ND 60% fellowship VS Babson 100% fellowship, any insights??
Notre Dame,
Advantages: Better reputation, good program, strong alumni network, beautiful campus, inexpense living expense...
Disadvantages: location, less money...
Advantages: good location (more job opportunities), more network opportunities with other univeristies in the Boston (I heard so), more money...
Disadvantages: not as well know as ND, selection program not very desirable (learned from CD, not sure whether is true or not), high living expense..
PS: I know Babson focus on enterpreneour, and I am fine with that approach. Also, I was told location is very important!
Anyone has any insights can share?? Thanks in advance!
Babson, hands down.
除了top 10, 其他同档次的学校location是最最重要的。这样的例子见得太多了。
请问你是第几轮申请的Babson,何时收到offer的?交流一下好么? 我今年也申请了 babson,第二轮,还在等通知,正在焦虑中呢,联系我:jennyjiang78(A) hotmail.com
second round, just got the offer.
哈哈 有钱的公子
LZ 怎么不说背景?
ND的FINANCE相对好一点,不过我觉得去BABSON你的眼界开阔得比 ND 要广,毕竟LOCATION 好很多. ND的宗教氛围不适合喜欢自由自在的人
thats something I never heard of.
我也拿到babson的offer拉~,不过信里没有提到奖的问题,请教ren mm 怎样知道奖学金?很喜欢babson的虽然小,但是这么小的学校能把mba做到这样已经很不错啦!
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