
标题: gwd25-Q24质疑答案 [打印本页]

作者: titatita    时间: 2006-6-20 20:34
标题: gwd25-Q24质疑答案


Although improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products

may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and

lowering prices, thereby boosting consumption.

A.     in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

 rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices,

thereby boosting.

B.     In converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply and

lowering prices, which boost.

C.     Of converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices,

which boosts.

D.     Of harvested trees being converted into wood products may reduce

harvest rates, it will stimulate demand, because it will increase supply

and lower prices, thereby boosting.

E.      When harvested trees are converted into wood products may reduce

harvest rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply

and lowering prices, which boost.



1)b选项使用被动不好,b中不知道demand是被谁刺激的.a很清楚it优先指代improved efficiency
是improved efficiency 刺激需求

2)b中because of用法错误,在gmat中必须是because of one's doing,现在不知道是谁 increasing supply and

lowering prices

3)b中的which逻辑上有歧意.逻辑上修饰increasing supply and

lowering prices,但原句是improved efficiency 刺激comsunption,逻辑不合理

而且which可能指increasing supply and

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,但原句是improved efficiency 刺激comsunption,逻辑不合理

而且which可能指increasing supply and

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices

3)b中的which逻辑上有歧意.逻辑上修饰increasing supply and

lowering prices,但原句是improved efficiency 刺激comsunption,逻辑不合理

而且which可能指increasing supply and

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,但原句是improved efficiency 刺激comsunption,逻辑不合理

而且which可能指increasing supply and

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

lowering prices,也可以单指prices所以逻辑修饰有歧意.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-20 20:45:18编辑过]

作者: mymengming    时间: 2006-8-3 19:11
作者: zhengxian    时间: 2006-8-4 00:44


选项B里的demand will be stimulated 和, which boost 都有问题啊。

作者: mbz    时间: 2006-8-4 01:08

A looks good but it's logical meaning is wrong.

A says that it is the demand that stimulates the consumption, but the fact is the other way around.

B.     In converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply and

lowering prices, which boost.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.

作者: sch    时间: 2008-2-22 04:40
以下是引用mbz在2006-8-4 1:08:00的发言:

A looks good but it's logical meaning is wrong.

A says that it is the demand that stimulates the consumption, but the fact is the other way around.(A没有说demand刺激消费,而是efficiency刺激demand,最后导致boost消费)

B.     In converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest

rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply and

lowering prices, which boost.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.

the meaning of B is: increasing supply and lowering prices ---> consumption ---->demand.

Hence, B should be the correct answer.(b中的which指代不明,可以指代 prices,也可以指代 supply+prices,况且supply和prices能boost消费罗机上确实也不通)

作者: monacopig    时间: 2008-2-22 04:54
How can B be the answer??
Your reasoning is correct, A is the best choice.

作者: 足球幽灵    时间: 2008-2-22 07:32
A is best
作者: AlienX    时间: 2008-2-22 10:46
another vote for A.

作者: 时间的沙漏    时间: 2008-7-7 18:16
作者: michelleq    时间: 2008-8-11 21:59
作者: minamif    时间: 2008-10-4 13:40
先有demand 才有consumption吧。

作者: JorieSong    时间: 2008-10-4 15:40

多数人看好 a , 我也在等更好的解释。

作者: singdeath    时间: 2008-10-28 10:40


A看原句的逻辑:improved efficiency è increasing supply and lowering prices è boosting consumption è stimulate demand.




作者: connie4895    时间: 2008-11-4 13:40
以下是引用minamif在2008-10-4 13:40:00的发言:
先有demand 才有consumption吧。


by increasing supply and lowering prices→ stimulate demand→thereby boosting consumption




作者: 来人GMAT伺候    时间: 2008-11-4 17:54


作者: lv1015    时间: 2008-11-24 16:51


作者: brass20y    时间: 2008-11-27 10:55
作者: deadpig1987    时间: 2008-12-28 15:34

A. improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest rates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices, thereby boosting consumption.

thereby boosting consumption 是结果状语从句,逻辑主语不一定要是主语,可以是前面整个句子造成的结果

it 指代 improved efficiency

所以 这个的逻辑意思是

improved efficiency-->increasing supply and lowering prices----->stimulate demand----> boost consumption

是合理的,我想原文中要表达的意思就是 需求被刺激 推动 消费吧

B. improved efficiency in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvest
rates, demand will be stimulated because of increasing supply and
lowering prices, which boost


首先这里 因为 boost是单数形式 所以不能指代demand 只能指代 increasing supply and lowering prices, 那么逻辑意思就会变成很奇怪


increasing supply and lowering prices--->demand will be stimulated

所以我觉得 A更好,虽然答案里是B

同时increasing supply and lowering prices---->boost consumption

很别扭的表达 awkward  而且意思也不对

作者: hi_alie    时间: 2009-2-12 09:32
我选B   我是这样理解的

选A或B的关键是看boost是谁发出的,A的表述是it发出的,也就是improved efficiency 导致boost,但事实上improved efficiency不是boost最直接的原因,

improved efficiency  =>>
increasing supply and lowering prices  =>>  stimulate demand 同时
improved efficiency  =>>
increasing supply and lowering prices  =>> boost consumption
stimulate demand和 boost consumption是并列的,都是由
increasing supply and lowering prices直接导致的,当然improved efficiency是他们最上层的原因。




[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-12 11:14:14编辑过]

作者: smartsky11    时间: 2009-2-20 10:38


首先说A是错的,因为it 指代的是improved efficiency,但那时从it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices,逻辑意思上  improved efficiency 不是  boosting consumption的逻辑主语,所以错

b正确的,因为首先这里 因为 boost是单数形式 所以不能指代demand 只能指代 prices, 那么逻辑意思就正确了:)纠正了楼上兄弟的观点。


 lowering prices-》boost consumption,这样对了。

作者: flyuo2006    时间: 2009-4-3 16:26
还是支持A, 答案是B,大家都选A么?
作者: keepdreaming    时间: 2009-4-5 14:43
vote for A.
B which指代不明

作者: walkaround06    时间: 2009-4-11 22:25

从句型上看,A中的thereby boosting是不是做it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices的伴随状语,这样就通顺了啊

作者: mcyinhbs    时间: 2009-4-12 00:08
support A
作者: tiffany1102    时间: 2009-4-18 18:18


作者: zhuceg    时间: 2009-4-30 23:10
觉得B还有个问题, 这个"because of increasing supply and lowering prices" 应该替换成 "because of increased supply and lowered prices" 表示结果更恰当

作者: raphael1234    时间: 2009-7-11 15:11
作者: raphael1234    时间: 2009-7-11 15:16
以下是引用zhuceg在2009-4-30 23:10:00的发言:
觉得B还有个问题, 这个"because of increasing supply and lowering prices" 应该替换成 "because of increased supply and lowered prices" 表示结果更恰当


作者: raphael1234    时间: 2009-7-11 15:17
以下是引用keepdreaming在2009-4-5 14:43:00的发言:
vote for A.
B which指代不明


Bwhich指代不清,可以指代increasing supply and
lowering prices整体,也可以指代lowering prices一项


作者: scarlett8327    时间: 2009-7-17 13:25
作者: scarlett8327    时间: 2009-7-17 14:30

我选了A,总觉得B里边because of increasing supply and lowering prices应该改成increased supply以及lowered prices...

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/7/17 14:35:28编辑过]

作者: 苹果夹心派    时间: 2009-7-24 10:32

作者: laura466    时间: 2009-7-24 16:33
作者: yanlingli31    时间: 2009-8-31 15:08


作者: ladun    时间: 2009-9-2 22:19


首先需要承认的是B的which语法上没有错。B错在无厘头,前半句在讲improved efficiency,后半句却看不出在说improved efficiency,逻辑不够紧凑。而A的前半句后半句主语一致,thereby boosting说明消费增长的最终原因是improved efficiency。逻辑过程如下:

improved efficiency -> increase supply and lower price -> stimulate demand -> boost consumption


作者: sunnyfloor    时间: 2009-11-6 12:38
another vote for A
作者: gmat928    时间: 2010-2-25 21:08

有人说A不对是因为语意逻辑问题,我觉得A没有这个问题。A表示的意思:虽然efficiency会怎样怎样,但它还可以通过increasing supply和lowering prices的方式来stimulate demand,从而boost consumption。因为效率提高完全可以带来supply的增加和prices的下降。

本题中的boost的主谓一致是一个考点,而which是boost的主语,因此which指代也应该是个考点,这个问题不该被忽略。支持B的G友谁能告诉我这个which指的是lowering prices还是increasing supply and lowering prices?指代不明可是GMAT中的大忌,凭这一点完全可以排除B。

关于A and B, which的指代,我作了一个小结,请NN指正。


如果A and B中的B为复数(Bs),which后面动词也是复数,which指代会有歧义,让人不知道which到底指的是什么。
As and Bs, which are (which指Bs? 或 which指As and Bs?)
A and Bs, which are (which指Bs?或 which指A and Bs?)

如果A和B都是单数,which后面动词复数,没有歧义,which修饰A and B。
如果B是复数(不管A是单数还是复数)则必须要用which together,没有歧义,这时which修饰A and Bs。

The human nervous system bears a superficial resemblance to a telephone system both because the former carries information in the form of electrical impulses and because all of its neural pathways converge in the brain and spinal cord, which together form a kind of central exchange.

Unlike the shuttle and earlier spacecraft, which were capable of carrying sufficient power in fuel cells and batteries for their short flights, a permanently orbiting space station will have to generate its own electricity.

作者: victor_0610    时间: 2010-4-18 15:04
至于B选项,其他的不说,PREP语法笔记里面说过because of后面应该接简单的名词短语,如果后面再有从句修饰就会不简洁。
作者: yingsuanna06    时间: 2010-5-13 17:07
B 应该错误的,刘易斯语法笔记里讲过because of 后面不能接doing
作者: tianlingfrl    时间: 2010-9-1 15:10
A中的boosting做结果状语,主语为前面的it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices。分析句意,该句的重点是在说明efficiency还是demand?很明显整句都是在围绕efficiency来说的。先说了的提高效率会带来的不好,但是although的出现,把话题一转,转而表达提高效率的好处,就是通过提高供应和降低价格来带动需求,最终达到推动消费的目的。始终都是在讲efficiency。
而如果把句子中心转移到demand来讲,那么首先出现的就是which的指代问题,只有在出现介宾的时候才可能会有跳跃指代的情况,而此题明显是svo的结构,也就是说which很明显是指代前面的supply或price,根据就进指代,以及boost的动词形式来看,which应该是指代的prices,也就是消费是由价格来推动的,于是句子就会出现第三个层次-----价格促进消费。而句子明显要表达的意思是如何促进消费,而B中,消费变成一个修饰成分来说明prices,这显然是与句意不相称的。而且这样比较而言,一个是单层次的句子和一个3层次的句子,其句意重心的改变是显而易见,B选项就显得繁冗,句式结构太过复杂。还有because of的问题,该短语后只能加简单的名词,如果加复杂的ING等结构应变为because引导的分句来说明。
作者: hdyxxnn    时间: 2010-9-11 19:48
作者: daivx    时间: 2010-10-16 17:59
vote for A.

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