口可是比美国多好多倍的, 汗一个.





作者: pumpkin    时间: 2006-7-10 07:21





作者: kinchan    时间: 2006-7-10 22:50
作者: timesand01    时间: 2006-7-10 23:21
以下是引用kinchan在2006-7-10 22:50:00的发言:

Incisive point!

It is really stupid to belittle things one dont understand.

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-11 05:02


你想, 所有有去读MBA的都会去研究各个排名,




绝大多数中国人, 都是有着美国梦啊,


宁肯去美国一个排名不怎么样, 毕业后很难找工作(她现在就还在找...)的MBA,


另外, 语言也确实是一个问题,

好几个学校, 比如INSEAD, 都要求毕业的时候, 要掌握额外的一门外语, 比如,法语.......汗一个

作者: RUDI    时间: 2006-7-11 11:42
作者: kinchan    时间: 2006-7-11 18:01
以下是引用nnm在2006-7-11 5:02:00的发言:


你想, 所有有去读MBA的都会去研究各个排名,




绝大多数中国人, 都是有着美国梦啊,


宁肯去美国一个排名不怎么样, 毕业后很难找工作(她现在就还在找...)的MBA,


另外, 语言也确实是一个问题,

好几个学校, 比如INSEAD, 都要求毕业的时候, 要掌握额外的一门外语, 比如,法语.......汗一个



作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-13 08:59


MBA is a big issue for anyone concerned. And it's not a cheap decision, people will consider carefully and choose the one that best suit themself.

流行 is definitely not a factor, in my op

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-13 09:01

So glad that this thread has been ranked as a "精华".

Thanks a lot.

Let's share our knowledge in here to help

作者: helenefz    时间: 2006-7-21 21:15
作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-22 00:01
Well, you might be right.
作者: fishliu    时间: 2006-7-22 16:30
but actually I consider choosing Smirft (IN Ireland) to get MBA. whether it is popular or not dose not actually influence one's future career. It is the individual's ability and an opportunity that account.
作者: hummel    时间: 2006-7-23 12:26




作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-24 06:15


It's like a monk's work...

作者: kinchan    时间: 2006-7-25 00:15
以下是引用hummel在2006-7-23 12:26:00的发言:







作者: goodssb    时间: 2006-7-26 15:13

我觉得很大的原因是申请人并不是很了解欧洲的情况.我想很大一部分申请MBA的人都没有出过国.最好的那几个学校都在美国,而且美国工作机会多,所以一说起读MBA,很多人都会想当然的想起美国.其实我觉得有一些认识上的误差,至少工作机会上来说,上次columbia的人说他们的MBA去的最多的三个地方就是纽约,然后就是伦敦,然后san francisco.

作者: CDer78    时间: 2006-7-27 11:27
以下是引用goodssb在2006-7-26 15:13:00的发言:

上次columbia的人说他们的MBA去的最多的三个地方就是纽约,然后就是伦敦,然后san francisco.


作者: goodssb    时间: 2006-7-28 09:54
以下是引用CDer78在2006-7-27 11:27:00的发言:


很好的问题.不过根据columbia官方的统计,2005班的学生中,国际学生占31%, 其中来自欧洲的占34%, 也就是说所有学生中,来自整个欧洲的只有10.54%, 所以想来这10.54%的学生中来自英国的应该也没多少了.
作者: zdcgy    时间: 2006-7-28 23:28
以下是引用kinchan在2006-7-25 0:15:00的发言:




The internship opportunity provided by two year program is valuable, paving the way for landing better jobs after graduatiton.

one year's work + one year's study > two years' study, yes. But how about twenty years' work + one year's study VS nineteen years' work + two years' study? (Actually, study in bschool is more practical learning)

作者: kinchan    时间: 2006-7-29 11:18
以下是引用zdcgy在2006-7-28 23:28:00的发言:

The internship opportunity provided by two year program is valuable, paving the way for landing better jobs after graduatiton.

one year's work + one year's study > two years' study, yes. But how about twenty years' work + one year's study VS nineteen years' work + two years' study? (Actually, study in bschool is more practical learning)

以下是引用zdcgy在2006-7-28 23:28:00的发言:

The internship opportunity provided by two year program is valuable, paving the way for landing better jobs after graduatiton.

one year's work + one year's study > two years' study, yes. But how about twenty years' work + one year's study VS nineteen years' work + two years' study? (Actually, study in bschool is more practical learning)

1. there is internship opportunity for 1 year program as well

2. i don't quite follow your logic on the 2nd point, hehe. a. someone with enough working experience (e.g., 20 years) will probably choose 1 year program because they don't have much time to waste b. they will probably trade this "practical learning" experience with something else (e.g., start new business, stay with family. you shouldn't blame them for not taking your advice, afterall they are over 40...)

do you really think they would prefer 2 year program? wait, wait ... i almost forgot, isn't there sth called EMBA? usually short and take the part-time format

you should contiue to use vivid examples in logic reasoning. it's a powerful technique. however, you must be crystal clear about your logic, making sure it supports your argument. otherwise, you will certainly be turned down by interviewers from top firms

in my point of view, the marginal value from the 2nd year is limited

a. you already build the network in year 1 (don't tell me you need more than 12 months to know your classmates) 

b. you already has intern in year 1 (don't tell me your 1st intern cannot secure your future career)

c. your should have no problem with the language (unless you don't practice in class in the first year)

d. you have had most of the critical courses in the first 12 months

again, i have not included those emotional factors, since i am not trying to compare these two programs, nor am i trying to suggest which one is better for whom.

my point is 楼主的论点不正确,去欧洲读MBA的人不多主要原因是还没有流行起来

supporting argument

1. 欧洲申请区的人气非常少,说明大多数人根本压根没考虑过欧洲。所以楼主的几点理由不成立

2. 5年,10年前去欧洲读研的人也很少;一旦流行了,现在不有无数人往欧洲跑

3. 论坛上看到有很多搞IT的也在考cfa,可见中国人跟风的习惯

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-29 16:59
以下是引用kinchan在2006-7-29 11:18:00的发言:

1. there is internship opportunity for 1 year program as well


1. 欧洲申请区的人气非常少,说明大多数人根本压根没考虑过欧洲。所以楼主的几点理由不成立

2. 5年,10年前去欧洲读研的人也很少;一旦流行了,现在不有无数人往欧洲跑

3. 论坛上看到有很多搞IT的也在考cfa,可见中国人跟风的习惯


引用你自己的逻辑, "欧洲申请区的人气非常少" 这个论据同样不能支持你的论点, 因为它不是必要条件, 换句话说, 我们可以反过来, 因为某些其它的xxyy的原因, 导致去欧洲的少, 所以"欧洲申请区的人气非常少".

几十万,上百万的钱扔进去, 难道流行二字能够决定投与不投, 投向哪里???


如果说, 咨询不够, 信息不够, 前人的经验不多什么的, 还是比较能够接收的理由, 尽管我同样不认为是决定性的. 现在可是21世纪啦.


"不流行" 是结果, 而不是原因

难道 "欧洲MBA不流行" 跟"欧洲MBA去的人少" 不是说的同一件事儿?? 根本就是同义词么

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-29 18:11:30编辑过]

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-29 18:20

关于internship, 很多一年的program确实是没有的.

比如, INSEAD在9月份的intake,就没有, 因为期中刚好是圣诞节.

好像IMD也没有, 取而代之的是一个什么别的项目,好像去年去的阿根廷? 很危险的说

所以说Career-enhancer, 去一年的就满好


作者: kinchan    时间: 2006-7-29 21:53
以下是引用nnm在2006-7-29 16:59:00的发言:



引用你自己的逻辑, "欧洲申请区的人气非常少" 这个论据同样不能支持你的论点, 因为它不是必要条件, 换句话说, 我们可以反过来, 因为某些其它的xxyy的原因, 导致去欧洲的少, 所以"欧洲申请区的人气非常少".



几十万,上百万的钱扔进去, 难道流行二字能够决定投与不投, 投向哪里???



如果说, 咨询不够, 信息不够, 前人的经验不多什么的, 还是比较能够接收的理由, 尽管我同样不认为是决定性的. 现在可是21世纪啦.


"不流行" 是结果, 而不是原因

难道 "欧洲MBA不流行" 跟"欧洲MBA去的人少" 不是说的同一件事儿?? 根本就是同义词么


作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-30 11:59

谢谢你了, 偶跟你说话也挺累.

拿着个莫名奇妙的理由, 愣往这个题目上安.

"流行"二字就直接概括, 佩服佩服.

看清楚我说什么了么? "不流行" 是结果, 而不是原因

您还是别来了, 您比我高明多了.

另外, 这还是头一回有人说跟我说话累,

您要是没个正经理由说服我, 就直说,谢谢.

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-7-30 12:15


1. 欧洲申请区的人气非常少,说明大多数人根本压根没考虑过欧洲。所以楼主的几点理由不成立

第一, 欧洲申请区的人气非常少不代表什么, 这里又不是什么朝圣的地方;第二, 人气少是怎么推出大多数人根本压根没考虑过欧洲的?? 恕我鲁顿

2. 5年,10年前去欧洲读研的人也很少;一旦流行了,现在不有无数人往欧洲跑


3. 论坛上看到有很多搞IT的也在考cfa,可见中国人跟风的习惯

是啊,中国人跟风,SO ?????, 用几十万来跟风的都是头脑不怎么清醒的, 恕我直言. 此外, 就算是跟风, 也都是有自己的背后的原因的.

PS, 用你这种" 一言以蔽之" 的讨论风格, 估计咨询公司是不会怎么欣赏你的.

鄙人至少也是个IT咨询, 长期驻扎客户公司,经常要叫喊" I wanna speak Chinese"以发泄每日阶说鸟语的郁闷;

你对我的定性, 恕我不能接受.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-30 12:29:26编辑过]

作者: 飘移左使    时间: 2006-8-1 03:36
作者: JackyHuang    时间: 2006-8-3 16:27
以下是引用kinchan在2006-7-29 21:53:00的发言:

我给个第三方的观点:kinchan 我觉得你的分析确实不如楼主客观。你的“流行论”没有事实依据。正如楼主说的  你所谓的“流行不流行”他是结果 而不是很少人去欧洲念MBA的原因。

作者: fly105    时间: 2006-8-3 19:59






作者: nnm    时间: 2006-8-4 09:30
以下是引用飘移左使在2006-8-1 3:36:00的发言:

Why don't you ask why we chinese earn less than British?
作者: nnm    时间: 2006-8-4 09:33
以下是引用fly105在2006-8-3 19:59:00的发言:






Good point!!!

There are fewer GOOD B-schools in EU, compared to those in US.

But, why do you recon that IMD is not a typical B-school??

作者: izone    时间: 2006-8-15 05:15

作者: kevinao    时间: 2006-8-15 14:14
Frankly speaking, I disagree with many points above:
1. Top business schools: there are only two top schools in Europe using 'US top 10' standard - LBS/Insead.
  - LBS: there are less Chinese in MBA program mainly because it's too expensive. Total cost exceed CNY1 million, which is much higher than any US business schools. However, there are quite a lot Chinese students in it's 10-month Master in Finance program.
  - Insead: don't have detailed statistics, but there should be a number of Chinese students.
Inclusion, average Chinese students per EU top business schools may not be lower than top US schools.

2. Pay in EU is lower than US. I disagree. Most LBS students work in London after graduation, and London is also the number 1 city for Insead students (found in Insead campus during a trip last year). Pay in London is at least as high as pay in NY. Some US students even say sometimes London pay is higher as most firm pay GBP60K (or USD110K) as starting salary in  LBS. Of course London is more expensive than NY.
Inclusion, London is the main city for LBS/Insead graduate. Therefore, please don't compare low pay in other EU cities with US.

3. 对外国人的接纳程度也没有美国开放. In LBS, British students are 'minority' and almost do not have any comparative advantage in job hunting. Most people who join top IB or strategic consulting firm are foreigners. It's funny that sometimes in Metro or bus, you can find most people speak languages other than English. While I heard in US, foreign students are minorities and are not so lucky.

作者: lizejun    时间: 2006-8-15 18:03

唉。。。。刚开始还真有点想去法国的EM Lyon的。。。。


作者: nnm    时间: 2006-8-15 18:41
以下是引用kevinao在2006-8-15 14:14:00的发言:
Frankly speaking, I disagree with many points above:
1. Top business schools: there are only two top schools in Europe using 'US top 10' standard - LBS/Insead.
  - LBS: there are less Chinese in MBA program mainly because it's too expensive. Total cost exceed CNY1 million, which is much higher than any US business schools. However, there are quite a lot Chinese students in it's 10-month Master in Finance program.
  - Insead: don't have detailed statistics, but there should be a number of Chinese students.
Inclusion, average Chinese students per EU top business schools may not be lower than top US schools.
同意. 但必须说的是, IMD绝对不比LBS/Insead差. 只不过它比较特殊: 小班, 面向中高层管理者, 平均年龄31/32岁, 10个月,并且是宇宙中最最Intensive的课程. 实际上, 非常多的IMD学生在去之前就已经是其它Top 10毕业生的Level了. 它的毕业生平均年薪跟LBS/Insead持平的原因是因为很多人毕业都不会去IB/MC, 此外从比例上来说, 去亚非拉的毕业生非常的多, 因为学生们的素求跟其它Top10是不同的.
真是无奈啊, LBS的学费............................................................
此外, 多数US B-school是有Guaranteed Loan的, 欧洲还没听说哪所学校提供的.

2. Pay in EU is lower than US. I disagree. Most LBS students work in London after graduation, and London is also the number 1 city for Insead students (found in Insead campus during a trip last year). Pay in London is at least as high as pay in NY. Some US students even say sometimes London pay is higher as most firm pay GBP60K (or USD110K) as starting salary in  LBS. Of course London is more expensive than NY.
Inclusion, London is the main city for LBS/Insead graduate. Therefore, please don't compare low pay in other EU cities with US.
伦敦的话, 薪水确实很高. 不过就像你说的, 1-生活费比NY还要高, 2- 税高, 3- NI也很高

3. 对外国人的接纳程度也没有美国开放. In LBS, British students are 'minority' and almost do not have any comparative advantage in job hunting. Most people who join top IB or strategic consulting firm are foreigners. It's funny that sometimes in Metro or bus, you can find most people speak languages other than English. While I heard in US, foreign students are minorities and are not so lucky.


作者: yelplin    时间: 2006-8-26 16:12

我在学校里学外语,但我认为我从外国人那里学到最重要的东西不是语言,而是要尊重他人的意见,要有独立的思考与见解,其实欧洲是作学问的好地方,象Youger Marxists学派的人都在欧洲,毕竟【国富论】和【资本论】的两位作者也在欧洲。有很多好的学校我们确实不是很了解,举个例子,荷兰的莱顿大学,有几个听说过,它是欧洲最古老的大学之一,有四百多年的历史,连我的一个导师(一个英国人,剑桥三一学院的博士)都非常推崇,认为其与剑桥不相上下,不是他说,可能我这一辈子都不会知道。兼听则名嘛,真不搞不清楚,为什么总是会看到很多过于激烈的争吵!

作者: 爷爷泡的茶    时间: 2006-11-13 13:51


请问可以留个 msn吗?

作者: 爷爷泡的茶    时间: 2006-11-13 14:17


作者: Huangzizeng    时间: 2006-11-14 03:00




作者: esprit    时间: 2006-11-14 03:18
作者: 爷爷泡的茶    时间: 2006-11-14 08:03
作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-14 09:41
以下是引用爷爷泡的茶在2006-11-14 8:03:00的发言:

Generally speaking, not a good idea (I mean from EU to US).

If you really care about Tax Rate, go to Singapore or Hongkong.

Not mainland China or US, where the Tax Rate is not really low anyway.

作者: Huangzizeng    时间: 2006-11-14 18:42
以下是引用esprit在2006-11-14 3:18:00的发言:

北欧小国芬兰, 现在努力转投他国中.

作者: jinlongyi    时间: 2006-11-18 02:26
Have a little faith...
作者: Huangzizeng    时间: 2006-11-18 04:59
作者: Huangzizeng    时间: 2006-11-21 23:21


作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-25 10:53

i don'w know where people get the info that studying at LBS costs CNY 1million? also i don't understand why people think LBS is more expensive than US bschools? those US bschools that are ranked higher than LBS costs a lot more than CNY 1million.

you will be ok as long as you go to a top bschool and by top bschool, don't just narrow down to only the top ten on the ranking. after all, when you start to find a job, the school you graduated from only counts for 30 percent and who you are counts for the rest 70 percent.

the arguement between kinchan and nnm is meaningless and neither of them got to the point. yes there are more good schools in the states, but also there are more grabage schools in the states too and there are more international students in the grabage schools than in the good ones. if yourself is good enough, it really doesn't matter where you go to study MBA. and if you are not good enough, EU and the US are both just dreams.

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-25 11:17
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-25 10:53:00的发言:

i don'w know where people get the info that studying at LBS costs CNY 1million? also i don't understand why people think LBS is more expensive than US bschools? those US bschools that are ranked higher than LBS costs a lot more than CNY 1million.

Simply do a calculation. (Have u ever lived in London???)

Tution 45000P + Living 1000*21 + other(travel, book etc) 2000 - intern 2000 = 66000 P = 990000 CNY

or simply go to for a official estimation, which is even more expensive

you will be ok as long as you go to a top bschool and by top bschool, don't just narrow down to only the top ten on the ranking. after all, when you start to find a job, the school you graduated from only counts for 30 percent and who you are counts for the rest 70 percent.

the arguement between kinchan and nnm is meaningless and neither of them got to the point. yes there are more good schools in the states, but also there are more grabage schools in the states too and there are more international students in the grabage schools than in the good ones. if yourself is good enough, it really doesn't matter where you go to study MBA. and if you are not good enough, EU and the US are both just dreams.

Ok, to summarize, what u r saying is: Only one himeself counts, don't bother struggling for good b-school.
I gotcha........................

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-25 11:32
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-25 11:17:00的发言:

well, if you need 21 months to finish it and without any funing or scholarship, yes you would pay a lot more. but even that being said, it's still cheaper than the top 4 US schools.

if you think what i was saying is yourself counts for 100 percent, but not 70 percent, then i would not be surprised by you need 21 months to finish the study without any scholarship. but i would be surprised how you get into LBS, if you are really studying or studied at LBS.

after you find a job in IB, or maybe you've already done so, go to a director or VP, if you could, and ask them the weight they put on when evaluating your application for your job, you will know what i was saying.

also, just in case you are not in IB, go and ask the career services of your Bschool, and see how much weight they would put on about their school for a graduate to find a good job,

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-25 11:51
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-25 11:32:00的发言:

well, if you need 21 months to finish it and without any funing or scholarship, yes you would pay a lot more. but even that being said, it's still cheaper than the top 4 US schools.

Where does this conclusion come from?? Also u have to pay back the fund and whether u can get scholarship really depends (at least harder than US schools)

if you think what i was saying is yourself counts for 100 percent, but not 70 percent, then i would not be surprised by you need 21 months to finish the study without any scholarship. but i would be surprised how you get into LBS, if you are really studying or studied at LBS.

after you find a job in IB, or maybe you've already done so, go to a director or VP, if you could, and ask them the weight they put on when evaluating your application for your job, you will know what i was saying.

also, just in case you are not in IB, go and ask the career services of your Bschool, and see how much weight they would put on about their school for a graduate to find a good job,

Although it's a bit hard to understand what you are trying to convey (based on your circling words), I agree that one himeself counts a lot.   But i do insist that the school counts no less. That's the reallity. Probably u can put out some examples of NNs who are not graduate of Top-10 or 20, but i can give you a million more reverse examples.
Anyway, both count, but the school counts more than 30%.
Or put it this way: The school is the ice-breaker and then the experience/stength is the door-opener. If someone is not able to attract the eye balls of the recruiter, no matter how good he is, he can't be recognised ( by IBer in this case)
By the way, i'm not IBer and not interested in ( So far).

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-25 11:54:57编辑过]

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-25 12:07
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-25 11:51:00的发言:

alrite, if you are this slow, then i will tell you, go back to what i wrote, i said as long as you are in a top bschool, you will be ok. and this is what i meant by the 30 percent. in other words, by attending a top bschool, you only had a platform where you could build yourself, but not gurantee for a job offer post-graduation. there are graduates from top bschools who couldn't find an ideal or desired job. so as long as you can get an offer from top bschool, doesn't matter if it's from the states or EU, it does not differ that much, what differenciate people is how they build up themslves prior to attending bschools, during their study and after their  graduation. so this is what i meant by who-you-are counts for 70 percent.

for the cost of the top US schools, the costs of Wharton, HBS, MIT and Stanford are indeed expensive than LBS. just ask someone from those schools for go to their website. note that most of the US bschools display the tuition and cost for the first year, and most of them need two years of study.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-25 12:11:24编辑过]

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-25 12:20

almost forgot the funding issue.

the admission officers would tell a billions times that prepare your application when you feel it's at the strongest. i think part of this meant that you need to settle your financing for your study before you take any further steps. and scholarship, sponsorship or other funding that you don't have to pay back are the best choices. to choose a fund that you would have to pay back is also a choice since the money has its time value, just think of it as a credit card.

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-25 13:09
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-25 12:07:00的发言:

alrite, if you are this slow, then i will tell you, go back to what i wrote, i said as long as you are in a top bschool, you will be ok. and this is what i meant by the 30 percent. in other words, by attending a top bschool, you only had a platform where you could build yourself, but not gurantee for a job offer post-graduation. there are graduates from top bschools who couldn't find an ideal or desired job. so as long as you can get an offer from top bschool, doesn't matter if it's from the states or EU, it does not differ that much, what differenciate people is how they build up themslves prior to attending bschools, during their study and after their  graduation. so this is what i meant by who-you-are counts for 70 percent.

for the cost of the top US schools, the costs of Wharton, HBS, MIT and Stanford are indeed expensive than LBS. just ask someone from those schools for go to their website. note that most of the US bschools display the tuition and cost for the first year, and most of them need two years of study.

Ok, if it's my "slowness" or "lack of ability to understand" that lead to a clearer conclusion, I am happy. But if it's your vague words that drove me to some other direction, u can't just blame on me.

But I still can't agree with u on the costs.

Someone did a excel-sheet of budgets, in which LBS is the outstanding one, followed by Columbia. It may not accurate but does show a bit.

作者: kevinao    时间: 2006-11-25 18:01
it's meaningless to say that us schools are more expensive than lbs without giving specific supporting data. what i heard is that london living expenses are at 50% more expensive than new york.

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-25 23:37
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-25 13:09:00的发言:

Ok, if it's my "slowness" or "lack of ability to understand" that lead to a clearer conclusion, I am happy. But if it's your vague words that drove me to some other direction, u can't just blame on me.

But I still can't agree with u on the costs.

Someone did a excel-sheet of budgets, in which LBS is the outstanding one, followed by Columbia. It may not accurate but does show a bit.

well, if you think my words are vague, then i would say i can't prove to you that my words are clear, it's simply because i can't prove to a bull that my words are clear since a bull is an animal and i am a human being.

coming back to the cost, the tuition alone you can find them on the website of those schools that i listed previously. the living cost depends on oneself. yes london is expensive, but you can lower the living cost by lowering your living standard or other ways. say if you come from NY, and now relocated to Shanghai, trust me you would pay at least the same or even more in shanghai than in NY.

plus, don't show me anymore calculation from others, it is your experience that counts.

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-25 23:39
以下是引用kevinao在2006-11-25 18:01:00的发言:
it's meaningless to say that us schools are more expensive than lbs without giving specific supporting data. what i heard is that london living expenses are at 50% more expensive than new york.

yes, so refer back to what i wrote above, you should compare the tuition alone and control you own living expenses. and London isn't the most expensive city that i have lived in.
作者: fly105    时间: 2006-11-26 13:15

美国有8-9个很好的mba program, 欧洲只有lbs和insead两个 自然显得去美国的多了

而且有些中国人还是存有那种 “美国的月亮圆”的想法的

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-26 16:52
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-25 23:37:00的发言:

well, if you think my words are vague, then i would say i can't prove to you that my words are clear, it's simply because i can't prove to a bull that my words are clear since a bull is an animal and i am a human being.

Good argument. It took me 10 minutes to dig out that what u are saying is that I am a bull or something like that. And i'm glad that you recognized that you are not talking to yourself.

Whatever.  We are not children anymore.

coming back to the cost, the tuition alone you can find them on the website of those schools that i listed previously. the living cost depends on oneself. yes london is expensive, but you can lower the living cost by lowering your living standard or other ways. say if you come from NY, and now relocated to Shanghai, trust me you would pay at least the same or even more in shanghai than in NY.

plus, don't show me anymore calculation from others, it is your experience that counts.

Didn't i showed you some calculation???
And it's interesting that u simply ignore living expense. What a dynamic standard that u are holding. I can conclude from your arguments that the living costs exactly the same no matter where u live, can't I??
Since you are interested in real figures(although unwilling to present any), i can give you some

Program costs Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $80,457.00

Nonresident: $80,457.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,344.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $76,696.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $76,696.00


Program costs
Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $88,090.00

Nonresident: $88,090.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,100.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $69,369.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $69,369.00


Program costs
Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $81,896.00

Nonresident: $81,896.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,280.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $69,971.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $69,971.00

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-26 23:16
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-26 16:52:00的发言:

Program costs Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $80,457.00

Nonresident: $80,457.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,344.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $76,696.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $76,696.00


Program costs
Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $88,090.00

Nonresident: $88,090.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,100.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $69,369.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $69,369.00


Program costs
Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $81,896.00

Nonresident: $81,896.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,280.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $69,971.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $69,971.00

well, i've got no comments on your understanding and comprehension ability. to talk with u is worse than to talk with myself.

i am telling you one more time that by finding good deals for rent and other living costs, you could have a stable, not dynamic, living standard without paying too much more when you move to a city like London. or, other the other hand, you could be paying a lot more when you move to shanghai from London. i hope you could understand what i meant by living standard and the money you pay.

so i've got no idea why you concluded that i lived a dynamic live and i would have the save living cost in various cities?????? your brain should be of very high research value.

the figure for your living cost at London is a bit high, although some people need more than what you wrote down, i myself and most people whom i know in London didn't need that much. for wharton, i doubt i would have to pay 1100USD for a decent apartment.

作者: Huangzizeng    时间: 2006-11-27 02:02
作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-27 03:38
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-26 23:16:00的发言:

well, i've got no comments on your understanding and comprehension ability. to talk with u is worse than to talk with myself.

i am telling you one more time that by finding good deals for rent and other living costs, you could have a stable, not dynamic, living standard without paying too much more when you move to a city like London. or, other the other hand, you could be paying a lot more when you move to shanghai from London. i hope you could understand what i meant by living standard and the money you pay.

so i've got no idea why you concluded that i lived a dynamic live and i would have the save living cost in various cities?????? your brain should be of very high research value.

the figure for your living cost at London is a bit high, although some people need more than what you wrote down, i myself and most people whom i know in London didn't need that much. for wharton, i doubt i would have to pay 1100USD for a decent apartment.

Well, u don't have to re-emphasise your points a million times. It's not that hard to grasp. If you are interested in researching my brain, come and get me, we can exchange. I'm interested in yours too.

What I meant was, by doing what u said (holding similar living standards while paying similar in different cities),

u made the comparison meaningless.

Yes you can do that "stable" thing, but putting it in into this context (cost comparison), u are just ..............misleading(the only word that i can think of)

No more to comment.

But thanks to point out that the tuition fee of LBS is a little lower than that of US schools, I didn't realize that bit.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-27 3:44:35编辑过]

作者: kevinshawn1234    时间: 2006-11-27 08:41

我现在人在欧洲 觉得人来欧洲之后想法可能不会再象在国内时候那么功利 其实CAREER也只是生活的一部分 在欧洲可能不会有US那么多的感官刺激 没有那么多SKYSCRAPER 但是作为一个普通人无论是物质还是精神上都很满足 很舒适 税后收入可能不如US多 但是工作很轻松啊 税跟PENSION等等社会福利也都是挂钩的 所以欧洲的福利高多了 我觉得这点没什么可抱怨的 很多人没来过欧洲就已经对欧洲有PRE-ASSUMPTION了我觉得这本身也是一种偏见 欧洲这个概念太笼统了 在不同的国家 依照不同的个人情况 职业发展会有不同的走向 比如不能拿某个国家比如芬兰的经历来评价整个欧洲 一些欧洲国家仅仅是加入欧盟之后人均GDP上来了 但是整个工业和商业基础还是不行 这就设计到对具体国家和BSCHOOL的选择问题 我觉得好的BSCHOOL出来在LONDON就业完全不成问题 前景也很好 最后我觉得欧洲多数国家人的思想比US要OPEN 大家印象里觉得US更开放 可能在一些大城市是这样吧 但总的来说US多数地方还是很保守

大家对欧洲的一些顾虑我觉得也是正确的 比如语言问题可能比较突出 很多公司要求多语言能力 对很多E文都不强的中国学生来说真的是障碍 但我们在这里讨论的前提是牛校MBA在欧洲的就业 我觉得不成问题

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-27 09:32
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-27 3:38:00的发言:

Well, u don't have to re-emphasise your points a million times. It's not that hard to grasp. If you are interested in researching my brain, come and get me, we can exchange. I'm interested in yours too.

What I meant was, by doing what u said (holding similar living standards while paying similar in different cities),

u made the comparison meaningless.

Yes you can do that "stable" thing, but putting it in into this context (cost comparison), u are just ..............misleading(the only word that i can think of)

No more to comment.

But thanks to point out that the tuition fee of LBS is a little lower than that of US schools, I didn't realize that bit.

i have no interest to get your brain and to exchange would be the worst idea i have ever heard. if you have been  trying to be mislead, then you have done it well.

i said your brain is of research value is because, you have been using your logic and understanding of the cost in europe and and states to rationalize my wording. and this of course will result in what you have said. you don't know how to think and understand others from others' prospect.

tuition info are all on the web, if you need me to point out the differences, then you really should consult with doctors about how to repair your brain.

it's just meaningless and a waste of time to talk with u.

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-27 09:45
以下是引用kevinshawn1234在2006-11-27 8:41:00的发言:

我现在人在欧洲 觉得人来欧洲之后想法可能不会再象在国内时候那么功利 其实CAREER也只是生活的一部分 在欧洲可能不会有US那么多的感官刺激 没有那么多SKYSCRAPER 但是作为一个普通人无论是物质还是精神上都很满足 很舒适 税后收入可能不如US多 但是工作很轻松啊 税跟PENSION等等社会福利也都是挂钩的 所以欧洲的福利高多了 我觉得这点没什么可抱怨的 很多人没来过欧洲就已经对欧洲有PRE-ASSUMPTION了我觉得这本身也是一种偏见 欧洲这个概念太笼统了 在不同的国家 依照不同的个人情况 职业发展会有不同的走向 比如不能拿某个国家比如芬兰的经历来评价整个欧洲 一些欧洲国家仅仅是加入欧盟之后人均GDP上来了 但是整个工业和商业基础还是不行 这就设计到对具体国家和BSCHOOL的选择问题 我觉得好的BSCHOOL出来在LONDON就业完全不成问题 前景也很好 最后我觉得欧洲多数国家人的思想比US要OPEN 大家印象里觉得US更开放 可能在一些大城市是这样吧 但总的来说US多数地方还是很保守

大家对欧洲的一些顾虑我觉得也是正确的 比如语言问题可能比较突出 很多公司要求多语言能力 对很多E文都不强的中国学生来说真的是障碍 但我们在这里讨论的前提是牛校MBA在欧洲的就业 我觉得不成问题




作者: prexioustone    时间: 2006-11-27 13:16
作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-27 14:09
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-27 9:32:00的发言:

i have no interest to get your brain and to exchange would be the worst idea i have ever heard. if you have been  trying to be mislead, then you have done it well.

i said your brain is of research value is because, you have been using your logic and understanding of the cost in europe and and states to rationalize my wording. and this of course will result in what you have said. you don't know how to think and understand others from others' prospect.

tuition info are all on the web, if you need me to point out the differences, then you really should consult with doctors about how to repair your brain.

it's just meaningless and a waste of time to talk with u.



不愿意像某些人那样, 不带脏字的骂人.


难道我也变着花样回敬你, 然后我们开始对骂么?? 不知道你多大岁数了.


自己看看自己说了些什么, 先不管争论对错.


退一万步说, 就算我智商低好了, 用的着你说什么么?




[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-27 14:12:28编辑过]

作者: shaoji    时间: 2006-11-27 14:16
作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-27 15:01
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-27 14:09:00的发言:



不愿意像某些人那样, 不带脏字的骂人.


难道我也变着花样回敬你, 然后我们开始对骂么?? 不知道你多大岁数了.


自己看看自己说了些什么, 先不管争论对错.


退一万步说, 就算我智商低好了, 用的着你说什么么?












作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-27 15:24
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-27 15:01:00的发言:









如果说我的话开始比较aggressive, 我承认, 这在辩论中很常见. 你可以说说我如何人身攻击了. 难道一个反问句也算?那上面这一句也算哦.



那你就代入我的角色看看, 说的话是不是人身攻击.



但所谓生活费, 我们没有讨论"你"的情况, 讨论的是一般情况, 如何能够轻易就忽略??



作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-27 15:49
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-27 15:24:00的发言:

如果说我的话开始比较aggressive, 我承认, 这在辩论中很常见. 你可以说说我如何人身攻击了. 难道一个反问句也算?那上面这一句也算哦.



那你就代入我的角色看看, 说的话是不是人身攻击.



但所谓生活费, 我们没有讨论"你"的情况, 讨论的是一般情况, 如何能够轻易就忽略??






换角度思考问题对工作不重要么? 在你和客户或被收购方谈判的时候,你难道只用自己的思维定式么?



作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-27 16:08
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-27 15:49:00的发言:




换角度思考问题对工作不重要么? 在你和客户或被收购方谈判的时候,你难道只用自己的思维定式么?



我什么时候不承认每个人即使在同样的城市, 花费也是可以差别很大啊,



这有什么可反驳的?? 我就算傻也没傻到这个地步.

你一直说我不换角度思考问题(我以前还以为Wearing others'shoes是我小优点之一呢, 看来值得怀疑??), 我倒是觉得, 你根本没有抓住我在Insist什么

好吧, 换个方式,问你两个问题,

1, 我们讨论Cost Comparasion的时候, 算不算Living Cost?

2, 平均来说, London的生活费是不是比绝大多数美国城市高?

3, 假如1的答案是yes, 再引用我前面的数据, 是不是可以说LBS比Wharton贵? (ok, in case you will return to your "角度", we are talking about "generic circumstance")

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-27 16:52
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-27 16:08:00的发言:

我什么时候不承认每个人即使在同样的城市, 花费也是可以差别很大啊,



这有什么可反驳的?? 我就算傻也没傻到这个地步.

你一直说我不换角度思考问题(我以前还以为Wearing others'shoes是我小优点之一呢, 看来值得怀疑??), 我倒是觉得, 你根本没有抓住我在Insist什么

好吧, 换个方式,问你两个问题,

1, 我们讨论Cost Comparasion的时候, 算不算Living Cost?

2, 平均来说, London的生活费是不是比绝大多数美国城市高?

3, 假如1的答案是yes, 再引用我前面的数据, 是不是可以说LBS比Wharton贵? (ok, in case you will return to your "角度", we are talking about "generic circumstance")



伦顿当然贵,但是没有你形容那么贵.我得出这个结论是我自己和我周围的朋友的经历.耳听为虚,眼见为实.如果你一定说你的大多数情况,那我承认我认识的人和在这些我们举例的城市的人口相比,那一定是少数.我不知道你是不是认识这些城市半数以上的人.如果不是,那我想提醒你,在引用数据前,最好搞清楚数据的来源和针对性.还有,就算是严格按照统计方法计算的数字,也只是参考.仅仅就生活费来说,个体的区别是很大的,这点在学校的网站上也有说明.所以,在这样一个个体区别大的群体中做抽样,结果很难有广谱代表性.这也是为什么我一直强调我们讨论的这个问题,结果和案例是多样的. 如果仅仅是以别人统计的数据说明问题,那你可以找出无数支持你的数据,我也可以找出无数支持我的数据.如果我们不能换位思维,你觉得我们的争论有什么意义.

你的第三个问题. 我没在沃顿上过学,不过我想那里不会比纽约贵.所以我觉得你提供的数据有待商榷.不过,就算你提供的是正确的,那也和在纽约属于一个档次. 而你提供的在沃顿的费用,足够我,或者我亲眼所见的朋友们在伦顿生活的很好.可是别人还远远不够. 所以,就算你在伦顿要上满21个月,加上学费,你自己觉得是哪里贵呢?不过,我想不只是你,别的人可能有不一样的经历,这很正常.你一直强调的是伦顿贵,贵到在伦顿的生活费可以弥补在两个学校在学费上的差异,可是,这只是一种可能.你却把这一种可能说成了普遍现象甚至唯一可能.你一直强调的东西不就是这些么?

所以, 这就是我一直说的,学费是死的,生活费是活的,而这些名校所在的城市的生活费因人而异,所以两项要分开看.如果你真的如你所说,善于换位思维,那你应该不难理解我的意思.不过可悲的是,你似乎完全不理解我的意思.

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-27 17:50
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-27 16:52:00的发言:

如果你承认你上面说的,那我就不明白你为什么之前感叹我的生活标准变化大(I did not, please refer back. what I mean by "dynamic standard that u are holding" is that a PARTICULAR student should have similar living standard no matter where studying, not that, as you stated, when it comes to "cost comparasion", the student can live a higher in NY and a lower in London. This is what i meant "dynamic standard" that you hold while comparing the cost. Is it clear this time? ) ?也不明白为什么你说我不算生活费?你这难道不是前后矛盾么?


伦顿当然贵,但是没有你形容那么贵.我得出这个结论是我自己和我周围的朋友的经历.耳听为虚,眼见为实.如果你一定说你的大多数情况,那我承认我认识的人和在这些我们举例的城市的人口相比,那一定是少数.我不知道你是不是认识这些城市半数以上的人.如果不是,那我想提醒你,在引用数据前,最好搞清楚数据的来源和针对性.还有,就算是严格按照统计方法计算的数字,也只是参考.仅仅就生活费来说,个体的区别是很大的,这点在学校的网站上也有说明.所以,在这样一个个体区别大的群体中做抽样,结果很难有广谱代表性.这也是为什么我一直强调我们讨论的这个问题,结果和案例是多样的. 如果仅仅是以别人统计的数据说明问题,那你可以找出无数支持你的数据,我也可以找出无数支持我的数据.如果我们不能换位思维,你觉得我们的争论有什么意义.

你的第三个问题. 我没在沃顿上过学,不过我想那里不会比纽约贵.所以我觉得你提供的数据有待商榷.不过,就算你提供的是正确的,那也和在纽约属于一个档次. 而你提供的在沃顿的费用,足够我,或者我亲眼所见的朋友们在伦顿生活的很好.可是别人还远远不够. 所以,就算你在伦顿要上满21个月,加上学费,你自己觉得是哪里贵呢(这个reasoning没看懂)?不过,我想不只是你,别的人可能有不一样的经历,这很正常.你一直强调的是伦顿贵,贵到在伦顿的生活费可以弥补在两个学校在学费上的差异,可是,这只是一种可能.你却把这一种可能说成了普遍现象甚至唯一可能.你一直强调的东西不就是这些么?

数据来自BusinessWeek.;;;学费只差几千美元;;; 我说的是普遍现象, 从来没说唯一可能, 谢谢.

所以, 这就是我一直说的,学费是死的,生活费是活的,而这些名校所在的城市的生活费因人而异,所以两项要分开看.如果你真的如你所说,善于换位思维,那你应该不难理解我的意思.不过可悲的是,你似乎完全不理解我的意思.

我现在觉得你的"换位思维" 能力颇有疑问了. 我什么时候不理解你的意思了? 我只是不同意你把他们分开而已. 我试图在普遍意义上对比花费, 而你的出发点不同.


怎么你就把持着"换位思维"不放呢? 难道有不同的意见就是不"换位思维"???

shooting air............

累了, 不讨论了.


我认为, 一般意义上来说, 伦敦比纽约贵, 维持同样的生活标准, 即便学费便宜一点点, 读LBS比Columbia贵.

你认为, 每个人可以调整生活标准, 可以accormmadate这个城市差异. 所以对比费用的时候不包括生活费.


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-27 17:53:08编辑过]

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-27 18:05
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-27 17:50:00的发言:

累了, 不讨论了.


我认为, 一般意义上来说, 伦敦比纽约贵, 维持同样的生活标准, 即便学费便宜一点点, 读LBS比Columbia贵.

你认为, 每个人可以调整生活标准, 可以accormmadate这个城市差异. 所以对比费用的时候不包括生活费.



如果你没看懂,那麻烦你自己好好再看看.我说的是,在伦顿我的花费你是列出来的在沃顿的花费,也就是说生活费是一样的,明白了么? 那再加上学费,是哪里贵呢?我不想承认你连这个都看不懂.但是你太让我失望了.

还有,你说,我认为每个人的生活标准可以调整, 天啊,我是真的不想伤害你,也不想对你进行你所谓的人身攻击,可是你居然真的是自己不争气.如果你愿意,再看看我的意思吧.我说的是,在不同的城市保持一样或相似的生活水平, 不一定在费用上有很大的差异.

作者: nnm    时间: 2006-11-27 18:18
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-27 18:05:00的发言:


如果你没看懂,那麻烦你自己好好再看看.我说的是,在伦顿我的花费你是列出来的在沃顿的花费,也就是说生活费是一样的,明白了么? 那再加上学费,是哪里贵呢?我不想承认你连这个都看不懂.但是你太让我失望了.

还有,你说,我认为每个人的生活标准可以调整, 天啊,我是真的不想伤害你,也不想对你进行你所谓的人身攻击,可是你居然真的是自己不争气.如果你愿意,再看看我的意思吧.我说的是,在不同的城市保持一样或相似的生活水平, 不一定在费用上有很大的差异.

This is what u first said:

the living cost depends on oneself. yes london is expensive, but you can lower the living cost by lowering your living standard or other ways. say if you come from NY, and now relocated to Shanghai, trust me you would pay at least the same or even more in shanghai than in NY.

Then you changed your mind:

i am telling you one more time that by finding good deals for rent and other living costs, you could have a stable, not dynamic, living standard without paying too much more when you move to a city like London. or, other the other hand, you could be paying a lot more when you move to shanghai from London. i hope you could understand what i meant by living standard and the money you pay.

What you say?

作者: whichMBA    时间: 2006-11-27 19:50

Agree with you!

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-28 22:45

作者: wargame    时间: 2006-11-29 18:24

别吵了, 自己说自己观点就好了。

我说我的观点, 伦敦生活费, 贵。 跟纽约比, 不好说, 但是跟费城比, 绝对贵。

欧洲顶级商学院缺点: INSEAD一年, 学东西紧, 没有一所综合性大学撑着, 且不能提供贷款。LBS, 贵, 这是LBS校友几次提醒我的, 他们EXCHANGE时去美国都觉得很省钱, 也没有综合大学撑着, 虽然也算是伦敦大学下辖的。

另外, 美国MBA毕业, 去LONDON找工作的有的是, 欧洲MBA毕业, 想去美国, 比例就小很多了。

好处是, 找工作来说, 这两所绝对与M7比肩。

大家信息渠道都不一样, 看重的方面也不一样, 就别互相驳来驳去的了, 提出观点, 大家得到信息, 自己分析, 自己证实去就得了。

我说的都是从我认为可靠的渠道得到的信息, 别人有别人的数据和渠道, 不冲突, 提出来看吧, 别人身攻击就行。

作者: biochemistry    时间: 2006-11-29 23:55
以下是引用wargame在2006-11-29 18:24:00的发言:

别吵了, 自己说自己观点就好了。

我说我的观点, 伦敦生活费, 贵。 跟纽约比, 不好说, 但是跟费城比, 绝对贵。

欧洲顶级商学院缺点: INSEAD一年, 学东西紧, 没有一所综合性大学撑着, 且不能提供贷款。LBS, 贵, 这是LBS校友几次提醒我的, 他们EXCHANGE时去美国都觉得很省钱, 也没有综合大学撑着, 虽然也算是伦敦大学下辖的。

另外, 美国MBA毕业, 去LONDON找工作的有的是, 欧洲MBA毕业, 想去美国, 比例就小很多了。

好处是, 找工作来说, 这两所绝对与M7比肩。

大家信息渠道都不一样, 看重的方面也不一样, 就别互相驳来驳去的了, 提出观点, 大家得到信息, 自己分析, 自己证实去就得了。

我说的都是从我认为可靠的渠道得到的信息, 别人有别人的数据和渠道, 不冲突, 提出来看吧, 别人身攻击就行。




其实,我觉得欧洲还有几所很不错的学校,毕业后的前途不比美国那七所学校差. 关键还是看个人.感觉美国也就哈佛,沃顿和哥大的还是一直没怎么贬值的,主要是因为校友实力强,毕业后的人际关系比较厉害.

进了学校门,修行靠个人.那些世界500强企业和投行咨询重点照顾的欧洲和北美的商学院其实提供的平台都差不多, 不会仅仅是因为学校是欧洲或是美国就会对毕业后的就业有质的影响.


作者: Huangzizeng    时间: 2006-12-1 03:32

没有看到欧洲大学有几个可以和美国大学比的. 大哥要是在美国就不要站着说话了, 因为在欧洲的同学受了很多苦你在美国未必有体会.同样你在美国受了苦,在欧洲的同学也没有体会.


作者: judiwind2006    时间: 2006-12-12 17:10



作者: Huangzizeng    时间: 2006-12-15 05:26

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