
标题: 语法的大虾看过来 [打印本页]

作者: nina23    时间: 2003-9-30 11:28
标题: 语法的大虾看过来
101.    The speculative fever of the Roaring Twenties infected rich and poor alike; vast quantities of people were dangerously overextended, credit was absurdly easy to obtain, and most brokerage houses required only ten percent cash for stocks bought on “margin.”
(A) rich and poor alike; vast quantities of people were dangerously overextended
(B) both rich and poor alike; large amounts of people dangerously overextended themselves
(C) rich and poor alike; great numbers of people were dangerously overextended
(D) both rich and poor alike; vast amounts of people dangerously overextended themselves     
(E) both rich and poor; great quantities of people were dangerously overextended
还有,both rich and poor 和rich and poor alike有神么区别么?

作者: jq_jou    时间: 2003-9-30 11:46
修饰可数名词GREAT NUMBERS在这儿是首选. 其他的大多见于修饰不可数名词.
BOTH... AND ... 和...ALIKE没有大不同
作者: gemj    时间: 2003-9-30 12:31
以下是引用nina23在2003-9-30 11:28:00的发言:
101. The speculative fever of the Roaring Twenties infected rich and poor alike; vast quantities of people were dangerously overextended, credit was absurdly easy to obtain, and most brokerage houses required only ten percent cash for stocks bought on “margin.”
(A) rich and poor alike; vast quantities of people were dangerously overextended
(B) both rich and poor alike; large amounts of people dangerously overextended themselves
(C) rich and poor alike; great numbers of people were dangerously overextended
(D) both rich and poor alike; vast amounts of people dangerously overextended themselves     
(E) both rich and poor; great quantities of people were dangerously overextended
还有,both rich and poor 和rich and poor alike有神么区别么?

其他黑体的都对,此外,还有ITS NUMBERS的用法,但我也不明白,为什么要加S。
例如vast quantities的表述可以大把大把地抓。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-30 12:32:21编辑过]

作者: remeo    时间: 2003-9-30 14:37
同意楼上的说法,好象一般见过的都是a number of的表达,还有一道题是专门把numbers改为a number的。

4.    Urban officials want the census to be as accurate and complete as possible for the reason that the amount of low-income people in a given area affect the distribution of about fifty billion dollars a year in federal funds.
(A) for the reason that the amount of low-income people in a given area affect
(B) for the reason because the amount of low-income people in a given area effects
(C) in that the amount of low-income people in given areas effect
(D) because the number of low-income people in a given area affects
(E) because the numbers of low-income people in given areas effects

答案是d,e中的numbers 就不对
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-30 14:38:51编辑过]

作者: kathy72    时间: 2003-9-30 15:10
the number of   ....的数目
a number of      大量的
great numbers of   大量的

第4题指低收入人数, 所以应选D
作者: nina23    时间: 2003-10-1 08:02
thank you all,learn some new knowledge here.
作者: shangjiongj    时间: 2013-6-19 09:54

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