有一篇长对话我没听懂:就是一个mm在抱怨sandwich,而且说她从小什么都不作,全她老妈代劳,但不知道究竟是她不会做还是口味不合 question: 1 问mm在抱怨什么:选项it took long time to order sandwich/sandwich costs her a lot/she never eat XXX oil from her high shool/she only eat XXX in salad
文章: bird beaks' adaptation to diet (有题:main point) three types 又尖又长的:eat insects from crack(好像是crack) 带钩子的carnivore: eat mice and .. 短粗型:eat big seed. 有图,很简单,有一配对题
阅读 考前只看了jj词汇,好好记 American handmade paper North American shipbuild Kill buffalo North American business signs Whale and dolphin's adaptation to cold sea(they are warm blood mammal)
有个词汇想了挺久 survey - communicate/limit/... 句子是the business sign survey the nature of the business to public
作文: Do you agree that parents are the best teachers.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-27 2:57:06编辑过]
作者: lavender 时间: 2003-9-27 03:00
thanks a lot作者: fatangel 时间: 2003-9-27 05:40
ding very much!作者: chanceyq 时间: 2003-9-27 05:53
谢谢,你的信息很有帮助,另外还想问阅读是90分钟吗?时间都怎么安排啊?作者: MaggieLi 时间: 2003-9-27 07:13
阅读是90分钟5篇 语法20分钟25题,这部分我花了很长时间,差点没作完作者: assly 时间: 2003-9-27 07:58
thanks a lot