
标题: [原创]介绍位于南加州的 Pepperdine MBA [打印本页]

作者: PepperdineMBA    时间: 2006-4-20 02:57
标题: [原创]介绍位于南加州的 Pepperdine MBA

Pepperdine University
Graziadio School of Business and Management  

Contact: Ms. Yu, Tian,Assistant Director Marketing & Student Recruitment,

位于美国南加州的Pepperdine University, 裴普丹大学,是一所建于1937年的私立中型大学﹐ 以严谨求实的学风位居美国一流大学的行列。裴普丹大学的Graziadio School of Business & Management 设立于1969年﹐ 是美国最具实力的商学院之一。学院设有两年制﹐ 一年制MBA 国际MBA等学位。实行平均22人一班的小班制教学方式。开设的课程以商业理论为基础﹐ MBA学生以及企业的中高层经理提供具有实用性﹐ 国际性与时代特色的最新管理知识

Pepperdine MBA的优势:

Pepperdine MBA 简介 [attach]46304[/attach]

毕业生简介-俞振华,MBA06 [attach]46305[/attach]

毕业生简介- 张玮,MBA04 [attach]46306[/attach]

'我为什末选择了Pepperdine MBA' -- 俞振华,MBA06 [attach]46307[/attach]

'清华IMBA交换学生在Pepperdine的经历‘ [attach]46308[/attach]




[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-27 2:55:59编辑过]

作者: OrangeBlossom    时间: 2006-4-20 03:17


作者: tristayang    时间: 2006-4-20 14:53


作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-4-20 18:14




作者: IL    时间: 2006-4-21 01:08
作者: gonghao    时间: 2006-4-21 16:39





作者: dancerme814    时间: 2006-4-21 18:56
看了一下 竟然没有会计专业?
作者: modern    时间: 2006-4-22 18:22
要唸會計有太多地方可以選擇了  一堆學校開了Macc, MSA, MAS,之類的課程 總歸一句話 名字不同但教的就是會計 還比MBA便宜的多  這個concentration在美國原本就不是MBA的顯學了 美國也鮮少MBA是以"我要concentration in accounting" 作為志向的
作者: PepperdineMBA    时间: 2006-4-27 02:27

Accounting is usually not a popular concentration for MBA, at least not in the US.  epperdine MBA program has a lot of students with accounting background, even CPAs.  Their career tracks are most likely to be in corporate finance, M&A, banking, investment...

作者: PepperdineMBA    时间: 2006-4-27 02:35
标题: 回复:(gonghao)哦,偶的气象学知识比较匮乏LA不刮...

Los Angeles没有龙卷风, 也鲜有地震。即使一年有1,2次地震,也是3级以下,在几百里外的沙漠里,对城里没有影响。 天气基本上和昆明,大理之类的地方差不多。阳光明媚,四季常青。

作者: lesery    时间: 2006-4-27 09:12


作者: king_dq    时间: 2006-4-27 13:20

算算来Pepperdine的Graziadio商学院读书已经快一年了. 越来越享受这里的学习和生活. 加州不愧是美国的天堂, 气候、环境真是特别的舒服. 而Pepperdine位于太平洋和加州一号公路的边上,风景更是美不胜收。每天开车穿行于Malibu Canyon路上,然后路尽头豁然见到美丽的校园和太平洋,总是让心情变得愉悦起来。


一年过去了,学校的职业中心开始让大家申请Mentor了。Pepperdine在LA的校友特别多,包括MBA和EMBA. Mentor多为LA各大公司的CEO,CFO或VP等.此举也让学生有更多机会和企业交流和学习.

虽然Pepperdine的排名在全美不能达到Top级的,但其在LA以至CA地区的影响很大.很喜欢Pepperdine,钟情于她的独到和精致, 所以上来小小的介绍一下.希望更多的人对她有更多的了解.

作者: snowheat    时间: 2006-4-27 14:50
Pepperdine 在LA, 仅次于UCLA, USC, UCI  ???
作者: PepperdineMBA    时间: 2006-4-28 02:00
标题: 回复:(lesery)但这一次的申请就赶不上了,是吧?好...
作者: PepperdineMBA    时间: 2006-4-28 02:06
标题: 回复:(snowheat)Pepperdine 在LA, 仅次于UCLA, USC...

What is the Pepperdine advantage?

Pepperdine graduates over 2,000 part-time and executive MBAs each year.  The impact of Pepperdine MBAs in Southern California business world is huge.  Just about every local corporation, large, medium or samll, has mid or senior level managers that are Pepperdine MBAs.  What does it mean to our full time students...more connections and network lead to internship and job opportunities.  

The starting salary question...

Many questioned why our graduates has a lower average starting salary than other local schools.  We have over 40% international students from Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa.  Many of them return to their home country after graduation, which might result in a lower starting salary comparing to the US standard.  

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-28 2:10:45编辑过]

作者: tropicalfish    时间: 2006-4-29 09:06
To lesery, 这个学校给奖学金比例非常高,这样你就不用loan了.  

作者: shenhaiyu    时间: 2006-5-2 22:32
以下是引用tropicalfish在2006-4-29 9:06:00的发言:
To lesery, 这个学校给奖学金比例非常高,这样你就不用loan了.  


作者: 大苹果    时间: 2006-5-4 13:59
以下是引用tropicalfish在2006-4-29 9:06:00的发言:
To lesery, 这个学校给奖学金比例非常高,这样你就不用loan了.  


作者: lesery    时间: 2006-5-4 14:29


作者: lesery    时间: 2006-5-4 15:19
作者: PepperdineMBA    时间: 2006-5-5 05:05
No, no spring admission.
作者: PepperdineMBA    时间: 2006-5-5 05:10
标题: 回复:(lesery)假如我6月15日之前把所有材料寄到,那...

I would only encourage you to apply if you can submit a complete application within the next couple weeks.  Usually, it takes 2 weeks for us to review your file and give you a decision.  If you are admitted, the school will send you the admission letter via FedEx.  After you return the intent to enroll form and a deposit to us, our international student services office will process your I20, which will take another 2-3 weeks.  Which means, between the time we receive your application and the time you receive the I-20 for visa application, it will take about one month.  Therefore, if you want to apply, you definitely should not wait until 6/15.  

作者: tropicalfish    时间: 2006-5-5 08:33
To Lesery, 不要等到6月15, 越早越好. 我想你要能在5月底前就提交,应该会很快拿到消息. 这家Admission非常好,
效率也极高,你动作快点, 我觉得签证是来得及的. 另外, 就算600多看你综合条件好也可能拿到奖学金呀. 你赶快试试把.

作者: tropicalfish    时间: 2006-5-5 08:36
To大苹果, 目前据我所知中国人被admitted的, 都拿到了奖学金.

作者: lesery    时间: 2006-5-5 13:35
作者: shenhaiyu    时间: 2006-5-8 12:48
以下是引用lesery在2006-5-5 13:35:00的发言:


作者: 来得及时    时间: 2006-5-10 13:43

Just browsing here.  I am so happy for you to find a MBA school that is beautiful where you can get accepted and get some money for school.  

Glad people are helping each other out.  I just visited LA 3 weeks ago and it is a nice place.  However, I must say that my goal is East Coast Top 5.    

Just stopping by...  Wish everyone a happy school year.  

作者: trojanchris    时间: 2006-5-19 11:06

Hi, I am planning to go to LA for MBA or MAcc study in next Fall. I have worked in CPA field for over 7 years, including 4 years in EY (Beijing & London), 2 years in an UK SOX consulting Co. and 1year in PwC. I'd like to know the minimum requirements for GMAT and TOFEL (I haven't taken the exem yet) if I need the scholarship in regards with my background. Pls also advise more details about the perspective of working in the US after graduation.

作者: 盐水毛豆    时间: 2006-12-19 22:06
作者: bbb21jjj    时间: 2007-12-5 17:05


作者: sssophie    时间: 2007-12-5 17:45



作者: conniedaiyun    时间: 2007-12-5 17:52

have heard of it long time ago lar

rumor says it has the best student dorm, maybe because it's located so close to malibu beach!

Good luck to those who are applying~

作者: 叱咤猩猩    时间: 2007-12-6 10:17
作者: 叱咤猩猩    时间: 2007-12-6 10:33

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