
标题: 我这个菜鸟 [打印本页]

作者: singing    时间: 2003-4-4 02:24
标题: 我这个菜鸟


刚开始努力两三周,其实与各位xdjm相比真是惭愧,现在辞职全职复习,竟然每天真正用在学习上也只不过6-8个小时。把og和补充材料上的sc做了大部分,没有完全按时间来,50道题错20个左右。现在开始做逻辑,做了将近100道lsat的题,更加根本不可能按时间了,平均每道题需要3分钟左右,更有甚者,有些题得花到5分钟。即使这样,还是错的一塌糊涂,基本上错将近一半,甚至更多,哎,备受打击。想想这个样子,以后怎么敢去考试,真有点想打退堂鼓了。不过又一想,自己的英语水平虽好不到哪去,难道真就差到这个地步了吗?也不至于吧。上学时过了六极,也曾考过Ielts, 平时工作看文件和资料也要用英语的呀。不过话说回来,自己确实也够懒的了,单词到现在也没好好背,觉得没背单词好像做题时也不是有特别大的障碍,于是就始终懒得好好背,只是在做题时记一记遇到的生词。


作者: jamiw75    时间: 2003-4-4 04:07
作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-4-4 07:09
In my opinion 700 is reachable for most of people, as long as you keep working hard, cover enough material and follow the good plan.

Based on your describe, I will suggest you to take at least 3 month before go to test.
作者: inspire    时间: 2003-4-4 08:27
这位MM一开始就没有对GMAT重视, 可能和你的目标有关吧.
建议你先想想你的目标是什么, 给自己一个很有说服力的理由去考GMAT

PROMISE也是全职备考, 建议你参考一下她的贴子.
作者: jamiw75    时间: 2003-4-4 10:25
like me,part time,how long will I need?
作者: 山峰    时间: 2003-4-4 10:27
以下是引用singing在2003-4-4 2:24:00的发言:



singing mm,

you seem to have a solid base on English.
But better not use such mood to study Gmat, In my view, Gmat not only tests one's English, but peseverence and diligence.
SO, Add more pressure to yourself! ^.^

作者: singing    时间: 2003-4-4 11:16
thanks to eveyone!
till the end of June it is totally three months for me to study, i don't know if it is enough.
and i wonder if somenone else at the begining of studying GMAT met the conditions like me, feel so bad.
MBA probably is not my first choice, yet some other majors also need score of GMAT, so I have to.
作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-4-4 14:01
Singing sister, honestly, I think you problem is concentration. You time is enough, but you need to stay away from other people/things, study in the library or some place your can really focus on GMAT.

Forgive me if I used some strong words. We will be happy to answer your questions.

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