
标题: 那位牛gd牛jm能总结比较级than后的省略规则?谢谢! [打印本页]

作者: siebel    时间: 2003-4-3 22:50
标题: 那位牛gd牛jm能总结比较级than后的省略规则?谢谢!

OG-46 (Key: E)
46. A study commissioned by the Department of Agriculture showed that if calves exercise and associated with other calves, they will require less medication and gain weight quicker than do those raised in confinement.
A.    associated with other calves, they will require less medication and gain weight quicker than do
B.    associated with other calves, they require less medication and gain weight quicker than
C.    associate with other calves, they required less medication and will gain weight quicker than do
D.    associate with other calves, they have required less medication and will gain weight more quickly than do
E.    associate with other calves, they require less medication and gain weight more quickly than

作者: 山峰    时间: 2003-4-4 10:22
siebel bro,


have sth here. hope can make sense.

...,as many people live in suburb as those who live in cities.
A) 必错
C)those who live in cities
D) those in cities
E) in cities


,as many people (as those who live in cities) live in suburb.

1,as many people live in suburb as live in cities. Or,
2, as many people live in suburb as in cities.
The girl ate as many apples as John.

1,The girl ate as many apples as John did.(第二个As后面的主语不能省略因为主语所指不同。一个是“the girl”,一个是“John”。)
2, The girl ate as many apples as (she ate) John.(hehe,她能吃得了几个John呢?第二个AS后面的主语一般也不能省略因为对比的是宾语部分。其实我觉得这里的主语真省了从语法来说也不会产生什么歧义,只不过习惯上不省略。)

On sunday, as many girls went to the movies as went shopping.

My two cents.

作者: smilinglan    时间: 2003-4-4 13:47


1,对于这道题:谓语后面出现比较,但是比较级后面没有名词  require less  ,gain ...more quickly 经过我对og上面类似题目的总结,我发现如果在这种情况,助动词应该省略。所以这道题不要加任何助动词。再比如OG 149

2, 主语之间的比较,也就是句子之间的比较,这个时候一定要补出助动词,比如OG 168 Today,because of improvements in agricultural technology ,the same amount of arcreage produces (twice as many as apples as it did)in 1910 如果这里不补出一定会造成歧义,这道题就会造成是apples 与it(the same amount of arcreage)的比较,所以一定要加上。再比如OG 133

3,宾语之间的比较,这个时候不要补出的,比如I have more apples than oranges.

4,另外还有一种比较,这个比较往往是宾语后面的成分进行的比较,通常在宾语后面含有介词。名词1(主语)+动词+名词2(宾语)+介词(比如to ,with等)+动词+名词3+比较+名词4  这里是名词3与名词4的比较。

比如OG 112题

Domestic automobile manufacture have invested millions of dollars (in reseach to develop cars more gasoline efficient than those at present on the road.)这里是名词3(cars)与名词4(those at present on the road.)的比较。


Although Napoleon's army entered Russia with  far more suppiles than (for any previous campaigns,)it had provisions for only twenty -four days.

这里是suppiles 与后面的suppiles for any previous campaigns的比较,只不过这里的suppiles省略了。


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-4-11 18:28:02编辑过]

作者: siebel    时间: 2003-4-5 04:05



OG 说THAN 后面的that指代protein,于是than从句变成了 ... than protein in wheat ...。其主谓宾都应该是什么呢?

按照平行原则,than后面的丛菊应该是类似wheat has protein of ... 这样的句子吧。二者似乎不可协调的说。


19. In addition to having more protein than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet.
B.    rice has protein of higher quality than that in
C.    the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in
D.    rice protein is higher in quality than it is in
E.    rice has a protein higher in quality than
作者: smilinglan    时间: 2003-4-10 13:31
以下是引用siebel在2003-4-5 4:05:00的发言:



OG 说THAN 后面的that指代protein,于是than从句变成了 ... than protein in wheat ...。其主谓宾都应该是什么呢?

按照平行原则,than后面的丛菊应该是类似wheat has protein of ... 这样的句子吧。二者似乎不可协调的说。


19. In addition to having more protein than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet.
B. rice has protein of higher quality than that in
C. the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in
D. rice protein is higher in quality than it is in
E. rice has a protein higher in quality than

小鹿,诶,你这里弄错了一个问题,这里比较的是宾语,所以不是像你说的“照平行原则,than后面的丛菊应该是类似wheat has protein of ... 这样的句子吧。”因为这里比较的是rice 里的 protein 与wheat 里的protein 质量。就好象是 I have  more apples than oranges,这里是apple 与orange 的比较。并且这里未划线部分已经将wheat放在了后面的位置,所以你是不能将wheat 放在前面的~

希望兰莓说明白了哦~ 你真是好会取名字呀,

作者: siebel    时间: 2003-4-10 22:02
以下是引用smilinglan在2003-4-10 13:31:00的发言:
小鹿,诶,你这里弄错了一个问题,这里比较的是宾语,所以不是像你说的“照平行原则,than后面的丛菊应该是类似wheat has protein of ... 这样的句子吧。”因为这里比较的是rice 里的 protein 与wheat 里的protein 质量。就好象是 I have  more apples than oranges,这里是apple 与orange 的比较。并且这里未划线部分已经将wheat放在了后面的位置,所以你是不能将wheat 放在前面的~

希望兰莓说明白了哦~ 你真是好会取名字呀,

谢谢兰莓! sorry, 还是有点不明白。

apple 与orange 的比较我明白,因为:I have more apples than oranges. == I have more apples than I have oranges.

大前提:than 后面一定是个从句(不肯定...),经省略后变成我们见到的样子。即:一定可以把他还原为从句如果不怕麻烦的话。类似上面的apple orange.




Rice has protein of higher quality than (wheat has protein of xx quality).

为了后面介词短语的需要,作者将than从句结构调整。than clause中,that应该做宾语,可是他做谁的宾语呢?


作者: smilinglan    时间: 2003-4-11 18:11
谢谢小鹿的提醒,我又仔细看了一下,这个确实不是宾语之间的比较,我同意你的说法:Rice has protein of higher quality than (wheat has protein of xx quality).  所以这道题是比较特殊的一道题目,其实这道题也可以这么说,就象OG中解释的一样,Rice has protein of higher quality than does wheat.(其实应该是主语之间的比较)我去改改我的那个帖子。

另外还 有一种比较,不知道你有没有注意到,这个比较往往是宾语后面的成分进行的比较,通常在宾语后面含有介词。名词1(主语)+动词+名词2(宾语)+介词(比如to ,with等)+动词+名词3+比较+名词4  这里是名词3与名词4的比较。

比如OG 112题

Domestic automobile manufacture have invested millions of dollars (in reseach to develop cars more gasoline efficient than those at present on the road.)这里是名词3(cars)与名词4(those at present on the road.)的比较。


Although Napoleon's army entered Russia with  far more suppiles than (for any previous campaigns,)it had provisions for only twenty -four days.

这里是suppiles 与后面的suppiles for any previous campaigns的比较,只不过这里的suppiles省略了。


作者: siebel    时间: 2003-4-11 20:13
作者: alicezyk    时间: 2012-11-7 21:40
我觉得唯一的规则就是 有木有AMBIGUITY 有就补出 木有就可以不补 补了也不错
作者: dtlovefz    时间: 2017-1-27 08:45
第一,答案B并不特殊,答案B的补全方式不应该是rice has protein of higher quality than wheat has protein of XX quality,这
         样的比较结构本身就奇怪。所以按照楼主的补全方式,应该是OG里对E选项的解释, rice has a protein higher in quality
         than does wheat, 去掉倒装, 补全宾语,补全后全句为 rice has a protein higher in quality than wheat has a protein.
rice has protein of higher quality than that in wheat (is), is被省略掉了, 因为在这里整个of higher quality than that in wheat is 作为修饰语修饰主句中的protein, 而在这个修饰语中其实protein是逻辑上的主语, that指代protein,所以真正的比较对象是修饰语中的逻辑主语大米中的protein和小麦中的protein在比较,整个句子的句意是:大米含有比小麦中蛋白质质量更高的蛋白质。另外如果我们将of的修饰方式改成which引导的定语从句的修饰方式,全句变为rice has protein which is higher than that in wheat (is), 在从句中其实比较成分是主语,即大米中含有的蛋白质和小麦中含有的蛋白质在比较;
作者: lianhanhua    时间: 2017-1-29 20:55
dtlovefz 发表于 2017-1-27 08:45
第一,答案B并不特殊,答案B的补全方式不应该是rice has protein of higher ...


作者: lianhanhua    时间: 2017-1-29 21:11
smilinglan 发表于 2003-4-11 18:11
谢谢小鹿的提醒,我又仔细看了一下,这个确实不是宾语之间的比较,我同意你的说法:Rice has protein of hi ...


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