
标题: 答案CONFIRMATION [打印本页]

作者: mybluemoon    时间: 2006-4-3 17:38

To provide extra revenue for improving city bus service, the major proposed a fare increase. The director of the bus service, however, pointed out that the previous bus fare increase had resulted in so many regular riders abandoning the bus system altogether that revenues from bus service had decreased. Another fare increase, the director argued, would only lead to another revenue drop.

The director’s argument depends on which of the following assumptions?

  • The previous fare increase was the same amount as the proposed fare increase.

  • some of the people currently using the bus have the option of not traveling by bus.

  • 答案是e 吗?  

    作者: jandjshi    时间: 2006-4-4 06:35
    A: amount of increase is not part of the discussion.
    E: 取非= All of the people DO NOT have the option of not traveling by bus => 结论不能成立.

    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-6 11:39:30编辑过]

    作者: mybluemoon    时间: 2006-4-4 06:35

    In the E  "some people" sounds little weak. But I guess I will go with E too.

    Because in A, if the fare doesn't need increase the same amount, it could increase more than that amount.

    作者: mybluemoon    时间: 2006-4-4 12:43


    some do 的取非 是 all the people do not.. 还是有些晕

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