
标题: [求助]PREP中的一道题目 [打印本页]

作者: 司香尉    时间: 2006-5-16 16:02
标题: [求助]PREP中的一道题目



For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city. There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving. The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito’s buildings from the buses’ exhaust will diminish significantly

Which of the following ,if true,most strongly supports the arugments?

A The exhaust from Palitito’s few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito’s buildings

B Palitilo’s Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust

C Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito thransporting passengers form one site to another.

D More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by other single means of transportation

E Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitioto while their passengers are visiting a site

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-16 16:21:02编辑过]

作者: 二狼神    时间: 2006-5-16 21:04



E是最大的干扰项,这题只要会排除E就可以选出C.把E作一下改动,比如不要SOME, 把unable to find改写一下, 那么E的支持作用还是有的.但因为有了C,E一般要以这种面目出现,也是很讨人厌的了.

作者: 司香尉    时间: 2006-5-16 21:57




作者: 二狼神    时间: 2006-5-17 17:58



作者: rosmarine    时间: 2006-5-17 18:12
作者: 司香尉    时间: 2006-5-17 22:18
以下是引用rosmarine在2006-5-17 18:12:00的发言:

文中的句子:There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving.

因为车位少,所以大部分车子都在路边闲置,产生和驾驶时一样的废气,所以我认为 E 兜圈子也会产生废气,那么停车的计划好。我是这样推理的啊。

作者: rosmarine    时间: 2006-5-18 19:28

作者: 司香尉    时间: 2006-5-18 22:29
以下是引用rosmarine在2006-5-18 19:28:00的发言:

For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city.


作者: rosmarine    时间: 2006-5-18 23:34
作者: ncyellow    时间: 2006-5-18 23:38
以下是引用司香尉在2006-5-16 16:02:00的发言:



For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city. There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving. The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito’s buildings from the buses’ exhaust will diminish significantly

Which of the following ,if true,most strongly supports the arugments?

A The exhaust from Palitito’s few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito’s buildings

B Palitilo’s Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust

C Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito thransporting passengers form one site to another.

D More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by other single means of transportation

E Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitioto while their passengers are visiting a site


作者: 司香尉    时间: 2006-5-18 23:39
我终于明白我理解错在哪里了,我误以为idling produces as much exhaust as driving是说停在路边产生的废气和开车产生的废气破坏一样大了,其实是说废气一样多,但是破坏不一样。多谢rosmarine一直孜孜不倦的教导我!
作者: 司香尉    时间: 2006-5-18 23:41


作者: zxzhyzcy    时间: 2007-6-14 22:58
以下是引用司香尉在2006-5-16 16:02:00的发言:

For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city. There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving. The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito’s buildings from the buses’ exhaust will diminish significantly

Which of the following ,if true,most strongly supports the arugments?

A The exhaust from Palitito’s few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito’s buildings

B Palitilo’s Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust

C Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito thransporting passengers form one site to another.

D More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by other single means of transportation

E Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitioto while their passengers are visiting a site

我也觉得E无关,但是有不同的想法,Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city.说明不管是driving还是idling的exhaust都对建筑物产生了破坏作用。

停车场解决的是部分idling buses的问题,E中的driving buses与此无关,因为没有停车位置的buses不管是继续idling还是drive around Palitioto 都产生了废气破坏建筑物,C说明有一部分idling buses不再idling而产生废气,所以降低了破坏建筑物的废气量。


作者: hexiaobo110    时间: 2007-6-14 23:17

E选项中有明显的错误信号 SOME,这个单词本身就有很多意思可以理解,造成结论的不严密

作者: MangoQQ    时间: 2007-6-15 06:10
啊呀! 我刚做这道题,也给TRICK了一下, 哎...还是技术不纯熟啊. 惭愧...
作者: MangoQQ    时间: 2007-6-15 06:17

For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city.  There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled不能动() at the curb路边 during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving.  The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.


Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?


(A) The exhaust from Palitito's few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito's buildings.

(B) Palitito's Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust.

(C) Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito transporting
            passengers from one site to another.  driving
的时间少(间接说其实那些bus停在路边制造的废气比开车时的多的多),所以如果有parking lot 就避免了idling, 从而减少了汽车对buildingexhaust.

(D) More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by any other single means of transportation.

(E) Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitito while their passengers are visiting a site. 干扰选项! 虽说也能从某种程度上削弱, 但程度远不及C选项.

这是我做的总结. 请指正.

作者: jonathan1987    时间: 2008-10-21 09:07
作者: Howto    时间: 2009-3-25 10:56

作者: 氤氲雾气    时间: 2010-9-16 14:39
作者: melodyldeeaves    时间: 2011-5-19 13:08
标题: 楼主请看
文章中是说的 idling around "the curb" 但是E选项说的可是 P城啊  而且是在P城周围 不一定就靠近建筑物啊

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