
标题: OG11-96 [打印本页]

作者: ProteinMonica    时间: 2006-5-26 11:05
标题: OG11-96

96 Commentator: The theory of trade retaliation states that countries closed out of any of another country's markets should close some of their own markets to the other country in order to pressure the other country to reopen its markets. If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with any other.

The commentator's argument relies on which of the following assumptions?

(A) No country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation.
(B) No country should block any of its markets to foreign trade.
(C) Trade disputes should be settled by international tribunal.
(D) For the two countries, at least one has some market closed to the other.
(E) Countries close their markets to foreigners to protect domestic producers.

OG explanation:

Argument construction
Situation: The theory of trade retaliation is explained as the action and reaction of closing markets between trading nations; no country would ever trade with another, the observation is offered, if every country acted according to the theory.

Reasoning: What assumption underlies this argument? What makes the commentator conclude that no country would be trading if the theory were operative? The commentator must perceive of some condition as a given here. The argument assumes an initial action, a country's closing of a market to a trading partner, that is followed by a reaction, the retaliatory closing of a market by that partner. In this unending pattern of action-reaction, at least one of the two countries must have a market closed to the other.

A Any one country may act according to the theory, but not every country.
B The argument assumes that countries do block markets to foreign trade.
C An international tribunal is not mentioned in the argument.
D Correct. This statement properly identifies the assumption required to create the never-ending action-reaction pattern.
E The argument does not discuss the protection of domestic trade.

The correct answer is D


The theory of trade retaliation states that countries closed out of any of another country's markets should close some of their own markets to the other country in order to pressure the other country to reopen its markets.

作者: wycg    时间: 2006-5-26 12:39
以下是引用ProteinMonica在2006-5-26 11:05:00的发言:



The theory of trade retaliation states that countries closed out of any of another country's markets should close some of their own markets to the other country in order to pressure the other country to reopen its markets.

The theory of trade retaliation states that countries closed out of any of another country's markets should close some of their own markets to the other country in order to pressure the other country to reopen its markets.

我也没学过这东东, 试着翻易一下.



作者: ivypp    时间: 2006-7-9 09:21


A       No country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation.

解释:Any one country may act according to the theory, but not every country.

这个解释是什么意思?题干不是已经说了If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with any other. 这个选项是直接与题干矛盾的,不明白它的解释有什么意义??但是如果大胆假设A选项本来是说Every country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation.的话就MAKE SENSE了。。狂汗。。难道ETS把题出错了。。 请各位NN帮帮忙,资质太愚钝了。。汗。。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-9 9:38:23编辑过]

作者: mbz    时间: 2006-7-9 11:41
以下是引用ivypp在2006-7-9 9:21:00的发言:


A       No country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation.

解释:Any one country may act according to the theory, but not every country.

这个解释是什么意思?题干不是已经说了If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with any other. 这个选项是直接与题干矛盾的,不明白它的解释有什么意义??但是如果大胆假设A选项本来是说Every country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation.的话就MAKE SENSE了。。狂汗。。难道ETS把题出错了。。 请各位NN帮帮忙,资质太愚钝了。。汗。。

My understanding is that as long as you know that choice A is the opposite of the argument, there is no need to study too much about why.  To me, CR is different from SC that as long as you understand how to get the correct answer, why bother to distract youself from the real feel of OG.

作者: ivypp    时间: 2006-7-12 16:51
mbz, you're right, thanks for your advice
作者: gracezhong78    时间: 2006-8-7 20:40
argument里已经说了If every country acted according to this theory,也就是说D选项,为什么D选项还是一个assumption呢?我是用排除法做的,可是不明白为什么要选D。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-7 20:42:01编辑过]

作者: 布瓜丫丫    时间: 2006-8-14 19:24
以下是引用ivypp在2006-7-9 9:21:00的发言:


A       No country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation.

解释:Any one country may act according to the theory, but not every country.

这个解释是什么意思?题干不是已经说了If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with any other. 这个选项是直接与题干矛盾的,不明白它的解释有什么意义??但是如果大胆假设A选项本来是说Every country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation.的话就MAKE SENSE了。。狂汗。。难道ETS把题出错了。。 请各位NN帮帮忙,资质太愚钝了。。汗。。

作者: 布瓜丫丫    时间: 2006-8-14 19:26



作者: ecochem    时间: 2006-8-15 04:49



作者: llxx1985cn    时间: 2007-4-2 23:29
以下是引用gracezhong78在2006-8-7 20:40:00的发言:
argument里已经说了If every country acted according to this theory,也就是说D选项,为什么D选项还是一个assumption呢?我是用排除法做的,可是不明白为什么要选D。


作者: gonghao    时间: 2007-4-3 22:38





Any one country may act according to the theory, but not every country


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-3 22:39:08编辑过]

作者: sunsai1251    时间: 2007-4-4 16:40

96 Commentator: The theory of trade retaliation states that countries closed out of any of another country's markets should close some of their own markets to the other country in order to pressure the other country to reopen its markets. If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with any other.

The commentator's argument relies on which of the following assumptions?

(A) No country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation.
(B) No country should block any of its markets to foreign trade.
(C) Trade disputes should be settled by international tribunal.
(D) For the two countries, at least one has some market closed to the other.
(E) Countries close their markets to foreigners to protect domestic producers.

原文的意思是:trade retaliation (贸易复仇论,哈哈,自己起的)说如果一个国家对另一个国家关闭了自己的一部分市场,那么对方的国家就会抱复性的关闭自己的一部分市场,来逼迫那个国家从新打开市场。(大概是这意思)

A 没有国家会按照这个理论做(做不作是它自己的事,无关)




D   国家关闭市场是为了保护自我。(管你什么目的呢,反正就是关了又怎么了,无关)


作者: lsw    时间: 2007-9-2 13:59
标题: That's good answer.

11th OG-96

以下是引用caterpillarcn在2006-7-29 15:06:00的发言:

the conclusion is "If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with any other. "
如果没有一个market被closed的话,就算every country acted according to this theory,  但是因为没有任何一个market is closed out,也就不会导致all the countries retaliate each other that results in all the trading to be closed out. 所以要推出上面的结论no country traded with each other,必须有至少一个market是已经被closed掉的。

作者: Whitney    时间: 2007-9-3 03:18
(D) is right.
The assumption of the argument is "For trading war to start, both countries import AND export products to each other."
For example, country X and country Y.  If country X imports the products made in ccountry Y and, at the same time, no country X's prodcuts are exported to country Y; when country X startes trade war to force country Y to open its market, there is nothing country Y can do because there is no country X's product in country Y.

作者: zhiyinfeifei    时间: 2008-1-2 11:32


作者: shirley8707    时间: 2008-4-23 22:48
作者: sandy07627    时间: 2008-7-6 10:10

96 Commentator: The theory of trade retaliation states that countries closed out of any of another country's markets should close some of their own markets to the other country in order to pressure the other country to reopen its markets. If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with any other.

这里的 closed out 是被动吗? 我只是有一点不明白country 还可以被close out 的?不是markets 被close的吗?


作者: singdeath    时间: 2008-8-9 16:16

A选项的意思说没有任何一个国家按照这个理论做。我感觉A选项是想说上面虚拟语气中隐含的意思,但是说过头,太绝对化了。而OG解释中也是说明了这个问题,即虽然任何国家(any country)都可以遵循这个理论,但实际上不是每个国家(not every country)都这么做 (否则现实中根本就不会存在国家间的贸易了)。把这个选项取非,不是每个国家实际上都遵循这个理论,不影响结论,因为结论中没有指望实际上每个国家都遵循这个理论。

D选项说任何两个国家之间,至少有一个关闭了其在对方国家的市场。正如OG所说,是开始那个循环的前提。有了这个条件成立(即在任何两个国家之间),前面的循环就可以开始运作。然后进一步推理,如果每个国家都这样,国家贸易就不存在了。把这个选项取非,任何两个国家之间,没有一个国家关闭市场。那么就是这个循环没有开始。既然没有这个循环,如何能把它推广到每个国家的情况呢?其实当原文最后一句话出现的时候,就已经假设这个循环在运作了,所以才能从countries推到every country。

作者: 普洱    时间: 2008-11-12 17:31
if every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with other.这句话很误导人,让人误以为这是作者的结论,就很容易选A了。 实际上,这个结论正合commentator提出的结论相反。

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