
标题: OG11-57 提问 [打印本页]

作者: angelhuqi    时间: 2006-6-30 13:29
标题: OG11-57 提问

Social scientists are underrepresented on the
advisory councils of the National Institutes
of Health (NIH). Since these councils advise NIH directors and recommend policy, the underrepresentation of social scientists results in a relative lack of NIH financial support for research in the social sciences.

If the statements above are correct, they most strongly support which of the following?

(A)          A significant increase in the size of NIH advisory councils would be required in order to increase the representation of social scientists on these councils.

(B)          A significant increase in the representation of social scientists on NIH advisory councils would result in an increase in NIH funding for social science research.

(C)         A significant increase in funding for social science research would result in improved policy recommendations to NIH directors.

(D)         A significant increase in funding for the training of social scientists would result in an increase in the number of social scientists on NIH advisory councils.

(E)          A significant increase in the representation
   of social scientists on NIH advisory      - councils would have to precede any increase in the number of NIH directors who are social scientists.

阅读,对题目含义的理解. 如果把underrepresented 作为原因A , 那么lack financial support 作为B 结果.

原文AB, 它的等价命题应该是逆否命题,也就是-B-A
. ,但是答案B 好像是-A-B ,  这不是等价命题啊, 如何解释呢?

作者: mbz    时间: 2006-7-1 11:19

The problem states that because there are not enough social scientists on the councils, so there is not enough fund for their field.

B says, if you increase the number of social scientists on the councils, then there will be enough fund for their field.

Isn't it obvious to you now?

just try to understand the problem by using your common sense.

I am not good at sorting out the logic realtions, but I believe that for most of the GMAT CR questions, if you understand the meaning, you will get it.

作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-7-1 21:28



作者: angelhuqi    时间: 2006-7-1 23:32

多谢指点,如果按照你们的方法,从逻辑上我是可以理解的,但是套用那个公式,我总觉得不对,如果 没有科学家 是原因A , 没有钱是B , 那么A 推出B , 选项有社会科学家----就有钱 , 应该是非A 推出非B , 是个否命题, 能等价吗? 我是不是在理解上有误,还是掉在牛角尖里了

作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-7-2 14:06


不是must be true



作者: angelhuqi    时间: 2006-7-2 16:22

I SEE ,看来我要好好理解一下做题的逻辑思路了

作者: my21chyue    时间: 2007-4-18 10:48

这应该是一道归纳题,而非加强题,if you understand the meaning, you will get it.还是多理解些意思吧!

作者: zhiyinfeifei    时间: 2008-1-2 15:41
作者: lzj1209    时间: 2009-10-1 19:49

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