It's EWMBA, Evening and Weekend (part time) MBA. Background: mid-30's, hold a director level position in Silicon Valley. GMAT 730, TOEFL 110 (new format, total 120). 5 years working experience in China, 8 years in US.
Andy, you have a very strong background. You can try Stanford or Wharton west EMBA too.
Andy, you have a very strong background. You can try Stanford or Wharton west EMBA too.
I kind of feel I wouldn't fit very well into the EMBA class. Plus both these two schools have much higher price tag :-) After all, it's what you learned matters more. Thanks for all the congrats.
新托福..考了110 ???????
强人!! 强人...不愧是在美国呆了8年的人
I am applying for Haas EWMBA 2nd, and would like to get some advice from you. If possible, please send me a word. I have left my personal email address in your mail box.
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