
标题: OG觉得比较绕的一题 [打印本页]

作者: 紫衣女孩    时间: 2006-6-7 20:00
标题: OG觉得比较绕的一题

92. According to the new office smoking regulations, only employees who have enclosed office may smoke at their desks. Virtually all employees with enclosed offices are at the professional level, and virtually all secretarial employees lack enclosed offices. Therefore, secretaries who smoke should be offered enclosed offices.


Which of the following is an assumption that enables the conclusion above to be properly drawn?

(A) Employees at the professional level who do not smoke should keep their enclosed offices.

(B) Employees with enclosed offices should not smoke at their desks, even though the new regulations permit them to do so.

(C) Employees at the secretarial level should be allowed to smoke at their desks, even if they do not have enclosed offices.

(D) The smoking regulations should allow all employees who smoke an equal opportunity to do so, regardless of an employee’s job level.

(E) The smoking regulations should provide equal protection from any hazards associated with smoking to all employees who do not smoke.



请大家指点  我理解justify conclusion这类题就是需要建立EVIDENCE 和conclusion的关系 能否解释下这题的推理链  3X!

作者: wycg    时间: 2006-6-7 21:13

这道题是"assumption "题型,关于解这类题,楼主可以看看lawer的文章.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 21:13:26编辑过]

作者: 紫衣女孩    时间: 2006-6-7 22:51


这道题用排除法可以选出D  但是究竟该如何推理呢 感觉是充分必要的推理链

作者: hawkinsxie    时间: 2006-6-8 00:38


Executive has enclosed place to smoke ===> Secretary need enclosed place to smoke






作者: frostone    时间: 2006-6-8 04:37

Trying to throw in my two cents here...

I would pick D without using the process of elimnation.

The logic goes like this,

1.the company policy says that if you don't have your own office, you can't smoke. 

2.In the company, only some certain people at higher level have offices, peoplelike secretaries at lower level don't have offices

combine 1 and 2, secretaries can never smoke because they don't even have their offices!!!  Therefore, this company policy does NOT give equal opportunities to everyone who wants to smoke and this is where D stands.

Hope that helps

作者: 紫衣女孩    时间: 2006-6-8 14:03

明白了 谢谢!

这几天总结assumption,忘了把架桥放进去了 似乎OG里架桥不如狒狒强调得那么常用 

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