
标题: [求助]885 SecE-23 [打印本页]

作者: Daphnechen    时间: 2003-9-23 21:35
标题: [求助]885 SecE-23
A new phenomena, which is visible at Managua’s major intersections, are waves of vendors and beggars, which include many children and mob cars at the stoplights.

(A) A new phenomena, which is visible at Managua’s major intersections, are waves of vendors and beggars, which include many children and
(B) Visible at Managua’s major intersections are waves of vendors and beggars with many children, new phenomena that
(C) A new phenomenon visible at Managua’s major intersections is waves of vendors and beggars, many of them children, who
(D) Phenomenally new waves of vendors, beggars, and many children are visible at Managua’s major intersections, which
(E) A wave of vendors and beggars, many of whom are children, are visible at Managua’s major intersections, where they are a new phenomenon and

Correct answer: C

Why answer C?  "Many of them children" in answer C sounds weird.

作者: yzlinlin    时间: 2003-10-26 04:19
many of them children的n.+n.的独立结构我觉得没有问题。其他各项错误如下:

A, A new phenomena 错; 主谓不一致; which 的使用; 句末and 的使用。

B,new phenomena that (mob...) 错。

D,最后which的使用使得句子变成 intersections mob....

E, 主谓不一致; they 的指代; mob...的主语不清。

作者: ippohsu    时间: 2004-7-29 21:57




作者: LES    时间: 2004-7-29 22:05
作者: davidcopper    时间: 2004-10-27 10:52

这一题我觉得C也有一定歧义,最后的who是修饰children还是vendors and beggers呢,不过相比其它,应该是最好选项吧


作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2004-12-4 17:49

C的who修饰什么?children还是vendors and beggars?

E的are和a wave of vendors and beggars是否搭配?a wave of vendors and beggars是单数还是复数?


1)At 6:00 the first wave of bombers were sent out from the carrier.

2)There was a great wave of immigrants to the U.S. at the beginning of the 20th century.

3)There was another wave of applause as Adams stepped up to the podium.



作者: amacd    时间: 2005-9-6 16:57
以下是引用wwwhahchn在2004-12-4 17:49:00的发言:

C的who修饰什么?children还是vendors and beggars?vendors and beggers

E的are和a wave of vendors and beggars是否搭配?a wave of vendors and beggars是单数还是复数?should be is "A"

作者: amacd    时间: 2005-9-6 17:03

1)At 6:00 the first wave of bombers were sent out from the carrier.

You didnt copy down the whole sentence correctly.

should be:

At 6:00 AM the first elements of the air attack consisting of fighter aircraft, torpedeo bombers, high-level bombers and dive-bombers were aloft and assembling in the pre-dawn gloom.

it's a list of things, so "were"

作者: evelyndream    时间: 2005-9-20 16:56

(C) A new phenomenon visible at Managua’s major intersections is waves of vendors and beggars, many of them children, who

可是這個  A new phenomenonis waves of vendors and beggars 不會不一致嗎

像碰到這種情況  Be動詞該用單數還是複數是該由前面的名詞決定還是後面的決定呢??

作者: hawkinsxie    时间: 2006-5-7 00:08

1)只有主谓一致,所以 a new phenomenon is waves ...没错。


3)many of them children 独立主格+名词,作同位语

作者: ssl507    时间: 2007-7-13 00:47
因为vendors and beggars 前面有of,所以many of them children 应该修饰 vendors and beggars
作者: Liu_leaf    时间: 2009-5-15 01:14

A new phenomenon visible at Managua’s major intersections is waves of vendors and beggars, many of them children, who

作者: AlienX    时间: 2009-5-15 02:50
作者: sires_0    时间: 2009-9-16 13:20

对于其它选项的错误已经清楚,但是觉得C选项有些语义上有些讲不通。提取句子主干: A new phenomenon
            is waves of vendors and beggars。现象怎么可能是一群人?请NN指点一下,谢谢。

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