

作者: lolala    时间: 2006-3-15 11:25



面試等了超久 DECISION卻是快得讓我措手不及

一早看到信 開頭沒有恭喜 心已涼了半截


真的很喜歡GEORGETOWN 請各位大牛們 幫幫我 該怎樣擠進錄取名單裡 >__<

我知道我AT不夠高但也離過去的AVG不是太多分 降還需要重考嘛><

但是我已經許久沒碰AT了 也不知還能考幾分 也不知還要唸多久 埃

我的GPA就真的很低了 雖然學校在Q&A建議可以去社區大學修習 在拿成績單證明




還有WAITINGLIST到底要等到什麼時候才會有結果阿 我真的快瘋了

5555~~一早就被打擊 整天都沒心情做正事了....

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-15 11:28:02编辑过]

作者: treadapath    时间: 2006-3-15 14:39
以下是引用lolala在2006-3-15 11:25:00的发言:


該怎樣擠進錄取名單裡 >__<

我的GPA就真的很低了 雖然學校在Q&A建議可以去社區大學修習 在拿成績單證明




還有WAITINGLIST到底要等到什麼時候才會有結果阿 我真的快瘋了

5555~~一早就被打擊 整天都沒心情做正事了....


Sorry to hear that, but don't give up, you still got big chance to squeeze in. I've read posts on how to get out of the waitlist and the first and foremost factor is: show your passion to this school and your fit and your perseverance from now on! Email!! write well posed emails to demonstrate above qualities! and report them your action for example taking classes at community college, etc.

Also I notice that there are very few discussions on GT, and I believe many people take this only as a back-up or alternative, so take hold of it and don't let it go!

Best wishes!

作者: lolala    时间: 2006-3-15 14:53



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-15 14:54:00编辑过]

作者: g18000    时间: 2006-3-15 22:16
Good luck!

I am still waiting for something....

作者: ruppina    时间: 2006-3-15 23:54

write another letter to them, emphasize your strength again.

If you know someone who's georgetown alumni/ has a strong b-school background, and knows you well. Ask him to write a recommendation letter for you again. Mail both letters to the admissions office.

That's how you make yourself different from others. trust me, That's the suggestion from one of the board of trustee of georgetown gave to me.

作者: lolala    时间: 2006-3-16 00:00
ruppina, thank you very much. It is really a very useful information. 3QQQQQQQQQQQQQ
作者: ttso    时间: 2006-3-16 02:37
How is Georgetown's reputation internationally?
作者: ruppina    时间: 2006-3-16 03:00
It's pretty good in the US. Politians love this school. It's very very nice location and has a very beautiful campus.
作者: jkmbe    时间: 2006-3-16 03:21
there is still hope, don't give up.

作者: knobhill18    时间: 2006-3-16 04:00

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