谢谢作者: wuxiren 时间: 2003-9-27 12:32
有正在多伦多申请的朋友吗?能否联系一下一起来解决申请的问题? 我的邮件地址 niminok(A) hotmail.com,可以把我加到MSN里去的,谢谢作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-9-27 12:33
It's strange that different schools have different policy for TOEFL score. I'll suggest you to check the school you want to apply. In the deadline part, it will tell you what's the valid T date.
Also, are you going to apply Ms Accounting program?作者: yqx78 时间: 2003-9-28 10:00
as for the T validity, I suggest you inquire about the school you are applying. I took it in2002/5, some schools do not accept.