心态:首先我看了也亲自体验了IBT的评分标准,觉得IBT口语是偏向正式的presentation,所以在考试的时候是我会尽量想象自己面对一大批听众,而不是一个考官。 我在考试时的紧张是由于平时练的少,而且很少机会公共场合发言。ToastMaster Club对于消除这个紧张会有帮助,有机会的话可以去试一下。
平时练习:1)多听正式的口语,平时的对话对于我们来说是不够的。因为你会结合你的方式来补充你语言上的不足,比如表情和手势,但IBT的考官很不幸无法看到我们的VIDEO,希望以后ETS会改进(请别扔ET[egg&tamato],man,ETS每次改进都会增加我们的考试成本)。 正式的口语:新闻,以前的听力长对话,主要是培养语感[语音语调] 2)结合听力长对话,再练习总结能力,longman上的例子对于我来说太长,我只要1分钟9句话这样的速度就可以了。 3)加强语法,如果我想得分高点,就要用到一点高级语法(不能用多,点到即止) 4)从论坛做起,平时发topic就尽量用英文发,一个回帖其实就是一个问题,限制自己在20秒内反应,录下来然后typing到论坛上 (楼下别嘘,说楼主你别胡吹,现在你不还是在用中文?ET伺候。I promise starting it from now. Thanks for all the eggs and tamatoes. Suggestions and Objection are appreciated.
Luck: The lasting thing I need to get a decent score is luck. For example, a good exam schedule, a nice place, a nearby parking lot, a seperated seat, no one talking when you are in listening section, no experiment sections. Though I was lucky last time, I till hope to get it one more time. Wish you would too.
thank you for giving me such a chance to practise my spoken english.And i would like to follow you in some way.I'm so admiring your belief,but very doubt of mine.
First I would say my thanks to all fo you, for your support and suggestion. The thinking in english idea rasied by Sanxian is really a key to ESL. When we talk in english, we translate english to chinese, prepare answer in chinese, then transfer it into english. our cpu is not power enough to deal with it in a short given time. that's why I failed in speaking or feel difficault to chat with native-speakers. Practice is key thing. Not an offense, but I really wanna say it's necessary for us to get ourselves involved with western people communities, events, clubs, and so on.
Keep going. choose any direction, as long as it's moving forward.
Thanks, Lily Orange. I would agree with your opinion except one point, keep alert. Now we are thinking in chinese, expressing in english. As long as you keep checking grammar, u are farther away from fluency. Correctness can be improved by reading, reciting, repeating and rephrasing. I would rather say keeping correcting, instead of keeping alert.
split and conquer. first target: speaking.
chouki 好运!!!!!
比较同意yinzheng的说法, 北美判分比较严格!
to hebbechou:
four criterias will be used to evaluate ur score, general description, delivery, language use and topic development. Pronunciation is mentioned in delivery. See details below:
Score 4:
Speech is generally clear, fluid and sustained. It may include minor lapses or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation. Pace may vary at times as the spearker attmpts to recall information. Overall intelligibility remains high.
In my opinion, pronunciation is not such a big issue as long as no misunderstanding is caused.
exactly. we have to consider the environment of ther exam center as well. wish I will get a quiet seat.
Good luck,everybody!
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